

All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
For the past coupleof days i´ve been digging around websites like this one: https://www.researchgate.net/ and i´m shocked to see how fucked up this people can be.
There are countless coroner reports of suicide cases with pictures of the deceased spread all over the internet.
It´s the coroner´s themselves that publish these documents in these scientific networks.
I wouldn´t raise too many objections if these reports were limited to textual descriptions of the cases and subsequent autopsies performed, but they are actually, in some cases, publishing photos of people´s corpses on the internet. This goes against every privacy law that i know of, at least in my country.
The worst part is that, i bet that the families aren´t even informed of this, and everything is done behind their backs and without their consent.
I´m thinking on contacting a coroner and just confron them with this to see what they say.
The last i thing i want is have photos of my corpse spread all over the internet for everyone to see.
Do these people think that our bodies belong to them after we are no longer here to speak for ourselves?
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Dec 18, 2019
Do these people think that our bodies belong to them after we are no longer here to speak for ourselves?
As a general rule, society thinks that everything about us belongs to it, even when we're still alive, so it makes sense that that fact wouldn't change upon our death.
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a stranger in a strange land
Dec 23, 2020
You think spreading the reports is bad. I've heard horrible stories of what some morgues workers do to the bodies. They treated it as a plaything, took poses photos, and others I won't even wanna type it here.

If some people don't care about destroying lives by say spreading nude photos or videos of others and drive them to suicide, they certainly won't care about death bodies.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Alas, that's the problem with the sort of power that has been granted to institutions, especially medicine. They can often do as they please with no regard for how the victim might feel.

Have you ever heard of Ouchi and his 40 days of hell? He had the worst case of radiation poisoning ever documented in humans, and was forcefully kept alive for experimentation purposes so that doctors would have more information about how radiation damages organs and other bodily tissues.

While this isn't exactly the same thing, it is akin to that story in a way, because I seriously doubt those victims would like people gawking at sensitive images of their bodies online, posted up for the world to see. Sometimes we need to be able to look at things scientifically, however, that information should be sanitized and anonymized to protect the dignity of the person being studied. Certainly, no images should be getting posted or spread around by the coroners.

There is a documentary produced by the BBC I think where a postmortem medical examiner dissects an overweight woman on camera to highlight how damaged her body was by various illnesses. While from a scientific perspective, it may be regarded as fascinating, have they no concern for that woman's dignity? The comments were horrendous to read. I'm sure those producers would love to be laughed at in disgust after they pass on!

Medicine, and by extension, the funeral industry, is full of a lot of desensitised people who cannot fathom how another person may feel in regards to their privacy or bodily autonomy. It is very sad.
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May 8, 2020
Once you check that "organ donor" box, your body isn't yours anymore. They can do whatever they want with it.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Once you check that "organ donor" box, your body isn't yours anymore. They can do whatever they want with it.
In where i live it's the opposite: you have to uncheck the organ donor box. They check it for you right from the get go.
But the criteria by which they decide if the organs can be collected or not are very strict. You have to die in an hospital, i think.
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Feb 5, 2020
It is messed up, but at the same time, I don't personally care what people do with my body after I die. I don't care who sees it. I don't even care if some creep does unspeakable things to it. I guess I'm weird in that once my consciousness permanently leaves my body, I honestly don't feel like it's mine anymore. The strange thing about that is that I was interested in becoming a mortician for a second recently and the main reason was to make sure people's dead bodies were treated with respect, at least during that part of the process. I suppose even in death, I still treat others with more respect than I treat myself.
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May 8, 2020
In where i live it's the opposite: you have to uncheck the organ donor box. They check it for you right from the get go.
But the criteria by which they decide if the organs can be collected or not are very strict. You have to die in an hospital, i think.
It's not all about organs, though.
Here in the US, if you're an organ donor, but have no harvestable organs, your body is put to other uses.
It might go to a medical university and become a cadaver for students to dissect. Or it might go to "the body farm", where you're left out in a field to rot so forensics students can study and learn the decaying process of human bodies.
There's all kinds of weird places your body can go when you check that box. Or don't uncheck it, in your case.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
It's not all about organs, though.
Here in the US, if you're an organ donor, but have no harvestable organs, your body is put to other uses.
It might go to a medical university and become a cadaver for students to dissect. Or it might go to "the body farm", where you're left out in a field to rot so forensics students can study and learn the decaying process of human bodies.
There's all kinds of weird places your body can go when you check that box. Or don't uncheck it, in your case.
It only applies to organ donation.
In order for them to get to keep the body you have to sign some papers and give consent. Otherwise they will just extract the organs and give the body to the family.
But, yes, you are right. It's absolutely disgusting what they do with us once we are gone and it proves everything i have been saying about human beings as a species.
We are the most savage and cruel animals to have ever walked this planet and things would only benefit from our extinction.
We are despicable.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Its disrespectful to the families of those that have passed, BUT its just an empty shell, who gives a crap? yea won't want your photos all over the internet, but those looking at prob not people you know anyway, or whom would ever know you,
(Unless you have an great nan who has a secret desire to research dead bodies and the like as she approaches the end, then that is a whole other story!)
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm so glad l've opted out of organ donation and will be Cremated when l CTB!
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Apr 24, 2021
I wish my body wouldn't be found. But I guess it's impossible. I don't want any coroner touch my body.
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Mar 21, 2021
Might get a tattoo on my chest.
"No resuscitation, no autopsy, no funeral"…
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Oct 11, 2019
Surely family has to give consent for this information to be published? I hope so anyway...
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Honestly, it's terrible, but I think it's too useful for me to be outraged. I wanted to know what I will look after I shoot myself, and now I know. Hollywood doesn't really do it justice.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
This is something I have been concerned about, I don't even want pictures of me alive to remain for anyone to see, never mind pictures of my corpse on the internet!!
HOW does this happen?
Can someone please explain the legality and how one can prevent this from happening to them?
I recall another member who survived SN and they were being shown pictures of themselves after their attempt (taken when they were out of it..by the police I think?), and that is yet another issue in the same vein that I am wondering WTF.
Its disrespectful to the families of those that have passed, BUT its just an empty shell, who gives a crap? yea won't want your photos all over the internet, but those looking at prob not people you know anyway, or whom would ever know you,
(Unless you have an great nan who has a secret desire to research dead bodies and the like as she approaches the end, then that is a whole other story!)
I have to say..I give every single crap there is. I do NOT want this to happen to me, I do not care if I am dead and unaware, it absolutely disgusts me and shakes me to my core. No way, no how.
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Feb 27, 2021
Doesn't matter. Nothing I can do either way.

If I'm able to I'll put a curse on anyone who fucks with my dead body.
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Dec 18, 2019
I stated in my advance directive that I didn't want an autopsy, but I suppose it may be inevitable if my cause of death were ruled to be a suicide.
This is something I have been concerned about, I don't even want pictures of me alive to remain for anyone to see, never mind pictures of my corpse on the internet!!
HOW does this happen?
Can someone please explain the legality and how one can prevent this from happening to them?
I recall another member who survived SN and they were being shown pictures of themselves after their attempt (taken when they were out of it..by the police I think?), and that is yet another issue in the same vein that I am wondering WTF.

I have to say..I give every single crap there is. I do NOT want this to happen to me, I do not care if I am dead and unaware, it absolutely disgusts me and shakes me to my core. No way, no how.
Being shown pictures??? That's insane. I wonder why I hadn't heard of that specific instance before?
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
sooo, is not being an organ donor the way to prevent one's corpse pictures being published online?!

sorry but this is crazy... how the fuck do they publish pictures of one's death body without consent from neither the person (previous) or family?!
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I want to Insert something profound here
May 30, 2021
evidence has to be collected so I think it's pretty normal to have let's say in this intance you hung yourself, so for your body to have pictures taken of it and maybe even a post Mortem if the death looks suspicious or there was other things at play. It's all dependant on the individual circumstance. It's to help establish evidence and recording the death is pretty standard.

I'm actually fairly happy to give my body to medical science if it will help other people as my chronic conditions will have had an affect on my body and mind and maybe science could use it to help others?

I do get the concern though as I do think it's respectful not to exploit or disrespect the persons body after their death. But I guess I won't know what's happening after will I?

I think putting in an advance directive and maybe some sort of will might stop you ending up online on those sorts of sites?


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
evidence has to be collected so I think it's pretty normal to have let's say in this intance you hung yourself, so for your body to have pictures taken of it and maybe even a post Mortem if the death looks suspicious or there was other things at play. It's all dependant on the individual circumstance. It's to help establish evidence and recording the death is pretty standard.

I'm actually fairly happy to give my body to medical science if it will help other people as my chronic conditions will have had an affect on my body and mind and maybe science could use it to help others?

I do get the concern though as I do think it's respectful not to exploit or disrespect the persons body after their death. But I guess I won't know what's happening after will I?

I think putting in an advance directive and maybe some sort of will might stop you ending up online on those sorts of sites?
Just another violation of the rights of a suicidal person, I suppose it happens to murder victims too. Disgusting.
People who die naturally or from illness at a hospital do not have this done to them..it's another shame of having suicide be such a taboo, now when we end our lives, we have to worry about documentation of our vulnerable corpses-in god knows what condition-all because our deaths are treated like crime scenes.
I hardly even leave my house in order not to be seen, it is tied to my source of suffering, so to have pictures of my body floating around in the hands of the police (some of whom are related to people I used to know!) is absolutely terrifying!!

Now I am really thinking of moving my ctb to a hotel in a far away town, so at least anybody taking note will be a stranger, I might even go to a different state but I can't drive (embarrassing thing to admit at my age) so that will cost me...ugh, god this is just way more exhausting than it needs to be.
I stated in my advance directive that I didn't want an autopsy, but I suppose it may be inevitable if my cause of death were ruled to be a suicide.

Being shown pictures??? That's insane. I wonder why I hadn't heard of that specific instance before?
Yes, I may try to find the post but it was awhile ago. (I also think they requested for the pictures to be deleted after they were shown them.)
Now that I think about it, it would make some sense if they were dead, but makes little to no sense as they were still alive and taken to the hospital, so why pictures were taken during that time- I cannot fathom, besides police being over eager to show their buddies a potential corpse (I have heard of the same thing happening after car accidents.)
I think the member told me why, or their deduction of such, but I can't remember what was said exactly.
Either way..scary. Especially if you're a private and self-conscious person.
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