
Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
So sick of hearing this bullshit. If it was so much easier every retarded boomer should be able to figure it out.

Computers just made us do more work than you did in a shorter amount of time for less pay. If you're over 50 you cannot provide good life advice and you're not worth listening to.

You could work at McDonalds and afford a house. Handed practically everything and we are the entitled ones.

All the people who try giving advice have never had to live in squalor while working full time. So please shut the fuck up. You sound either ignorant or just plain stupid.

If you feel like saying this shit then please ctb so the rest of us can finally enjoy life
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Sep 16, 2023
Also destroyed the ability to socialize. Just a bunch of people in the same room looking down at their iphones. Also nearly impossible to meet people unless you're on some kind of app. I hate it
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
I honestly hate it too! :( Even tho it makes it far easier to find fun things, both that and the fact that everyone's on their phones all day makes it infinitely harder to socialize! >_<
tbh, we wouldn't even know what we'd be missing! xD


Apr 18, 2023
Interesting how boomers consistently fail to understand the dichotomy of human inventions. The simple truth that they can make things better and worse by the same token for people is so elusive for a generation that prides itself on being superior to us millennials and Gen Zers
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
That is not how it works yeah. When people get more efficient standards get higher as well.
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May 27, 2020
Every era presents new problems to humanity. Yes: in certain areas you could argue that life is easier, but you could also argue that in other areas things are more difficult. Even if life as a whole has become more easier surely this is good? Does anybody want to live in an 1800's slum? No, and unfortunately some people still do - figuratively speaking.
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Aug 27, 2018
They also have to keep in mind we really haven´t much more money through the years despite inflation where as in the past you could buy lots of groceries or gas for a few dollars now you spend a lot more money when buying anything. Since I was a child gas has gone up about 1.5 dollars for 1L and groceries has become way more expensive too even chips and candy but we haven´t gotten anymore money I can´t imagine having a car now and paying over 2 bucks for 1L of gas how the hell can people afford this.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
I see your point, but can't deny, I absolutely adore my computer. Don't really leave the house much and the pc compensates for most needs I have, which is the positive side of this process. But yeah, when we simplify our lives by pressing "order now" e.g. some guy or girl gets chased around a warehouse at minimum wage trying to make ends meet. The least they could do is tax these companies properly and spend it on social support.

Mostly it depends on where the older generation is from, they've had dis-/advantages alike, but yes, they're leaving one mess of a planet behind. But it's not like the mid (mine) or younger generation seems any smarter when it comes to voting, making policy or bringing change. In fact, it seems to be getting worse.
Also destroyed the ability to socialize. Just a bunch of people in the same room looking down at their iphones. Also nearly impossible to meet people unless you're on some kind of app. I hate it
This is so true. While it's great getting personal footage from some events, it's absolutely ridiculous how people prefer their phones to socialising with actual friends, even when they're face to face! Don't go out much, so this hits me every time. Plus, back when I was watching football, if you're at some final e.g. (or other spectacular event), next to the stairs leading to the trophy and Ronaldo or Messi passes you by, if it means that much to you, why the hell would you look at your screen recording it and not just burn it into your memory via your eyes? So weird.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I'm from the 'in between' generation so I might have a slightly different take. Firstly, it is important to acknowledge thoughtful and empathic people of all generations. I have an uncle who is very much of the Boomer generation, but is one of the most thoughtful people you could imagine - in fact, he himself argues that his own generation left ruins for the youth.

When I was young, the elder generation was the greatest generation. They were so generous and caring that I couldn't have imagined the horrors they had survived: World War I, the Great Depression and World War II. They clearly got through this succession of nightmares by learning to look after one another. However, they dropped the ball as parents, giving rise to the self-centred culture of the Boomer generation in the US and elsewhere.

First there was the extreme hedonism of their youth in the '60s, then the transition to the 'decade of greed' in the '80s, when the same young people entered the workforce and brought us the ethical bankruptcy of soulless modern corporations. The '90s were characterised by demanding needless tax cuts so that future generations could deal with staggering debts. Then came luxurious retirements of conspicuous consumption.

In analysis, the first problem was major mistakes made by their parents that normalised narcissism and selfishness, hence the nickname 'generation me'. People raised with this mindset will never take responsibility for anything because they are always in the right.

The second problem relates somewhat to computers. A mixture of social media echo chambers and the endless right-wing rants of the Murdoch media empire have made Boomers prime candidates for 'brain hacking'. A lot of their typical positions - contempt for their own grandchildren, passionate opposition to environmentalism and the endless obsession with outrage and victimhood - are utter lunacy to an outside observer. Yet we live in an era when AI-powered computers use people as much as people use computers.

The Zuckerbergs and Murdochs of the world are profiting from the loveless toxicity of the culture wars and the generational wars. The Boomers are merely pawns in this game. But the youth, facing the infinite uphill battle of living costs, national debts, the environment, etc., have no one to turn to.
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Sep 16, 2023
I see your point, but can't deny, I absolutely adore my computer. Don't really leave the house much and the pc compensates for most needs I have, which is the positive side of this process. But yeah, when we simplify our lives by pressing "order now" e.g. some guy or girl gets chased around a warehouse at minimum wage trying to make ends meet. The least they could do is tax these companies properly and spend it on social support.

Mostly it depends on where the older generation is from, they've had dis-/advantages alike, but yes, they're leaving one mess of a planet behind. But it's not like the mid (mine) or younger generation seems any smarter when it comes to voting, making policy or bringing change. In fact, it seems to be getting worse.

This is so true. While it's great getting personal footage from some events, it's absolutely ridiculous how people prefer their phones to socialising with actual friends, even when they're face to face! Don't go out much, so this hits me every time. Plus, back when I was watching football, if you're at some final e.g. (or other spectacular event), next to the stairs leading to the trophy and Ronaldo or Messi passes you by, if it means that much to you, why the hell would you look at your screen recording it and not just burn it into your memory via your eyes? So weird.
I'm also a bit of a hypocrite though. Because I grew up in a time period where there was usually one computer in the house with it's own dedicated room and if you were on it with your friends everyone was huddled around it, interacting together. And I liked that. Same thing with video games. Technology is slowly robbing us of our souls and basic human interaction. And it used to be your mom or someone taking photos of their kids and putting it in a scrapbook or something. Now they're just taking photos of themselves facetuning it and posting on the internet for validation. And now everyone recording everything they do, ever. Rather than making actual memories for their brain to remember
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Jump to it
Sep 14, 2023
So sick of hearing this bullshit. If it was so much easier every retarded boomer should be able to figure it out.

Computers just made us do more work than you did in a shorter amount of time for less pay. If you're over 50 you cannot provide good life advice and you're not worth listening to.

You could work at McDonalds and afford a house. Handed practically everything and we are the entitled ones.

All the people who try giving advice have never had to live in squalor while working full time. So please shut the fuck up. You sound either ignorant or just plain stupid.

If you feel like saying this shit then please ctb so the rest of us can finally enjoy life
I try to explain this to people all of the time. Back in the day you could hold just about any job and afford to live in your own place. Algorithms have figured out how to squeeze every penny out of us while still keeping us alive to continue the cycle.


Dec 4, 2022
My grandfather started working for a company at 15 years of age with only basic education. Built his first house at around 20 while supporting his wife and children, ended up owning 5 properties with land, a fat pension and full bank account. I have no doubt he worked his ass off for this but try doing this today. This was the norm back then.

I too tried to work my ass off, I got a university degree (and loan) because that is what I was told to do. Turns out the companies I now work for do not reward hard work. They only give more responsibility and shit to do for the same shitty salary.

Yes we can buy much more cool things like smartphones. But most don't have the same opportunities for things that really matters, like starting a family or building a place you can call your own. No wonder people want to kill themselves. Many of us have no purpose other than living paycheck from paycheck, spending the little extra we have on short lived enjoyment.
Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
I like my computer, it is the only place where I found acceptance, it is the only place where I'm not chased away, where I can fight on even terms, it is the only place where I get to live my story, where I can be good, kind and dedicated and of course the only place where I can get stuff that I can afford. I'm talking about being here with you guys and girls, I'm talking about playing games, watching movies and listening to music. : )
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