

He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
So came across a video on how to extract codeine from co-codamol. Very easy and straight forward. So I could pick a packet up each time I go shopping, cold extract it, then leave it in the fridge till I've got enough, I mean damn, looks like a better way to od. I theory, so what I'm thinking, spend all day drinking, then at the end of the day/night just chug back the solution, pass out and bam, goodnight. Thoughts?
Here's the video of the process
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May 25, 2018
So came across a video on how to extract codeine from co-codamol. Very easy and straight forward. So I could pick a packet up each time I go shopping, cold extract it, then leave it in the fridge till I've got enough, I mean damn, looks like a better way to od. I theory, so what I'm thinking, spend all day drinking, then at the end of the day/night just chug back the solution, pass out and bam, goodnight. Thoughts?
Here's the video of the process

Very interesting. Had never heard of that before. But getting anything with codeine in it where I live is nigh on impossible .


Jul 3, 2018
Isnt codeine OD super painful and takes long (up to days) to die from?
At least thats the case for paracetamol OD and it can cause liver failure.

Why is that guy in the vid turning it into solutions? Recreational use?

From the paracetamol wiki:

Untreated paracetamol overdose results in a lengthy, painful illness. Signs and symptoms of paracetamol toxicity may initially be absent or non. The first symptoms of overdose usually begin several hours after ingestion, with nausea, vomiting, sweating, and pain as acute liver failure starts. People who take overdoses of paracetamol do not fall asleep or lose consciousness, although most people who attempt suicide with paracetamol wrongly believe that they will be rendered unconscious by the drug. The process of dying from an overdose takes from 3–5 days to 4–6 weeks.
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Jun 19, 2018
Isnt codeine OD super painful and takes long (up to days) to die from?
At least thats the case for paracetamol OD and it can cause liver failure.

I mean... codeine and paracetamol are two different substances. Why would you assume that two different substances cause the same outcome?


Jul 3, 2018
I mean... codeine and paracetamol are two different substances. Why would you assume that two different substances cause the same outcome?
Because Paracetamolcodeine meds exist.

The white remnants, after filtering the codeine, was paracetamol according to the guy in the vid.

Thats why I connected them.
As I thought that it is paracetamol with codeine.

But feel free to correct me if I said anything incorrect.
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Jun 19, 2018
Because there is medication called Paracetamol codeine.

The white remnants after the filtering was paracetamol according to the guy in the vid.

But feel free to correct me if I said anything incorrect.

The video is a tutorial on how to separate the codein from the paracetamol. That's the point of the process. He does admit that some traces of paracetamol make it through the filtering process, but insists that the amounts are to small to be significant. Whether or not that's true, I don't know. Since he seems to have been doing it for a while and is not dead of liver failure, I guess there's a good chance his process works.
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Jul 3, 2018
The video is a tutorial on how to separate the codein from the paracetamol. That's the point of the process. He does admit that some traces of paracetamol make it through the filtering process, but insists that the amounts are to small to be significant. Whether or not that's true, I don't know. Since he seems to have been doing it for a while and is not dead of liver failure, I guess there's a good chance his process works.

I think he knows what he is doing.

But wether his process works or not cant be concluded from him having no liver failure or not being dead.

As he has no issues from drinking it, because he makes sure not to take too much.

The guy in the vid doesnt want to die.
He even warns for not taking over a certain amount.
He also limits the amount for each bottle, to make sure that there isnt a deadly amount in a bottle for someone to drink by accident.
Thats also among reasons why he labels it.

You can indeed die from enough codeine.
From browsing about codeine alone, liver failure can also be among codeine OD symptoms.

I am not sure if it would be a relatively quick and peaceful death.

If anyone knows please share.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Very interesting. Had never heard of that before. But getting anything with codeine in it where I live is nigh on impossible .
That's too bad, where are you from then?


He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
It all seems pretty legit, not sure where the confusion is coming from, bit yeah, he's extracting the codiene from the praecetemol, codeine being water soluble, where parecetemol isn't. So the white sludge is just paracetamol. With the Luis now being a codiene solution. It looks like he does it for pain management. Will have to look into codiene od but I would assume it's very similar to other opioid o.d. Mixed with alcohol would make it even more dangerous.


He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Signs and Symptoms of Codeine Overdose
Codeine induces a sense of euphoria and relaxation. Codeine overdose occurs when you ingest enough of the drug to cause dangerous—even fatal—side effects. While a single misuse can be fatal, if you or someone you care for is struggling with a codeine addiction, be especially alert for the signs of an overdose. If overdose is suspected, promptly seek emergency medical assistance.

Some of these overdose effects may include 5:

  • Mental status changes such as fatigue, drowsiness, and confusion.
  • Sensations of dizziness and lightheadedness.
  • Breathing problems ranging from slow and labored to not breathing at all.
  • Cold and clammy skin.
  • Fingernails and lips with a bluish tint.
  • Stomach and intestinal spasms.
  • Constipation.
  • Constricted pupils.
  • Low blood pressure and weak pulse.
  • Unresponsiveness and coma.
The most common cause of death from opiate overdose is respiratory failure, wherein the user simply stops breathing. In addition to loss of life and injury from trauma (falls, automobile accidents), non-fatal opiate overdose can damage the body in several ways, including 6:

  • Anoxic brain injury.
  • Seizures.
  • Liver failure.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Breakdown of skeletal muscles.
In addition to the risks from overdosing on codeine, dangers include combining associated medications with codeine. For example, when taken in excess, the Tylenol component of combination medicines such as Tylenol #3 and Tylenol #4 (both Tylenol with codeine) may lead to deadly liver failure from acetaminophen toxicity.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
So came across a video on how to extract codeine from co-codamol. Very easy and straight forward. So I could pick a packet up each time I go shopping, cold extract it, then leave it in the fridge till I've got enough, I mean damn, looks like a better way to od. I theory, so what I'm thinking, spend all day drinking, then at the end of the day/night just chug back the solution, pass out and bam, goodnight. Thoughts?
Here's the video of the process

Hmm, I like this better than my rope idea to end things.


He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Hmm, I like this better than my rope idea to end things.
Same here, I want to just go to sleep/pass out and not wake up. Tried od 3 times now and figured I'm better off with another method. So chose hanging, but after coming across this vid it seems I may have another chance at my preferred method.


Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Ive tried asphyxiation, it was not pleasant, my head was pounding and after a while I heard these voices but I wont get into it on here, anyways I took the rope off my neck. Ive prepared myself to just go with it the next time I do it however this method looks easy. Luckily for me I can get co-codamol. When you going to try it? I need to get some beakers and filters. I suppose amazon is my best bet.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Not sure when I'm going to try, but will be buying a pack each time I go the shops from now on. Will have to re watch the video to get the correct amounts. Think I might just extract each time I buy them. Then at some point will have decent amount, then knowing that it's there waiting will be a good feeling. Don't even need beakers, just cups/glasses from the kitchen. The coffee filter should be able to get in the shop as well.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Yeah I agree, knowing its there will bring some peace while also knowing your suffering will come to an end. I am already planning on what kind of alcohol do I drink since its my last time. I might go with my old favourite southern comfort and lemonade.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Definitely gotta be your favourite, and a strong drink as well I would assume would be a good idea. I've been thinking of just good old vodka and fruit juice. but haven't properly drank in a long time, last time I had a drink while trying to od I could barely get the cider down. Being an ex alcoholic it would be stupid that drinking alcohol would be the hardest part!


Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Im normally a vodka man myself, well, when I do drink that is, I cant these days through my IBS so since it would be my last time drinking fuck the IBS. Any ideas on much liquid youre going to produce? milligrams I believe it is. Ill have to watch the video again, I was too tired last night to take it all in.


Jul 7, 2018
There is a syrup that is called Makatussin which has only codeine as active principle. It's sold without prescription in some European countries such as Switzerland. It has become sort of a trend to drink it diluted with Sprite or other soda...this then goes called purple drank or similar... a bottle of the syrup costs 6 EUR, no idea how much do you need to OD.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Yeah I just had a look for some Makatussin online. All the usual dodgy scam sites came up on google so im staying away. Although if I knew where to get it in England, Id try it in a heartbeat.


Jul 7, 2018
Yeah I just had a look for some Makatussin online. All the usual dodgy scam sites came up on google so im staying away. Although if I knew where to get it in England, Id try it in a heartbeat.

I don't know. Try to see some swiss online pharmacies. I am in Northern Italy and many teenagers go on purpose to Switzerland from here to buy Makatussin for recreation (it's a 1 hour travel). But if I'm not wrong should be sold freely also in France and maybe there are other commercial names I'm not aware of.


Jul 3, 2018
My angle, codeine is vile, I was addicted to it for years, it ruined my life and dragged me into the path of the people and the organisation that destroyed me and put me in the position I am in right now.

It's not something to take lightly or mess with, I certainly would not use it, but that's just me. You may well get the dosage wrong, and land up feeling it's relieving, euphoric effects, and like I did, you may decide not to OD (which in my opinion is utterly stupid, but that's just me) and become addicted to it instead.

DO NOT mess with the OTC stuff, I was hooked on the stuff with Ibuprofen in and it almost killed my friend through causing his stomach to rupture. Sadly it did not kill me, and that would be a horrible way to go out.

The other risk, even with CWE as you cannot guarantee removal of all the other crap, is paracetamol/acetaminophen which will kill you very slowly over a few days, via liver failure.

That syrup you're all talking about also contains an antihistamine, which would make the experience horrific, please don't do this.
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Jul 3, 2018
What people, which organisation?

An addiction 'treatment' organisation that used to be run by the NHS but was sold to a private, for profit company. They forced me to cold turkey from RC Benzos too, which led to me being here.

I was originally referred there for the addiction to OTC Codeine products. I took the benzos when they were sold as legal 'highs', it had nothing to do with the Codeine, and was my choice. They bullied and threatened me and got everyone else on board, including my husband, saying what a horrendous problem this free choice of mine was. This led to me receiving no medical support once the stuff I was taking was banned and the websites selling it closed.

I was just left to it with no other choice than to go cold turkey, the subsequent withdrawal, which has been going on for two years now, has led me to this point. It feels as if all paths in my life have taken this course now due to the actions of some people who thought they knew best.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
An addiction 'treatment' organisation that used to be run by the NHS but was sold to a private, for profit company. They forced me to cold turkey from RC Benzos too, which led to me being here.

I was originally referred there for the addiction to OTC Codeine products. I took the benzos when they were sold as legal 'highs', it had nothing to do with the Codeine, and was my choice. They bullied and threatened me and got everyone else on board, including my husband, saying what a horrendous problem this free choice of mine was. This led to me receiving no medical support once the stuff I was taking was banned and the websites selling it closed.

I was just left to it with no other choice than to go cold turkey, the subsequent withdrawal, which has been going on for two years now, has led me to this point. It feels as if all paths in my life have taken this course now due to the actions of some people who thought they knew best.
In a not so messed up way, that's also why I'm here, those goddamn RC benzos and subsequent ban and no choice but to withdraw. I appreciate you sharing your story, and I'm sorry you've ended up where you are, but it sounds like even without the intervention of those people you would be in this situation anyway. Call me stupid but I don't overly see a problem with this method, yes there is a chance of addiction, but the CWE seems like a pretty safe method of getting the codeine without other stuff (paracetamol). Surely a gram of codeine on top of plenty of alcohol is a pretty sure fire way to go for someone with no tolerance to either.


Jul 3, 2018
In a not so messed up way, that's also why I'm here, those goddamn RC benzos and subsequent ban and no choice but to withdraw. I appreciate you sharing your story, and I'm sorry you've ended up where you are, but it sounds like even without the intervention of those people you would be in this situation anyway. Call me stupid but I don't overly see a problem with this method, yes there is a chance of addiction, but the CWE seems like a pretty safe method of getting the codeine without other stuff (paracetamol). Surely a gram of codeine on top of plenty of alcohol is a pretty sure fire way to go for someone with no tolerance to either.

The decline toward this situation began long before the ban was introduced. That law however was introduced mainly to outlaw mamba, aka spice, and no consideration what so ever was given to those using the Benzos. These ludicrous, discriminating agencies set up to help/force people off heroin and alcohol had NO idea how to handle the deluge of benzo related cases similar to mine that poured in after the ban was introduced. The approach I received was 'go away and get on with it' and they even went as far as to say I was not at risk of a seizure or any withdrawal symptoms if I rapidly reduced over just six weeks.

The codeine was where it all began for me, so I will naturally speak out against that shit, even if it is someone's first and last dose.

That syrup shit also has promethazine in it, which is an antihistamine and symptoms of an OD of it are not nice at all.
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