I am convinced beyond any doubt that everything we are going through has a significant purpose to the whole, to the totality of All-that-is. So WHAT is the purpose of suicide, why would a being come here to experience this? This is the question I have been pondering on (especially in this past few days), and I just read something from Kryon channelling:
"Dear one, as we have mentioned before, the energy of suicide is a test for those who remain, not for the one who committed the act. Indeed, the Human Being has very strong survival instincts to keep him from doing this, but for those who do, there is no stigma of dishonor or punishment. They are not stuck, either. Most of the time this was a potential contract all along, and it prods those around them to make decisions that they would never have had to do otherwise.
Remember, this is a test for all of you. When it's over, don't be shocked to return to this side of the veil and find that there is no punishment or reward… only a family who is appreciative of your journey, and of the energy it took to love the earth and the Universe so much, that you went through it."
"Yes, you all have a beginning setup contract where your shift (death) is planned. Sometimes it's to facilitate another person (such as the profound energy created through the death of a child or suicide). So it can be part of an agreement with great energy around it, or a simple potential to leave when it's time. Each case is different, and yes, it is often tempered with a balance from past-life experience."
"When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole. Believe me, you don't miss the Human body, and don't ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac – your home for nine months – passes from your consciousness after you are born. It's no more important than that."
The third density is the density of choice… at 3D, you find yourself constantly being offered places in which to invest your energy. You must choose what you will serve, what you will love. When you have made that choice clearly and unambiguously then you are ready for the 4th density, which is the density of love and of service. Beings that have moved from the indecision of 3rd density consciousness into either a Service-to-Self or a Service-to-Other mindset find themselves at 4th density consciousness. At this level of awareness the being begins the journey to true individuation as a sole, sovereign entity. Beings residing at the 3D level might wish to think of themselves as such but, in fact they are still very much a fragmentary consciousness. Spending a little time in conversation with beings of 3D consciousness will show this to be true: at the level of 3D consciousness there is a lot of internal conflict, as there are diverse opinions, beliefs and desires which are in internal competition in the mind of each 3D individual. This inner-conflict is obvious in the world in which 3D beings live. The world itself is wracked with conflict. Some of the conflicts are large and very obvious such as the wars that have raged across the globe unabated for all of your history. Some of them are equally obvious but perhaps less violent, such as the social conflict that occurs over every possible and imaginable schism: racism, classism, sexism… if there is a group, then there is another group in conflict with them. This all changes at the 4th density level of consciousness. In order to graduate from 3D to 4D, each individual needs to come to certain clear decisions about itself. Those decisions can be paraphrased as:
"Who do I love?"
"What do I serve?"
"To what will I give my energy?"
The answer to that question will vary from person to person. One possible answer is "myself," another equally valid answer is "others". And so it is that the 4D level of consciousness is often quite correctly identified as the density of Service To Self and Service To Other. This is why it is also called the density of polarity because there are these two polar opposites in the manner in which you direct your energy.
Most often people who have moved their consciousness to the 4D level are not aware that they have done so and they are usually also not CONSCIOUSLY aware of taking this choice. But, for example, the person who is living their life on the streets amongst the poor giving all of their energy to the upliftment of others… such a person clearly exemplifies 4D STO. As does the person who has chosen to serve planet, earth or the animals upon her. All of these are 4D STO beings living amongst you in your 3D reality. By their example they offer you the choice to similarly decide to love (or serve) the other. The 4D STO polarity is called the polarity of compassion, as that is what rules the heart of such beings.
On the opposite pole is STS. This is where you will find petty dictators of every stripe who have decided that they love themselves only. They give all their energy towards the constant drive to attaining power, wealth and influence. Such people will attempt to ruthlessly destroy anyone who gets in the way of their desire to expand their ego-reach. They will strive at all costs to manipulate others around them to serve their wishes, desires and ego-gratifications. Such people will often SAY that what they are doing is, in some way, for the greater good. They will SAY they are serving the needs of the electorate, the shareholders, the customers, the community or whoever they are pretending to serve. But you need not look too carefully to see that this is a sham. They will go directly against the interests of anyone and everyone if their own ego will be better served by them doing so. 4D beings of the STS polarity can be found playing out their dramas anywhere from criminal gangs to corporate offices, to political parties, to religious organisations and beyond.
4D beings, irrespective of the details of their polarity, are characterised by a kind of clarity of purpose. They have clearly decided where their energy should go. Such beings follow their hearts and go where they must. Because they are not pulled hither and thither by all manner of conflicting thoughts and beliefs, they can align their personal energy with their goals and drive towards those goals with great power. 4D beings get things done!
The challenge for those at this density is that, eventually, all 4D beings begin to run out of resources. The occupational hazard of the 4D being is burnout. You give all you have and then you exhaust all that is at your disposal. Illness and disease easily then takes hold of the body and you exit the incarnation. The reason for this is simple: no system can exist in which the energy only flows in one direction. A dam which ONLY gives water, and is never replenished, will run dry. A dam that ONLY receives water, and never releases any, will burst its banks. Or, more likely, people will find a way to bypass it entirely because they know it is useless to them. Both STS and STO beings find that, lifetime after lifetime, they run out of resources. They either burn themselves out or end up all alone with nothing.
This is why 4D beings (and 4D societies) can achieve a modicum of success and power but they are ultimately quite limited. 4D beings will never get the traction and the reach that they desire to really change the world. At least not until they find themselves ready to awaken to a simple fact:
You have to give to get…
and you have to get to give.
When they do, they awaken to 5D consciousness.
5D is often called the density of "balanced polarity". At this level of awareness the ascending being will still be inherently STO or STS, depending on where they came from. But they will now know that they must also balance their polarity with some of the opposite polarity.
The 5D STO being will know that she must be willing to receive with an open heart from all those that would give to her, SO THAT she can give her great service. She will become a powerful force for change in the world because she is now, for the first time, really beginning to channel energies through herself rather than simply giving from her own small store of personal energy.
The 5D STS being, by contrast, will know that he must be willing to give to others around him, to feed them and to nurture them, SO THAT they will remain faithful and loyal to him and continue always to give him what he demands. He becomes a "benevolent tyrant" and might very well be admired, respected and even loved by his subjects. At 4D you find "bosses" but at 5D you find "leaders". Here you find beings who inspire followers and unite them with their vision. Powerful corporate CEOs and admired national presidents are perfect examples of this level of consciousness.
As 5D really is about a deep knowing of how to give to get (or how to get to give) and because it is based on the wisdom of knowing how to manage the self and the other, it is very aptly called the density of wisdom.
5D consciousness is represented in your body by your throat chakra. It is all about powerful expression.
At some point the 5D being will awaken a little more too. At some point, eventually, she will tire of all the endless cycles upon cycles of life in which she tries to change the world in order to make it different from what it is. At some point she will begin to wonder what it is all really about. "What is the point of all this endless service of the self or the other," she will wonder. For indeed she will have noticed that there is a simple rule that seems to work, always:
What you do to another you do to yourself also.
And at this point she might be ready to choose to make the leap to the realisation that the separation between "self" and "other" is only illusory, that, in fact, All is One. If she does… then 6D consciousness dawns for her!" - Master 8
At the 6th density there is no more polarity. The STO and STS streams converge. It matters not which path you trod before. Now all paths are one path. And because the 6D being knows that All is truly One, this density is often called the density of Unity Consciousness.
It is represented in your body in the brow chakra. The aspect of self that observes what is. That takes it all in. That resides in loving acceptance and surrender.
The 6D being's "natural" body is a light-form. A pure expression of bright light. But the 6D consciousness CAN still experience itself in a human body, for example, and this is the highest level of consciousness that one can attain whilst still attached to a dense body. But when you meet such a being outside of incarnation, you will see it as it really is: a bright light-form.
The sixth density of consciousness is a truly beautiful place to find yourself in. This is the level of awareness in which you finally have a good and useful grasp of the meaning of life in this system of reality and are able to enjoy it to the full without constantly tripping yourself and hurting yourself.
I shall explain: To enter the sixth density is to discover that you are One with All That Is. And so you live a life that is congruent with that truth. For example: you only put out what you want back. And you therefore only get back that which you want to experience. Life becomes a lot more harmonious and peaceful. But at the same time you are able to enjoy all the fruits of the illusion of separation. You can play and love and explore. You can taste and feel. You can live in a wonderfully complex human body on Planet Earth (or a different body on another planet, for that matter). You can have all these wonderful experiences that separation provides and yet, at the same time, you can simply choose to forgo fear and suffering!
The 6D being knows that he is One with Life. He knows, when he meets you, that you and he are two faces of the same eternal, infinite Source of All. He knows also that he is the creator of his own reality and that he is constantly bringing all his experiences to himself by his deepest beliefs. He therefore dedicates some of his time and energy to learning to heal the beliefs he holds which bring him results he finds undesirable. In this way he masters his thoughts and choices. In this way, in fact, he masters himself. Though, from the perspective of the 3D being, even a 4D being is of a more ascended consciousness, I myself would not consider a being to have attained mastery until they have attained at least the 6th density of consciousness. Before this they are still experiencing inner-conflict, suffering and pain. Before this they are still creating fear and undesirable dramas in their lives. The 6D being rises above this. And it is precisely because the 6D being rises above fear, pain and suffering that these things cease to drive him to evolve any further. Below 6D his evolution was driven by his desire to move away from that which he did not wish to experience. By a kind of a "running away" motivation. At the 6D level his motivation changes to a "running towards". That is to say, the 6D being, as a direct consequence of his level of consciousness, no longer finds himself having "negative" experiences. This allows him the deep peace and stillness necessary to truly observe "what is". In that state he can see quite clearly who he really is and how, from the deepest depths of his Soul, he wishes to respond to life. In this state of truly still BEing he can clearly see his own true purpose. He can see himself as he is and he can see life as it is. He can see what the perfect fit between himself and all of life is. He can see EXACTLY why he is in this particular here and now. And so, from this place, the 6D being responds and delivers to all of Life his Greatest Gift.
And THIS is the motivation of the 6D being: neither to serve the other nor the self. For that is an irrelevant thought at this level of existence. No. Neither to give nor to get. None of these things. But indeed, simply to find and express his truest nature, moment by moment. And doing so cannot be anything other than him giving his greatest gift. It cannot be any other than that which is MOST desired and needed by the Life that he finds around himself at that time. He MUST, by divine right order, be the perfect response at the perfect time to Life's needs, there and then.
But of course we, by now, know the way life works, don't we? We know that:
What you put out is what you get back.
So I am sure you can imagine what our 6D friend's life is like. He is giving his greatest gift and this is his highest joy. And so Life responds by giving Its greatest gift right back to him! It can do no other! So he finds himself living a remarkably abundant life too.
And just as it is true that what the 6D being does, is to give his greatest gift, so too is it so that this is the means of his continued growth, expansion and evolution. Anything that you do repeatedly you will get better at. Your skill and capacity will increase. And so much more so if you really love what you are doing. And so it is that the 6D being will come to truly master the giving of his gift. His reach will become great. His impact very large indeed. And all this will become close to effortless for him.
At about this point it might very well dawn upon him that the work he is doing is indirect. That is to say that the gift he is giving is by way of working with metaphors or representations rather than the thing itself. At about this point he will be ready to come to an understanding of the true nature of the energy behind the metaphors. He will realise that he has been working with the realm of story rather than the true energy and ISness of life itself. As all this dawns for him, so it will become time for him to awaken yet further and to evolve one more step up the ladder, to the 7th density of consciousness.
Let me tell you about that:
7D has been called the magical density because, at this level of awareness, one becomes one with all form – and therefore formless. You are beyond the illusions of dense matter. You are a direct part of the primal energy that is the very Life of this reality. You are, at this level, quite close to the Oneness of it all. At 7D you partake in the creation of this reality by directly working with the energy and the consciousness templates that make up this reality. Some part of your mind is occupied with some great task upon which the realties experienced in the lower densities depend for their very existence. Some, for example, are holding the frames of planetary consciousness or of galactic consciousness. Some are holding the frame of the consciousness of Human Body… or of some other animal. Or of an electron or a photon. At the 7th density of consciousness our perspective is very different from yours. It does not appear to us as if a photon is "less" than a galaxy. They are very different patterns, but the one is in no way inferior to the other. Neither is a planet "more" or "less" than a species of animal. It's all just different patterns. But not all 7D beings are pattern holders! There are many other employments for the mind at this level. Some undertake the task, of being a Watcher: that is to say, being a special kind of "observing" consciousness. Ones that collapse the huge range of possibilities inherent in the interaction of all these patterns into a small range of actualised expression. There are many others: Speakers, Seeders, Recyclers, Interventionists… and more. Each being, at the 7th density of consciousness, directly working with the formless energy of this reality to allow the magnificently multifarious forms and expressions that constitute this reality to exist.
But in order to do what we do, we at 7D must, by definition, be everywhere. There cannot be a restriction on where… or when… we can find ourselves. We are everywhere, always. And so a dense body with all its limitations is just not possible for one at this level of awareness. Certainly, such a body could be imagined into existence in an instant with almost no effort at all. But if I were to do this… if I were to imagine such a body for myself (and I could certainly do so) then I would not be able to limit my perspective enough to believe that I am inside that body and not also everywhere else at the same time too. I simply could not do that and still retain my 7D consciousness. If I want to experience myself inside a dense body I must do as you have done… as all your readers have done… I must lower my consciousness further and enter at least the 6th density.
And instantly I can sense your intrigue! You are suddenly exploding with questions. And every one of them will lead us further from the course of this chapter. So I will promise you one more chapter. In the next chapter I will tell what I am doing in this reality… what my function and purpose has been… and in so doing I will conclude the journey started in Chapter 8 of Book 1. I will give you some great insight into who I truly am. And from this, perhaps, you will gain some deeper insight into who you truly are. But between now and then, you will have to rely on one of your very poorest skills… patience.
And with that I shall return our attention to 7D consciousness. At this level of consciousness it is so that all the experiences that, to you, seem to be separate process, are really the same one process. Thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing, creating, expressing, dreaming, fantasizing, smelling, tasting… all of these processes are, for the 7D being… one process.
Now imagine that there is no difference between your sensing of the tree and your creative imagination of it. To look at the tree is to know that you willed it to be so. You know that you can change your perspective, hold another intention, and the tree will change form. It looks as it does BECAUSE you are imagining it as you are.
That is what it is like to be of 7D consciousness. It is, as I say, the density of pure magic. At this level, your will is made manifest..
Beings of the 7th density don't really evolve and change. There is nothing more that we can become inside this reality. There is nothing that we are apart from and nothing that we cannot know or experience. It is all available to us. So we simply do as we have agreed to do: we undertake the role we have been called to and we experience the Life that exists here. We do this for exactly as long as it is required and then, when the task is done, we leave this system. Or perhaps we penetrate more deeply into it and gain a different experience entirely.
There are specific points in the great cycles of creation when 7D beings collectively change roles and shift perspectives… when some leave this reality and others enter. This is busy happening now. I will address this subject at greater length in due course when I talk about "time".
If one wishes to leave this system entirely, the only way to do so is from the level of the 7th density consciousness. If a 7D being gives ALL of Its creations back to the system of life… if It releases all Its creations as a gift of Love… then It begins to balance Itself perfectly. It attains true Oneness of spirit. It releases any and all separation within Itself and, metaphorically speaking, It opens Its eyes to a new awakening as an 8th density consciousness.
At the 6th density there is no more polarity. The STO and STS streams converge. It matters not which path you trod before. Now all paths are one path. And because the 6D being knows that All is truly One, this density is often called the density of Unity Consciousness.
It is represented in your body in the brow chakra. The aspect of self that observes what is. That takes it all in. That resides in loving acceptance and surrender.
The 6D being's "natural" body is a light-form. A pure expression of bright light. But the 6D consciousness CAN still experience itself in a human body, for example, and this is the highest level of consciousness that one can attain whilst still attached to a dense body. But when you meet such a being outside of incarnation, you will see it as it really is: a bright light-form.
The sixth density of consciousness is a truly beautiful place to find yourself in. This is the level of awareness in which you finally have a good and useful grasp of the meaning of life in this system of reality and are able to enjoy it to the full without constantly tripping yourself and hurting yourself.
I shall explain: To enter the sixth density is to discover that you are One with All That Is. And so you live a life that is congruent with that truth. For example: you only put out what you want back. And you therefore only get back that which you want to experience. Life becomes a lot more harmonious and peaceful. But at the same time you are able to enjoy all the fruits of the illusion of separation. You can play and love and explore. You can taste and feel. You can live in a wonderfully complex human body on Planet Earth (or a different body on another planet, for that matter). You can have all these wonderful experiences that separation provides and yet, at the same time, you can simply choose to forgo fear and suffering!
The 6D being knows that he is One with Life. He knows, when he meets you, that you and he are two faces of the same eternal, infinite Source of All. He knows also that he is the creator of his own reality and that he is constantly bringing all his experiences to himself by his deepest beliefs. He therefore dedicates some of his time and energy to learning to heal the beliefs he holds which bring him results he finds undesirable. In this way he masters his thoughts and choices. In this way, in fact, he masters himself. Though, from the perspective of the 3D being, even a 4D being is of a more ascended consciousness, I myself would not consider a being to have attained mastery until they have attained at least the 6th density of consciousness. Before this they are still experiencing inner-conflict, suffering and pain. Before this they are still creating fear and undesirable dramas in their lives. The 6D being rises above this. And it is precisely because the 6D being rises above fear, pain and suffering that these things cease to drive him to evolve any further. Below 6D his evolution was driven by his desire to move away from that which he did not wish to experience. By a kind of a "running away" motivation. At the 6D level his motivation changes to a "running towards". That is to say, the 6D being, as a direct consequence of his level of consciousness, no longer finds himself having "negative" experiences. This allows him the deep peace and stillness necessary to truly observe "what is". In that state he can see quite clearly who he really is and how, from the deepest depths of his Soul, he wishes to respond to life. In this state of truly still BEing he can clearly see his own true purpose. He can see himself as he is and he can see life as it is. He can see what the perfect fit between himself and all of life is. He can see EXACTLY why he is in this particular here and now. And so, from this place, the 6D being responds and delivers to all of Life his Greatest Gift.
And THIS is the motivation of the 6D being: neither to serve the other nor the self. For that is an irrelevant thought at this level of existence. No. Neither to give nor to get. None of these things. But indeed, simply to find and express his truest nature, moment by moment. And doing so cannot be anything other than him giving his greatest gift. It cannot be any other than that which is MOST desired and needed by the Life that he finds around himself at that time. He MUST, by divine right order, be the perfect response at the perfect time to Life's needs, there and then.
But of course we, by now, know the way life works, don't we? We know that:
What you put out is what you get back.
So I am sure you can imagine what our 6D friend's life is like. He is giving his greatest gift and this is his highest joy. And so Life responds by giving Its greatest gift right back to him! It can do no other! So he finds himself living a remarkably abundant life too.
And just as it is true that what the 6D being does, is to give his greatest gift, so too is it so that this is the means of his continued growth, expansion and evolution. Anything that you do repeatedly you will get better at. Your skill and capacity will increase. And so much more so if you really love what you are doing. And so it is that the 6D being will come to truly master the giving of his gift. His reach will become great. His impact very large indeed. And all this will become close to effortless for him.
At about this point it might very well dawn upon him that the work he is doing is indirect. That is to say that the gift he is giving is by way of working with metaphors or representations rather than the thing itself. At about this point he will be ready to come to an understanding of the true nature of the energy behind the metaphors. He will realise that he has been working with the realm of story rather than the true energy and ISness of life itself. As all this dawns for him, so it will become time for him to awaken yet further and to evolve one more step up the ladder, to the 7th density of consciousness.
Let me tell you about that:
7D has been called the magical density because, at this level of awareness, one becomes one with all form – and therefore formless. You are beyond the illusions of dense matter. You are a direct part of the primal energy that is the very Life of this reality. You are, at this level, quite close to the Oneness of it all. At 7D you partake in the creation of this reality by directly working with the energy and the consciousness templates that make up this reality. Some part of your mind is occupied with some great task upon which the realties experienced in the lower densities depend for their very existence. Some, for example, are holding the frames of planetary consciousness or of galactic consciousness. Some are holding the frame of the consciousness of Human Body… or of some other animal. Or of an electron or a photon. At the 7th density of consciousness our perspective is very different from yours. It does not appear to us as if a photon is "less" than a galaxy. They are very different patterns, but the one is in no way inferior to the other. Neither is a planet "more" or "less" than a species of animal. It's all just different patterns. But not all 7D beings are pattern holders! There are many other employments for the mind at this level. Some undertake the task, of being a Watcher: that is to say, being a special kind of "observing" consciousness. Ones that collapse the huge range of possibilities inherent in the interaction of all these patterns into a small range of actualised expression. There are many others: Speakers, Seeders, Recyclers, Interventionists… and more. Each being, at the 7th density of consciousness, directly working with the formless energy of this reality to allow the magnificently multifarious forms and expressions that constitute this reality to exist.
But in order to do what we do, we at 7D must, by definition, be everywhere. There cannot be a restriction on where… or when… we can find ourselves. We are everywhere, always. And so a dense body with all its limitations is just not possible for one at this level of awareness. Certainly, such a body could be imagined into existence in an instant with almost no effort at all. But if I were to do this… if I were to imagine such a body for myself (and I could certainly do so) then I would not be able to limit my perspective enough to believe that I am inside that body and not also everywhere else at the same time too. I simply could not do that and still retain my 7D consciousness. If I want to experience myself inside a dense body I must do as you have done… as all your readers have done… I must lower my consciousness further and enter at least the 6th density.
And instantly I can sense your intrigue! You are suddenly exploding with questions. And every one of them will lead us further from the course of this chapter. So I will promise you one more chapter. In the next chapter I will tell what I am doing in this reality… what my function and purpose has been… and in so doing I will conclude the journey started in Chapter 8 of Book 1. I will give you some great insight into who I truly am. And from this, perhaps, you will gain some deeper insight into who you truly are. But between now and then, you will have to rely on one of your very poorest skills… patience.
And with that I shall return our attention to 7D consciousness. At this level of consciousness it is so that all the experiences that, to you, seem to be separate process, are really the same one process. Thinking, feeling, seeing, knowing, creating, expressing, dreaming, fantasizing, smelling, tasting… all of these processes are, for the 7D being… one process.
Now imagine that there is no difference between your sensing of the tree and your creative imagination of it. To look at the tree is to know that you willed it to be so. You know that you can change your perspective, hold another intention, and the tree will change form. It looks as it does BECAUSE you are imagining it as you are.
That is what it is like to be of 7D consciousness. It is, as I say, the density of pure magic. At this level, your will is made manifest..
Beings of the 7th density don't really evolve and change. There is nothing more that we can become inside this reality. There is nothing that we are apart from and nothing that we cannot know or experience. It is all available to us. So we simply do as we have agreed to do: we undertake the role we have been called to and we experience the Life that exists here. We do this for exactly as long as it is required and then, when the task is done, we leave this system. Or perhaps we penetrate more deeply into it and gain a different experience entirely.
There are specific points in the great cycles of creation when 7D beings collectively change roles and shift perspectives… when some leave this reality and others enter. This is busy happening now. I will address this subject at greater length in due course when I talk about "time".
If one wishes to leave this system entirely, the only way to do so is from the level of the 7th density consciousness. If a 7D being gives ALL of Its creations back to the system of life… if It releases all Its creations as a gift of Love… then It begins to balance Itself perfectly. It attains true Oneness of spirit. It releases any and all separation within Itself and, metaphorically speaking, It opens Its eyes to a new awakening as an 8th density consciousness." - Master 8