I have Clorazepate and I have used it . It is similar to Clonazepam in many ways , but acts a bit different .
| Clonazepam | Clorazepate |
Onset | 60m | 45m |
Full onset | 120m | 90m-120m |
Duration | 12h | 10h |
Duration (overall) | 20h | 30h |
| | |
I distinguish between onset which is the beginning of effects and "full" onset which is not peak but full effects . Same for duration: it will be effective for 10h-12h but effects will overall last longer (20h-30h) -- some won't feel those at all.
Due to long onset and medium-to-long duration Clonazepam is considered one of the 'safest' benzodiazpenes in terms of developing addiction. However I have heard from a reliable source dealing with junkies they can often add 10 pills of Clonazepam at the same time (to their other substance of choice) and get a superb high. So it is abused. And I was shocked by that amount .
I don't suffer from severe anxiety and I use Clonazepam almost daily for years now without side effects or tolerance . I have seen it to be more problematic for severe anxiety because then the relief is more pronounced and accompanied by mild euphoria ("floating" feeling) , hence addictive . It is however used for severe anxiety as noted above -- daily , for years , without problems.
The addiction potential seems to be very personal . You can usually guess if you'd get addicted by how it makes you feel: bring you back to a normal basic neutral state , or totally change how you feel and 'uplifts' your spirit . Some people have a strong tendency to use drugs in general . Other people have tendency to addiction . Those are two different things , though they overlap .
Alprazolam (Xanax) in particular is addictive due to very quick onset and quick depletion . That is less the case with Clonazepam -- it takes time for effects to wear off so there's less of an instant 'down' . People with moderate to severe anxiety often report symptoms back (sometimes stronger) after Alprazolam , while that is less the case (or less severe) with Clonazepam . As said Clorazepate is similar to Clonazepam .
Clorazepate is basically desmethyldiazepam , and is used for alcohol withdrawal . Again , due to longer effects and somewhat less addictive potential . Tolerance to that active metabolite of clorazepate is slower than with other benzodiazepines. So it's generally one of the 'safest' .
Overall I found Clorazepate "stronger" than Clonazepam , regardless of the dosage . It had a tendency to knock me down a bit more and make me feel more 'intoxicated' , like alcohol ( only without the energy , enthusiasm , happiness , etc -- just very heavy and slight head pounding ). I did not have those with Clonazepam . I'm sensitive and others should not feel those symptoms -- it's just indicative that it's a bit stronger . I also found it to be more variable , and that's a known thing , i.e. onset and durations change between individuals (Alprazolam and Clonazepam are pretty similar across individuals ; not considering severe anxiety and tolerance ) .
Midazolam has much quicker onset (20m) and shorter duration (3h) so it's has much more addictive potential .
I mean, what are the odds for me to develop an addiction after 2/3 intakes if I'm forcing a bit too much on the dose or increasingly ? I don't wanna start a slippery slope
The risks of developing addiction after 2 intakes is extremely minimal (which is scientific way to say basically non-existant). If you have addictive tendencies the potential would still be low. Seriously, just 1 pill won't be a problem. Addiction is usually over a month and only for fifth of the patients/users. If for some weird reason it instantly makes you feel "too good" , which is a highly unlikely , just throw it away (or leave just few for when needed) .
- You would probably know on the first trial how it makes you feel .
- If first trial causes discomfort you may try again with lower dosage ; however if it causes severe discomfort (rare) reconsider not to use it .
- As always start with a very small dosage . Take ½ a pill or even ¼ (same for capsules -- it's powder inside). Wait 2h and if all goes well you can increase dosage . There's nothing dangerous about it , just keep it safe and learn its effects .