

We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Ayo SS

Today my mother showed up out of nowhere, it was weird and I did not expect that at fucking all, I had to do a double-take to see if it was actually her who was walking towards me and my brother, I thought it was the sleep deprivation and I was seeing shit but I was not. Her first words to us were "you two just dont learn do you". Learn what exactly? Learn that this family is fucking shit, and only cares about themselves? Because that's what I'm learning from all of this.

She also told me that in order for the family to help us out we need to start working, we both currently have jobs but are on leave - how the fuck are you supposed to work with 0 hours of sleep? It just cannot happen and it's not normal for human beings to do that, unless they are superman or some shit.

Is she implying we will get some sort of help? I really don't know what they think we expect from them, all we really want is a roof over our heads for at least 2 weeks or so, so we can work and get back on our feet. They think we want them to "support" us and live with them for the rest our lives, so they say and think. I geuss that's the mindset of them though, really shitty huh?

It's been approximately 12 days since I've had any proper sleep, with a few hours of naps in between. I've probably totaled in a good 14 hours of sleep out of 12 days, I don't know how I'm going insane yet, I'm definitely not seeing or hearing shit that isn't there and I've read online that by your 3rd day of no sleep you start to hallucinate and hear things that are not there, it's probably the naps that I'm getting in that are preventing this, maybe I already am and I'm just accustomed to it at this point? Who knows, and who the fuck cares tbh...
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Reactions: Lara Francis, blanketyblk, Soul and 6 others
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I can agree with the hearing things and hallucinating with no sleep. Your mind plays some fucked up tricks on you.

I went several days without sleep once and I was sitting in my living room. I saw shadows moving around in the kitchen and I heard the refrigerator door open. I quietly got up and snuck to the kitchen... Nothing..
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I can agree with the hearing things and hallucinating with no sleep. Your mind plays some fucked up tricks on you.

I went several days without sleep once and I was sitting in my living room. I saw shadows moving around in the kitchen and I heard the refrigerator door open. I quietly got up and snuck to the kitchen... Nothing..
All I'm seeing is these black little dots in the corner of my eyes that are floating, nothing too spectacular, but I really hope I don't experience what you saw, that sounds scary... sorry about that
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
When I deliberately went without sleep for several days I started having audio hallucinations that were so realistic that to this day I don't know which of the odd things I heard were really real. And my cat unexpectedly gave birth to one kitten - that turned out to be real, but it took a while to be sure.

I'm really sorry you and your brother are struggling so. There should be somewhere you can turn for help, since your parents aren't offering you what they should.
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Reactions: ExitTheDay, Lara Francis and Going Home

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