

teach me empathy
Jul 16, 2019
Today was shitty, ha not surprised. I don't have my license. I've been asking to learn how to drive since last year (I'm a teenager) and have only been allowed to start driving since this past July. I plan to get my license as soon as I can (I don't drive regularly). Anyways my car is having issues and my ndad (narcissist dad) wanted me to follow him while he drives his car and I drive my car to the shop. I didn't really want to do it since it would be the first time I'd be driving without anyone in the car with me, plus it's raining, the car isn't working, and I don't have my license. The shop is like 10 minutes away. I agreed to do it anyways but while I was driving the car shifted and started to go like 5mph. I got fucking scared and pulled over and then my dad pulls over too and yells at me. He doesn't have his license either and he was yelling at me saying how I was gonna get him sent to jail. I'm on the verge of a panic attack while this is happening. He keeps going on and on and I keep telling him that I can't do it. I told him to call the shop and just tell them to pick the car up but he won't listen. So he cusses me out, tells me to move out, and then drives off in my car and locks me out of his. He couldn't even let me sit in his car and wait. So I'm stranded on the side of the road and it's raining. I ended up having to call my social worker and explain to her the situation. I was going to go to a homeless shelter but then he showed up ten minutes later, because he caught a ride from someone else. SEE ??? ITS THAT SIMPLE. YOU DONY HAVE TO YELL AT ME FOR SHIT THATS NOT MY FAULT!!! What makes it worse it I had just left an appointment for physical therapy because I've been having pelvic pain which my obgyn thinks is related to my sexual abuse. At the appointment it was triggering and I was already anxious, I actually started to cry during the appointment and then to have this happen on top of everything is fucking unfair. With him being a narcissist I feel like he just did that on purpose, to make me subconsciously feel bad about trying to take care of my health. They're so evil and conniving.I'm just so fucking fed up with this. Everyone judges me for being suicidal but uh if you were living the life I was living you'd want to kill yourself too. I'm not even living, I'm a prisoner. I'm trying to apply for ssi so that I can move out but the process is taking so long because my ndad cant know about it so I have trouble with transportation, and signing/printing paper work and doing anything at all. I'm just so sick of it. I feel like my social worker isn't helping as urgently as she can with how dire my situation is. I could go on and on about how fucked it all is. I wish I could just work. Even if I could work I wouldn't be able to because my dad would just get mad and abuse me more and be more restrictive. The last time my dad choked me was when I was 15 so I guess him being a narcissist and emotionally/mentally/financially abusive doesn't matter. I'm not actively getting my head slammed into a wall so no one cares. Doesn't matter that he sexually molested me as a child. None of it matters. I just have to think positively and then my life will change, I'll be able to function right? I'm just so fucking tired. I wish my mom would've gone through with aborting me, at least I wouldn't have to suffer like this anymore. Oh and it gets worse... Two weeks ago I filled out a forum for medical records request from a hospital. On the forum I put my phone number and email address as contact information, NEVER did I put my home address. Well, turns out they sent a letter to me in the mail. How do I know? Because my abuser put it on the couch. I'm so pissed. I live in an abusive environment and I PURPOSEFULLY didn't write my home address as contact info because I do not want my abuser knowing this information. Now my wellbeing is in even more danger. I know no one gives a fuck about trauma victims, I mean it's obvious by the lack of care or consideration when it comes to situations like these, but FUCK!!! FUCK THE PERSON WHO DIDN'T PROPERLY DO THEIR JOB!!! IDC IF YOU THINK IM BEING UNREASONABLE! One simple mistake but I'm the only one that has to live with those consequences. Life isn't fair. No wonder people kill themselves every single day their probably like me and no one fucking understands and acts so carelessly. FUCK THIS SOCIETY. HOPEFULLY I GET ABUSED TO DEATH SO I NEVER HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS GOD AWUL SHITHOLE CALLED EARTH EVER AGAIN. This has to be hell. Why is everything so awful all the time? Why can I never have a good day? What did I do to deserve this?
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Reactions: demuic, Lostandlooking, death137 and 3 others


Aug 2, 2020
I am so sorry to hear all of this. Social services is actually letting you stay in this environment?!? Can you look for a foster home??
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Sep 15, 2020
WTF, why do they let you stay with this monster after what he did to you?! And you're right, it's completely unprofessional and irresponsible about that damn letter. Words are not enough to tell you how much I'm sorry for you...
Narcs and pedos "people" are amongst the worse on this fucking planet, especially in family... And the only thing to do with them is to completely cut them off your life. There is no other option, they will never change and keep dragging you on the ground, if not worse.
I don't know where you live, but I truly hope you will find a solution with what you have :heart:
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Reactions: Deleted member 4993, cowbain and demuic


teach me empathy
Jul 16, 2019
I am so sorry to hear all of this. Social services is actually letting you stay in this environment?!? Can you look for a foster home??
I'm not a minor but even when I was, yeah. Social services is a piece of shit. They all deserve to burn.
WTF, why do they let you stay with this monster after what he did to you?! And you're right, it's completely unprofessional and irresponsible about that damn letter. Words are not enough to tell you how much I'm sorry for you...
Narcs and pedos "people" are amongst the worse on this fucking planet, especially in family... And the only thing to do with them is to completely cut them off your life. There is no other option, they will never change and keep dragging you on the ground, if not worse.
I don't know where you live, but I truly hope you will find a solution with what you have :heart:
Thank you. I'm working on it. Unfortunately this system doesn't help as much as they claim :/

The letter was SO unprofessional! I'm still pissed about it. I'm gonna call them again tomorrow but with how psychopathic people who work for large cooperations tend to be they probably won't even apologize and just tell me that I'm overreacting.

I agree I need to leave as soon as I can. I'm gonna talk with my social worker tomorrow and ask her if there's anyway to speed up the ssi process. Tbh I feel like they don't even care, they're so nonchalant about everything. I'm gonna ask her tomorrow if she can print out some papers for me, hopefully she can. It's sad that something as simple as printing papers is difficult for me.

I went on Reddit to vent about my fustrations and now I've got a stalker who keeps creating new accounts to message me harassment. They said " If I was your dad I'd probably beat the shit out of you everyday and sexually assault you too" amongst other nasty things. It's like the universe just wants me to kill myself. I'm not letting their words affect me because I know someone who would do something like that is nothing more than a gross monster, imbecile, but it's fucked up. I go to the Internet for support and to vent (I can't even have a journal for fear of my dad reading it) and get met with that. It's sick people try to target people like me because they think we're weak. Well I'm not and I'm actually intelligent and I'm not gonna tolerate people treating me like shit. How sick is it to think childhood abuse victims deserve bad treatment just because they so happened to be born into a shit family? We don't choose what we're born to, it's pure randomness, and I'm just as deserving of respect and kindness as anyone else. Men make me sick. And I say men because I've never had a woman actively try to abuse me in that way once they find out I'm a survivor. This world is a fucked up place.

I hope I can find some solutions as quickly as possible too
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