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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
There is almost no chance of my being interrupted or discovered, regardless of method.

I don't like the suffocating effects of SN. I do like that the overall suffering is limited to ~20-40 minutes, and that I can potentially shorten that time period with 160 mg diazepam, and up to 14 g of propanolol and up to 1 g amlodipine (calcium channel blocker, good to mix with propanolol for OD).

But yeah, I've done my research and I'm not super psyched about SN, or a straight propanolol/amlodipine OD.

I've gone through the CO megathread and there is so much confusion about how to do it. It's one of those bro science topics with different setups, tent types, etc. I can use a closet if I want, or I can use a whole bedroom. I don't know what type of briquettes are best except to stay away from Kingsford (I can only get briquettes, or maybe some mesquite wood meant for barbecuing). CO seems way more peaceful, and I can take diazepam, but because the megathread has so many different options and varied discussions, and because I don't have access to that awesome Asian charcoal, I am not even remotely confident in setting up and performing the method.

I suppose I could try CO and if I wake up, down the SN/propanolol/amlodipine mixture, since I'd already be feeling like shit anyway.

Any thoughts?
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Dec 17, 2019
the suffocating effects of SN
None exist , just to note .

E.g. Moonie was death rattles while fainting and being unaware .

This happens with N as well -- small cough seen in video,etc .
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
And if you are not coherent enough to do that or even knock the SN over?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
None exist , just to note .

E.g. Moonie was death rattles while fainting and being unaware .

This happens with N as well -- small cough seen in video,etc .

Respectfully, they very much do. Difficulty breathing is one of the most commonly reported symotoms anecdotally.

Second, we aren't certain about Moonie, that's speculation. Intelligent speculation, but I think there's a tendency to want to believe it for the sake of emotional comfort and confirmation bias. Lotus1818 was not able to definitively confirm that what she witnessed were death rattles, and in fact thought that Moonie was still conscious until after they stopped.

Third, I tested my new SN yesterday with my own blood. Because I don't bleed easily, it wasn't enough to drip into the SN, so I rubbed some SN on where I poked myself. In about 5 minutes I started having some effects, including tightness of chest and brief mild feelings of suffocation that stopped as soon as I drank a bunch of water and electrolyte beverage.

Fourth, this excellent (to me) post from a different SN thread that I honestly wish were re-posted as its own thread:

I wrote this shortly after a member used SN. I then decided not to post it and took a break from this site.

This seems like a good place to post it.

This will be my last post regarding SN as I feel I have exhausted my opinion ( which has changed over time). I figured this was an appropriate place to post my latest thoughts and research on SN.

I want to point out that while I started off highly critical of this method, I have never been affraid to be wrong or change my mind regarding any aspect of my life. In just a few weeks I did infact change my mind from "no way" to "viable". However, I did not stop researching SN. I read about pigs and their anatomy, how other mammals react to SN. I tried to go deeper into SN than just for the purpose we talk about. Looking into how it works on meat and also what other elements react with SN. Carbon Dioxide came up a lot. When I found out about the action of SN on CO 2 (Carbon Dioxide) I started to shift back to being unsure of this method. This research raised some red flags for me.

Why Carbon Dioxide is important is I think there is a huge misconseption that if you are able to move your lungs and take in fresh O2 there is no feeling of suffocation. However, the feeling of Suffocation actually has nothing to do with Oxygen.

Our bodies have a unique built in Carbon Dioxode Alarm. We are hardwired to go into panic mode and feel as if we are suffocating when our bodies are exposed to to much Carbon Dioxide. Or we are unable to move and expel Carbon Dioxide from our blood and through the lungs at a fast enough rate to be in balance with our Oxygen intake.

If you use a site like Researchgate.net , or just dig deep enough on other research , chemistry, and medical websites. You can find a lot of information about SN , many of them state that SN causes impairment of not just O 2 transport but CO 2 transport as well.

This has been my biggest fear and concern with SN. If your body is unable to get rid of Carbon Dioxide , even if you are breathing in and out, your Body will trigger its Suffocation Alarm. There is no way to guarantee you will be unconscious before to much CO 2 build up takes place.

Because of this and other variables I will cover below. I do not think the peacefulness of this method to me can be assigned a numeric value. I would say it is (x) where (x) is the value of the Individual. Therefore it is impossible to tell how any 1 individual will respond, or establish any realistic baseline.

In my opinion Exit International has been extremely reckless with its claims on this method, and has not even looked at the CO 2 side of this.

The CO 2 issue for me is the most important unknown, because it will no doubt be a key factor in the Peacefullness catagory. If oxygen deprivation is taking place at a slower pace than CO 2 Elimination is occuring a person would indeed have some sensations of being suffocated.

As I said , I started off thinking SN was a poor choice, I then changed my mind based on conversations , member posts, and documents from not just SS and Exit but other sources. Now I am back to thinking this method is just not reliable for the Peacefulness requirement to be met in every case, mainly due to the (x) factor.

It is true there are unknowns in every method. Some people just succumb quicker than others. However with SN the unknowns and the vastly different experiences make it almost impossible to even set a margin or base line to work with. The way a person responds to SN truly seems to be all over the place in almost every catagory that most people care about. Those being: Peacefulness, Time, and Suffering.

With SN the varibales that factor into a persons response to SN seem to play a much larger role than in other methods. Just some of those variables that make up (x) are: Metabolism, Blood Pressure, existing pulmonary conditions, existing digestive issues , genetics , existing blood disorders, medications, red blood cell turn over rate, the liver enyme bilirueben, blood iron levels, tissue iron levels, and the bodies current PH level could all very well cause complications with this method. Most of these variables would not have nearly as much significance in other methods.

I think we need to be realistic about the possibility that this is not as peaceful as Exit wants us to believe. This is not a fine tuned and dialed in method, and honestly because of the variables it may never be. It may provide a peaceful and quick exit for some, others may have a very different experience.

As I see it, SS has done far more research on this than Exit, and I appreciate all of the people who I have spoken with on this method, I respect all your opinions and insights.

Based on accounts of members of this forum, as well as Exit, and my efforts to sort through the prolife propaganda on the internet and uncover real scientific information. I have come to my own conclusion and want to emphasize 2 main points.

1) SN can go in many different directions regardless of preparation or lack of preparation because of all the variables (and more) that I listed above.

2) More information about how SN interacts with the transport and elimination of CO 2 in relation to O2 needs to be uncovered and considered.

It is impossible to know what a person is actually feeling during some of what appears to be some of the more distressing symptoms. This of course is true in any act of dying.

I am not trying to convince anyone of anything with this post, I am a person who believes in choice, but I also believe in protecting people, it is the claims and initial research of Exit that has put this method on the radar. I believe The last thing a person who is suffering deserves is a false promise of a peaceful exit only to possibly suffer in the end.

In my Opinion there is danger in taking on a "label" and never question it. Be it ProChoice or ProLife, Republican or Democrat. The danger exists because some people will take an extreme stance and become the face of that movement.

When a person goes from being 'Pro-anything" to an extremist of that cause, they begin to see things through a very narrow lens. I believe this is true of Exit International.

As we lost another wonderful member, I can't help but think that she deserved a better end than : a Burning throat, burning stomach, vomiting, and gasping for air. These are not things I would associate with Peaceful. For me personally, gasping for Air would induce anxiety, fear, and panic and for me those symptoms are far worse than any physical pain.

Moon, I hope you are in a better place now, dancing on the moon showered in starlight and smiling down on us. I am deeply sorry for what you experienced. At least now you are out of pain. I Wish you had stayed with us.

Finaly, in the short time I have been here I have come to care greatly for this forum and it's members , I do not wish any of you suffering in life or in death.


In my research I have discovered that SN is coming under heavy investigation as a major contributing factor to the formation of Cancer Cells. SN is being used in so many products, and in some countries if the amount is under a certain microgram, the manufacturer does not have to list it as an ingredient. So in a way SN is going to kill a lot of humans through low dose chronic exposure, especially in countries that have diets made up of processed foods.

To answer this question:

And if you are not coherent enough to do that or even knock the SN over?

SN will be in a sealed water bottle. If not coherent enough, I dunno, I guess wait until I am. I suppose I could drink some more water to become coherent, but if I can do that, I think I can drink the 50 ml of SN drink. :)
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
SN will be in a sealed water bottle. If not coherent enough, I dunno, I guess wait until I am. I suppose I could drink some more water to become coherent, but if I can do that, I could drink the SN. :)

Sounds like you do have a plan somewhat. I can't say honestly because i have know idea of what you looked into, the time you have thought about this or your thought patterns
If one doesn't work try the other.. If i may iask. Where do you plan on doing the CO2 method, if you do.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Sounds like you do have a plan somewhat. I can't say honestly because i have know idea of what you looked into, the time you have thought about this or your thought patterns
If one doesn't work try the other.. If i may iask. Where do you plan on doing the CO2 method, if you do.

Where? Closet or bedroom.

What I've looked into? SN/propanlol extensively, CO megathread but see OP for why I'm confused about it. Because of this, no CO plan whatsoever except location. Already have an SN/propanolol plan.

Thought patterns? The OP is pretty much my whole thought pattern. Maybe it reads unclear.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020

I know it's not as scintillating as whether or not one should lose their virginity before ctb'ing, but still.... :haha:
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Become Dust With Me, My Love.
Dec 17, 2019

I know it's not as scintillating as whether or not one should lose their virginity before ctb'ing, but still.... :haha:

Respectfully, they very much do. Difficulty breathing is one of the most commonly reported symotoms anecdotally.

Second, we aren't certain about Moonie, that's speculation. Intelligent speculation, but I think there's a tendency to want to believe it for the sake of emotional comfort and confirmation bias. Lotus1818 was not able to definitively confirm that what she witnessed were death rattles, and in fact thought that Moonie was still conscious until after they stopped.

Third, I tested my new SN yesterday with my own blood. Because I don't bleed easily, it wasn't enough to drip into the SN, so I rubbed some SN on where I poked myself. In about 5 minutes I started having some effects, including tightness of chest and brief mild feelings of suffocation that stopped as soon as I drank a bunch of water and electrolyte beverage.

Fourth, this excellent (to me) post from a different SN thread that I honestly wish were re-posted as its own thread:

To answer this question:

SN will be in a sealed water bottle. If not coherent enough, I dunno, I guess wait until I am. I suppose I could drink some more water to become coherent, but if I can do that, I think I can drink the 50 ml of SN drink. :)

That's crazy about you bringing the SN directly to an open spot on your body. I'm glad you're okay! (Whatever okay means)
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
That's crazy about you bringing the SN directly to an open spot on your body. I'm glad you're okay! (Whatever okay means)

It was a very small amount, but after that experience, I definitely would not recommend testing it on the skin. If it were much more, I think I would have gotten light headed or dizzy, I was pretty close to that. Thank you, yes, I'm okay.
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Dead are useless if not to love the living more
Feb 13, 2020
About "death rattle", often mentionned here and there, does it seem like it coincides with the definition of what it really is ?

8F9DB8B1 40CD 4472 8E2B 600A7CAEE2C2

When it was brought about Moonie, it let me a bit confused that it was spot on the explanation of what she went through. It seems more of a condition that develops, like a precursor, and extends through some time
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More than one person? If I kill him- I lose
Jan 21, 2020

Two climbers died yesterday from accidental. I can only imagine how secure a tent like that would cost to keep freezing levels out.

gas stove was used
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