

Aug 2, 2018
Although CO is one of the most popular methods, probably in the top 5, i was so frustrated to find basically almost zero info on it in the PPEH, it barely covers the issue while goes into extended details about a CO machine that Philippe is building, which is a useless and impractical part (we would never be able to even buy it).

for example it doesn't go into details, like what to get as a charcoal burner, how much charcoal should we get, it says we need to measure the concentration and it should be 1%, okay how? with what? where can we get it? and if in the car as it suggests where do we get a charcoal burner that can connect to the car's lighter place where you connect electric stuff, cause i haven't been able to find any.

Any suggestions and details would be much appreciated.
Wolf Girl

Wolf Girl

Not looking for advice or a pep talk
Jun 12, 2024
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Apr 15, 2022
Charcoal is set aflame with fire, not an electrical, cigarette lighter burner. The MINIMUM amount of charcoal to use is .135 kg/mÂł. You need to calculate the interior volume of your car. Triple that amount of charcoal should be used for assurance. Only 100% carbon charcoal should be used and lump charcoal is best. A car can be tricky to use, as there are many points of leakage that need to be sealed. Charcoals need to be lit outside the vehicle and allowed to burn until all are glowing red hot and emitting no smoke. Then they are moved into the car, set on some bricks so as not to start a fire, and the CO is allowed to build up for a time. Usually, charcoals are started in chimney starters and then transferred to metal buckets. A small grill can also be used.

A CO analyzer is a device that measures the CO concentration within a given volume of air. In order to fall unconscious quickly, it is recommended that the CO concentration be 1%, or a minimum of 10000 PPM (parts per million). You need an analyzer capable of measuring up to 10000 PPM. They run about $300 US.

In order to know for certain if the amount of charcoal used is enough to get the level of CO to 10000 PPM in (your) car, it may require several "dry runs" and monitoring with the analyzer, and then make adjustments accordingly (more charcoal, better sealing). You may also have to adapt your lighting/burning technique to make sure all the coals burn properly - ALL coals glowing red hot, no smoke.
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Sep 6, 2024
Although CO is one of the most popular methods, probably in the top 5, i was so frustrated to find basically almost zero info on it in the PPEH, it barely covers the issue while goes into extended details about a CO machine that Philippe is building, which is a useless and impractical part (we would never be able to even buy it).

for example it doesn't go into details, like what to get as a charcoal burner, how much charcoal should we get, it says we need to measure the concentration and it should be 1%, okay how? with what? where can we get it? and if in the car as it suggests where do we get a charcoal burner that can connect to the car's lighter place where you connect electric stuff, cause i haven't been able to find any.

Any suggestions and details would be much appreciated.
You can buy the car part that has an outlet that plugs things into walls for the car from
Amazon or best buy. As far as anything else I have no clue
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tried&failed fighting against corrupt family court
Sep 9, 2024
Although CO is one of the most popular methods, probably in the top 5, i was so frustrated to find basically almost zero info on it in the PPEH, it barely covers the issue while goes into extended details about a CO machine that Philippe is building, which is a useless and impractical part (we would never be able to even buy it).

for example it doesn't go into details, like what to get as a charcoal burner, how much charcoal should we get, it says we need to measure the concentration and it should be 1%, okay how? with what? where can we get it? and if in the car as it suggests where do we get a charcoal burner that can connect to the car's lighter place where you connect electric stuff, cause i haven't been able to find any.

Any suggestions and details would be much appreciated.
I think (imo) the best methods are
1) if u have the right meds OD & sleep forever 🪽
2) If u dont have the right meds to do so, order on dark web or if possible buy them from someone (i live near camden, NJ where drugs can be bought soon as entering the city)
3) hose from exhaust pipe to inside vehicle
4) jump in front a train (speedway train) theres one about 15-20 min from me that goes from philly to Atlantic City and passes right by my town… it goes fast enough that from research ive done you will be gone instantly
For obvious reasons my first choice is 1 or 2 but if they dont work i think im skipping 3 and doing #4
I initially chose 4 as my number one but for my child i want to try to keep my body from being destroyed, i can also TRY TO make "train method" look accidental as much as possible
My thoughts on the SN are neutral, i don't understand it exactly and i rather not be In more pain than i am and have been but will do if last resort. I also dont want the last pics of me to be tied down to a chair… if i didnt have a child i wouldnt care but one day far from now when he realizes his dad was a sick alienating parent as well as the corrupt family courts and lawyers and they are the reason im gone, i dont want pics like that to be found of me.
Hope this is helpful for anyone struggling with choosing a method. Im still new on here but i hope i can help anyone in need as many of you have helped me đź–¤
my exit date is as close to September 22nd as possible, attempting&hopefully succeeding on the day
Ive been thinking about taking a few hundred klonapin 1mgs & xanax to knock me out and right before feel like im gonna pass out, start a fire in apartment and go lay in bed… anyone have any thoughts on this?

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