

flying with doves, floating with swans
Apr 25, 2023
personally i am a victim of SA and have lived with depression for years. coping mechanisms rarely help me unless they are the ones that everyone calls terrible or dislike for various reasons. ive sworn away from cigarettes and alcohol and am clean on SH but i was wondering what coping
mechanisms you guys have that work? im unable to access drugs and would rather not but ive had a recent interest in vapes or possibly getting my hands on herbal smokes without the nic or tar..
uncommon stuff that everyone tells you to stay away from or is just not talked about much is sort of what im looking for.
things that are self destructive yet the lesser of the evils,,, yaknow?
anyways yeah let me know what you guys have that helps!! discussion is open to all


Full Bodily Autonomy is non-negotiable
Apr 27, 2023
I've found that recreational vandalism helps with coping. I used to do that a lot in high school and I try to see what I can still get away with. Something about leaving a mark on a public place is really soothing, and wrecking stuff you're not supposed to is cathartic, especially if it's at a place that belongs to someone you want to get back at. It's mainly risky due to the legalities if you're caught.
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Nov 25, 2022
I've found that recreational vandalism helps with coping. I used to do that a lot in high school and I try to see what I can still get away with. Something about leaving a mark on a public place is really soothing, and wrecking stuff you're not supposed to is cathartic, especially if it's at a place that belongs to someone you want to get back at. It's mainly risky due to the legalities if you're caught.
Yo I second this, just breaking shit is fucking fun as hell and cathartic. Trespassing and throwing stuff off buildings etc

Healthy coping mechanisms don't work for me either. I have an ed and working out feels good when I haven't eaten in a long time. Depends on your health and stats though, if I wasn't 20 and a healthy weight I'd probably have up and died a long time ago
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Wow. The idea of destroying things never seemed fun to me. Potentially ruining it for others because you feel like shit is not right. Unless it's someone who particularly did something to you, you are contributing to making this world the shithole it is by acting this way. Also, throwing stuff of buildings - please think that it can fall on an innocent passerby.
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Settle down, ok?
Mar 6, 2023
personally i am a victim of SA and have lived with depression for years. coping mechanisms rarely help me unless they are the ones that everyone calls terrible or dislike for various reasons. ive sworn away from cigarettes and alcohol and am clean on SH but i was wondering what coping
mechanisms you guys have that work? im unable to access drugs and would rather not but ive had a recent interest in vapes or possibly getting my hands on herbal smokes without the nic or tar..
uncommon stuff that everyone tells you to stay away from or is just not talked about much is sort of what im looking for.
things that are self destructive yet the lesser of the evils,,, yaknow?
anyways yeah let me know what you guys have that helps!! discussion is open to all
Personally I wouldn't start a nicotine addiction on vapes. I'd buy some light smokes. But I'm warning you, it's a deep hole.
I started on vaping and the side effects of vaping a much worse than cigarettes in my opinion. However with smoking I now have scabs all over me from over a month ago, your skin doesn't heal, I also have a little high blood sugar so my risk of diabetes is not ideal. But I love smoking too much to do anything about it. Also I'd prefer to be addicted to smoking than alcohol.
My favourite light smokes are called Dunhill Smooth Flow. Get the Reds or the whites. Maybe start on white. They have a really nice taste, are very very smooth and have a "charcoal" filter (I doubt it is actually anything. It's literally like they just grinded a bit of pepper and sprinkled it into the filter tbh.) They don't leave a huge smell like most cigarettes. I can chain smoke a whole pack and not feel sick from it.
I've found that recreational vandalism helps with coping. I used to do that a lot in high school and I try to see what I can still get away with. Something about leaving a mark on a public place is really soothing, and wrecking stuff you're not supposed to is cathartic, especially if it's at a place that belongs to someone you want to get back at. It's mainly risky due to the legalities if you're caught.
I rate this. If OP likes art I'd recommend Graff. Negative coping depending on who you ask. Express yourself in the streets, let others know how you feel. Personally destroying random shit isn't something I back, but putting a personal touch on the local infrastructure really doesn't hurt anyone if you do it with a bit of common decency.

Other coping mechanism I could think of is more mental. 'Optimistic nihilism' is a mindset where life has no meaning, therefore nothing really matters. What happens, happens and what you do has no real consequences when we're all just grime living in an empty world.
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Apr 6, 2023
I think smoking hash used to help. I quit smoking last summer, blaming bad decisions on the fuzzy head.
Still have a fuzzy head, but fairly constant lack of will to live too. My people are stoners, so it helps with isolation too.
Lately Ive been drinking a lot, and that definitely doesnt help.

Riding motorcycles is my usual feel good crux.
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Feb 23, 2023
i second vandalism, just in a creative way like graffiti or something and not just smashing things. i myself can´t seem to cope that well, most of the time i´m on many sedatives and alcohol but that shit just makes everything worse at some point so i for sure dont recommend that
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never mind me

Nov 7, 2022
Cutting myself and smoking weed and sometimes taking other drugs often helps me. I couldn't care less, if the majority of people or psychiatrists think these things are bad. It is my life and my body and I do whatever I decide to do. In the past I also used restrictive eating and/or throwing up and/or overeating as a coping mechanism, but these things seem to do me more harm than good as they seem to rapidly trigger my eating disorder again.
And I have another dysfunctional coping mechanism I used a few times when things got bad: I made a test run with my suicide kit (i.e. I attached one rope to my chosen acnhor for full suspension, tied a noose, checked if it could hold my weight, put the noose around my neck while standing on a stool). The last few times I did this I actually knew that I didn't intend to kill myself at that point, but I knew that it would reassure me to know that I could kill myself at any moment and it also gave me a bit of a thrill. There might be a slight amount of danger to kill myself by accident doing this, but that's ok for me as I have had suicidal thoughts for so long it might actually be a good thing, if it happens without me having to consciously decide on doing it.
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Feb 24, 2021
I fucking love ice. I use ice to calm myself during a panic attack. I freeze myself with ice as an alternative to hitting/cutting myself. I smash ice when I'm feeling angry and aggressive. Go smash some ice cubes with a hammer. Go throw some ice cubes against the wall or ground. Freeze a water bottle, cut the plastic off, then throw that shit as hard as you can and watch it shatter. You can go on a destructive rampage without actually hurting yourself or anyone else.

I also like to drive around late at night when there's no cars on the road. I roll down my windows and blast music (don't worry I stay away from residential areas and turn my music down if there's other people nearby). The only downside of doing this is using up gas and putting miles on my car.
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Jul 3, 2019
I've become someone who swears under my breath in public, Like on the bus the other day I just went FFFFFFFFFFFFF. For about five minutes.

I am a mad lady. It's official. I would actually scream on the street if it wouldn't disturb children.

Other than that, weed. I don't have the good stuff at the moment but need to get some. I don't think it's unhealthy though.
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Longing for a person that is absent
May 1, 2023
personally i am a victim of SA and have lived with depression for years. coping mechanisms rarely help me unless they are the ones that everyone calls terrible or dislike for various reasons. ive sworn away from cigarettes and alcohol and am clean on SH but i was wondering what coping
mechanisms you guys have that work? im unable to access drugs and would rather not but ive had a recent interest in vapes or possibly getting my hands on herbal smokes without the nic or tar..
uncommon stuff that everyone tells you to stay away from or is just not talked about much is sort of what im looking for.
things that are self destructive yet the lesser of the evils,,, yaknow?
anyways yeah let me know what you guys have that helps!! discussion is open to all
I'm very sorry you were SA. I've been too and have been using not so great coping mechanisms like sh and drugs. Currently trying to quit weed, although seems almost impossible… What I do else is I go for a run in the middle of the night (not great safety wise so be careful, try to tell someone you're going). I also take really hot/burning showers. Sometimes I just take a bunch of melatonin or meds that generally make me sleepy (allergy pills for ex) and sleep it off… etc. Maybe this can help but those aren't the best coping mechanisms, be careful.
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Mar 12, 2023
Certainly escapism. You can do it by imagining unreal scenarios, distract yourself of your problems, dwell into something so deep so that you forget about everything, ect. In longer terms you will soon realize your delusions had caused you great harm, so I'd suggest doing it only to an extent
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Feb 1, 2023
Certainly escapism. You can do it by imagining unreal scenarios, distract yourself of your problems, dwell into something so deep so that you forget about everything, ect. In longer terms you will soon realize your delusions had caused you great harm, so I'd suggest doing it only to an extent

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May 3, 2023
I fucking love ice. I use ice to calm myself during a panic attack. I freeze myself with ice as an alternative to hitting/cutting myself. I smash ice when I'm feeling angry and aggressive. Go smash some ice cubes with a hammer. Go throw some ice cubes against the wall or ground. Freeze a water bottle, cut the plastic off, then throw that shit as hard as you can and watch it shatter. You can go on a destructive rampage without actually hurting yourself or anyone else.

I also like to drive around late at night when there's no cars on the road. I roll down my windows and blast music (don't worry I stay away from residential areas and turn my music down if there's other people nearby). The only downside of doing this is using up gas and putting miles on my car.
I second this!! I used to freeze things in ice and just pick at it. It was a way to focus my mind on something else and distracted me from thinking for a while! Just watching ice smash on the ground is very satisfying too
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if there’s an afterlife i’ll be pissed
Jan 25, 2023
smoking, for some reason i have an emotional attachment to it. it makes my anxiety disappear for a brief moment, and probably the fact that nicotine is addictive keeps me smoking lol. i don't do it super often, but a few cigarettes a week.

i also have ednos, an ed that makes me bounce around from restricting, to binging, to binge purge and everything in between. so, if i'm in a period of binging/ or eating a regular amount of food, smoking makes me dizzy and lightheaded- which feels like the lightheadnesses i'd get from not eating. sounds weird, but it helps me cope with the shame i feel for not restricting food, which would otherwise be agonising.

i self harm, but honestly, it does very little to actually help. at this point, i only do it because it's addictive and i feel i deserve to.
what does actually help is keeping items i use go self harm. it provides a sense of comfort knowing it's there near me, and actually helps me stay clean longer.
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