
Aug 18, 2020
I had a lot of suicidal thoughts in my life. My illness can be inherited. People who ctb tend to have family members who ctb. In my family there are a lot of family members who are mentally ill. One of the best things i have achieved in my life is not to procreate. I would despise myself if i would be responsible that my child would suffer in a similar way.
My dad is depressed and had suicidal thoughts in his life. For smart people it would have been obvious that the abuse would trigger a severe mental illness. If you are such bad parents as mine procreation is very immoral. Too many people make this decision too lightly.
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Mar 22, 2020
I totally agree.
I could never have children because I'm suicidal. I mean, why bring them to this world when I could ctb at anytime! No way!
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May 27, 2020
Suicide is not always caused by a mental illness, and mental illnesses are not always hereditary either.
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Mar 27, 2021
I completely agree.

If I can't take care of myself, I shouldn't burden another human being with those problems.

It's bad enough a child will need to come into the terrible world as it is but certainly not with a parent who could CTB any second.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
When I see people walk around with strollers I realize that I live in a much darker world than they do.​
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Aug 18, 2020
You can inherit psychosomatic illnesses etc. too. But it depends on the illness. There is a hereditary factor in many cases. Bipolar, schizophrenia or depression etc.
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Jun 1, 2020
I've a child. I love her with all my heart. If I knew the future I wouldn't have planned her. I didn't know I'd end up mentally ill and suicidal. I've had the snip so can't have any more. The decision I have to make is would she be better off with a dad who can't look after himself or protect her and guide her or no dad. Its an impossible dilemma. I really wish I didn't have a child. I've always tried my best and gave her a good life up until about a year ago. Breaks my heart. I'm done thinking.
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Mar 30, 2021
Suicide is not always caused by a mental illness, and mental illnesses are not always hereditary either.
True, and true, but I think children are very impressionable so if a parent was to CTB, I think that could cause some early emotional or psychological trauma.. for children, a parent is supposed to be their strongest bond in the world so.. yeah, but everyone's different, reacts and handles things differently
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Most, sucidal or not, shouldn't procreate.
i knew young enough my mental health was not stable enough to be a parent. i would never risk fucking up another human just to be a parent.
Thank goodness i didn't have children. 34 yrs old and i despise living, having kids wouldn't have changed that and they'd just be the next generation of SS members.
Too many have children without thought to whether they can provide a half decent unbringing. They have children to meet their own needs and desires without considering their emotional and intellectual means to do a good job of it.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Humans in general shouldn't procreate if they can't handle the stresses of life and get bent out of shape or fall into a grab bag of mental illnesses. Humans should take mandatory parenting classes and have a parenting license just to have a child so they would be sound of mind whenever life gets in the way. But nothing gonna change, people gonna still fuck and pop out babies like a Pez dispenser.
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Feb 27, 2021
Mental illness or not I still wouldn't have kids. It's not in me to be a mother.

I wish society would stop pressuring women to have kids. It's harmful af. Not everyone is meant to be a parent and there is nothing wrong with that.
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Mar 30, 2021
Mental illness or not I still wouldn't have kids. It's not in me to be a mother.

I wish society would stop pressuring women to have kids. It's harmful af. Not everyone is meant to be a parent and there is nothing wrong with that.
I also think it's sad that some parents pressure their kids to have their own kid as soon as they leave school at 16 because they can apply for housing and a child benefit. Like way to make your child grow up faster than they need to, before they've gained any kind of life experience or mental and emotional maturity
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Nov 27, 2019
I agree. Even if I ever get out of this depression, which I don't believe will happen though, getting pregnant is the stupidest thing I can do. The risk of pre- and post-natal depression is too big, considering my mental health history and the fact that more women in my family have suffered it. It would only continue the cycle of generations of suffering.
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Feb 9, 2021
I'd certainly take the position that if you bring a child into the world you have a moral obligation to raise that child to adulthood and if you don't think you can do that you shouldn't have a kid. The studies about child outcomes in two-parent households vs. single parent households vs. the foster care system kind of speak for themselves. That being said I know people who struggle with suicidal ideation who are wonderful parents.
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Jun 1, 2020
My child is 22 so not a child anymore. I conclude she would be better without me. She lives with her mum. We divorced 10 years ago. This debate been on this forum loads of times. I always stand by the point of not knowing the future when trying for kids. I never knew that I would suffer a crippling mental illness. We only try and live the best life we can. What's the alternative no one ever have children.
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Dec 1, 2020
Even if i got a happy life i am very sure i will roped anyways i cant handle the stress of life


Mar 28, 2021
Agreed. I love children but I know I would never be able to physically, mentally and financially provide for them, even if I wasn't suicidal. I'm not sure if I'm even able to have kids but I'd choose not to regardless. I've experienced first hand the damage of an unstable family. I will not pass that bullshit down to another generation. The cycle ends here. This isn't a world I would want to bring an innocent life into, either.

Of course, I appreciate that it's not always possible to plan for things like that. People can be stable and happy when they have kids, then something awful could happen later in life that pushes them over the edge. Circumstances change.
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Dec 4, 2020
My child is 22 so not a child anymore. I conclude she would be better without me. She lives with her mum. We divorced 10 years ago. This debate been on this forum loads of times. I always stand by the point of not knowing the future when trying for kids. I never knew that I would suffer a crippling mental illness. We only try and live the best life we can. What's the alternative no one ever have children.
Completely agree with you. Everytime this debate come up on here I feel I have to comment to balance the majority. I have 2 kids and when trying for them my mental health was good and you cant predict future and when a major depression will hit you.

I respect all opinions but I feel that in this forum there's a lot of judgment on parents who wants to ctb. It's really hard to be in that position and if I knew it before I probably wouldnt want to have kids. In fact my children are probably my only way to recovery. Anyway if I had daily suicidal thoughts all my life I wouldn't be here on this planet anymore.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Whilst suicidal I completely agree. I was diagnosed with BPD quite late in my life, way beyond the average age of a first time parent. I was coping fine with life till I got to my 30's and my dad passed away. It triggered a massive depressive state and what my doctors thing is fibromyalgia? It's been miserable for me since my 30's. But prior to that, I thought having kids , whilst I think you only have them for selfish reasons, I thought I could give them a good, happy life.
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*clutches pearls*
Apr 30, 2020
I agree. My parents are not mentally stable. Thankfully I don't want kids anyway, even if i were happy. Luckily I don't have to worry about that anymore since I got my fallopian tubes removed :)

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
People who are very suicidal should not procreate.
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Jan 15, 2021
Not controversial at all I completely agree.


salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
We should preemptively castrate like 90% of people. Not just to end suffering, but because this planet can't sustain our existing population/lifestyles.
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Jan 31, 2021
I wish those who say suicidal people are selfish read threads like this. I'm in agreement btw. Knowingly creating life is potentially succumbing the child/ren to an inadequate upbringing and a domino-effect if that child goes on to start their own family.
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Apr 29, 2019
I would agree. Even when I still had dreams of having a kid, I was going to adopt just because I didn't want to pass on my fucked up shit.

Unfortunately the cold, hard reality is I should not be a father. For some that's no big deal, for me it hurt a lot when I really let it sink in. I did want to be a dad to probably just one and I was totally cool with adoption. But I'm still and likely will always be some degree of suicidal. It wouldn't be fair to the kid.

Acceptance is key, even if it really hurts. It doesn't sting as bad as it used to, but I still sometimes see a really happy kid or a family having a good time somewhere and wish I could have experienced that. That's life I guess.
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May 29, 2020
idk i've known people to be seriously suicidal and then recover and become great parents.


vegan jesus
Nov 30, 2020
I had a lot of suicidal thoughts in my life. My illness can be inherited. People who ctb tend to have family members who ctb. In my family there are a lot of family members who are mentally ill. One of the best things i have achieved in my life is not to procreate. I would despise myself if i would be responsible that my child would suffer in a similar way.
My dad is depressed and had suicidal thoughts in his life. For smart people it would have been obvious that the abuse would trigger a severe mental illness. If you are such bad parents as mine procreation is very immoral. Too many people make this decision too lightly.
I agree, but I do not think anyone should procreate. Look up antinatalism.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Complex debate. There are many suicides who had children. I remember an American millionaire who took a cyanide capsule when he heard the sentence of many years in prison for trying to scam insurance by burning his house. He had 4 children. In this world, one day you have money and the next you are broke.


I just want this to end
Jul 11, 2020
Wholeheartedly agree with the OP. In fact this was the final issue that sealed the end of my last relationship.

This world is a complete hellhole and I could not bring a child to face this under the best of circumstances...but with the legacy of darkness that was passed down to me, forget it.