

May 21, 2019
Why do you smoke? What is your fav brand..? Do you think you will quit anytime soon? What made you stop? What made you start? I started about half a year ago and now its just a burden.. no more buzz, just filling my lungs with smoke until I die? I have a weird feeling on my tonsil that won't go away, I am going to check it out with doctors soon.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I used to smoke a lot before but now mostly vape. It is cold outside now, so I rarely go for a smoke. Also, before I switched from cigs to vape and stopped smoking, but now do not care, could smoke a lot, though a pack of cigarettes costs from 11.30 and 13.50 eu (which I like).
If you want to reduce the negative effects of smoking, I'd suggest you starting running/jogging/cycling - whichever cardio, but I prefer running. That would clean your lungs.
Here is my top favourite cigarettes:
1) Black Devil Chocolate Flavour (smoked in Italy)
2) Parliament Aqua Blue (Eastern Europe)
3) Rothmans Demi Mix (banana, watermelon flavour/ Ukraine)
4) Benson & Hedges Gold (Ireland & UK)
5) Marlboro Gold
Here in Ireland I usually buy Marlboro Gold/Red, Benson&Hedges Gold or L&M Red(if don't have much money)
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
I love smoking. I don't do it because of how bad for you it is but smoking is the coolest thing there is combined with swearing and drinking coffee, wearing shades. Best. Activity. Ever
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Smoked from an early age (quit for about three years between age 17 and 20) then switched effortlessly to vaping and then just as effortlessly from vaping to swedish snus. Haven't looked back. I can even smoke a cigarette for fun nowadays without any danger to relapse because I prefer chewing tobacco to smoking.

So seems for me it's more chemical than behavioural. I was never satisfied with zero nicotine vape juice for example but could do without the smoking hand action while for some people its the other way around.
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Nov 8, 2018
I find smoking relaxing under stressful situations. I spend most of my time in a specific hospital because of brain stuff and brain stuff is quite the stress, so I zombie shuffle in between smoking areas and, well, smoke.
Generally, it's either two long filters or one short filter that's enough to have me stop shaking. I'll still be terrified, but at least not shaking.
I don't condone smoking, I'm just sharing an anecdote.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I used to really enjoy it. Now it's more or less a nasty habit that I'm about to break. I was once a 2 pack a day smoker. I'm now down to like 4 or 5 a day.

I think within the next month or so I'll have it in me to quit cold turkey again. Atleast if things remain relatively calm. The damn things are getting too expensive anyways.
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Ham Commander

Ham Commander

RIP in peace.
Feb 13, 2020
I guess I like smoking, and it's just really hard to quit. Most of the people in my life smoke and when everyone else is blowing smoke around all the time it makes it alot harder to quit too. Theres just something special about the first one of the day with a coffee, I just smoke the cheapest shittiest menthols I can find.

I love smoking. I don't do it because of how bad for you it is but smoking is the coolest thing there is combined with swearing and drinking coffee, wearing shades. Best. Activity. Ever

Do you smoke out of a pipe?


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Well the government has no issue with suicide as long as it can tax you for it
I fail to see the correlation, no offense. Of course you're correct in your statement. It always boils down to money.

Money is the root of all evil, yet it also makes the world go around. Coincidence? I think not.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I used to smoke roll ups. All archaeologists do. It's true. When you qualify you get a hat and a pouch of tobacco. The whip is optional.
I always hated normal cigarettes. Dry, bland and foul smelling. Dark Virginia tobacco is soft, moist, smells lovely and you can't crush your tabs in your pocket.
But I stopped cus it makes you smell like an ash try. I started vaping and actually preferred it - I like liquorice and blackcurrant mixed with dark tobacco. Yum. But I stopped that cus of the fiddliness and the cost. I've actually thought about starting smoking again because why not, but I just can't afford it.
Money is the root of all evil, yet it also makes the world go around. Coincidence? I think not.
I wish you were wrong.
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Cat piss sammich??
Jan 10, 2020
I started smoking at 14.43 now and still going.Been cutting back as of late because of cost and just trying to get healthier.I still HAVE to have that smoke first thing in the morning though.And after dinner.And of course, when anything stressful comes along.Used to always be Marlboro reds,now it's Montego red because that's the cheapest I can get in my area.(still over 6$ a pack!)

Sometimes I think cigarettes are like pacifiers for adults,at least in my case.

A comforting old friend in your time of need, that wants nothing more than to kill you eventually.(still love them though)
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
I guess I like smoking, and it's just really hard to quit. Most of the people in my life smoke and when everyone else is blowing smoke around all the time it makes it alot harder to quit too. Theres just something special about the first one of the day with a coffee, I just smoke the cheapest shittiest menthols I can find.

Do you smoke out of a pipe?
Only crack
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Smoked too from age 15. Quit in 2004 (27), because they increased the price again. Began again 18 months later, the gf smoked and I really missed it. Then quit again in 2009 for good. I loved smoking. It was relaxing. Loved it after a meal, or when drinking (+cigars), listening to music, when bored, well, everything I guess. It's also how I met the best girl of my life, because she asked me for a smoke. So, yeah, I suppose it helps socialising, too.

Would smoke once in a while till 2012, but it tasted worse every time. Still like the smell when others smoke. What I didn't like was slime in my throat, my sense of smell was a mess, stamina etc. and of course everything reeked of it and was tainted. First time I cleaned my windows it was a shock imagining this in one's lungs. Not to mention money. The government will indeed tax one to death on it (literally), although it would be better to ban it completely - hypocrites. Smoking is something one really only enjoys once doing it, it's not something one has to try, imho. Unlike drinking, which is actually good fun and tastes good, too.

Oh, and I too rolled for a while, but really my main brands were Chesterfield (red) and Marlboro (red). Still have my last pack of Chesterfields with a few remaining from 2009. You never know. :hihi:

PS: Oh, btw, after quitting both times I would sometimes have "nightmares" of having started again and being so disappointed in myself and having to endure withdrawal again.
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Jun 28, 2019
I don't smoke much (a pack every 2 weeks or more). I am always paranoid of beginning to be addicted to it. I mainly smoke when I feel like it. It's an activity that really helps you relax.
Many complain about the high price of cigarettes but I think it's better for it to be that high. One of the things that's keeping me from smoking daily is the price.

For anyone who smokes rarely I really recommend buying cigarillos. They are like a normal cigarette but in a leaf of tobacco, that way the cigarette lasts longer and you feel more fullfilled and relaxed after it. It lasts so much in fact that you can't really smoke just to kill time while waiting for the bus for example; you are forced to smoke them only when you have time for yourself.
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Nem sempre se pode ser Deus
Sep 14, 2018
I started smoking because i needed something to harm me. I tried may ways to harm myself but most of them leaves scars or some type of mark. I'm not addicted to cigarettes, i just smoke on rare drunk occasions with friends or when i'm really bad mentally.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Stay with this one, it's on topic, I promise...


Mar 10, 2020
I've been smoking since 14. I tried smoking before that in 4th grade, I didn't inhale it though, I just had a puff here and there of my sister's smokes. Then again in grade 7 I brought a cigarette to school and me and the girls all went and did it in the bushes, I was trying to impress them. But I basically started everything at 14, my first suicide attempt (before I did any drugs or had sex, I was actually severely depressed and pessimistic since aged 8, so it's not because of drugs, I hate when doctors blame drugs for all my problems, seems so convenient for them to brush me off like that), smoking weed, my first hard drug (ecstasy), lost virginity, first drink, first fight and suspension, first time (and only time) a psych ward.

It turns out, I much prefer smoking everything, I hate drinking things and snorting them, or eating them. I prefer smoking all my intoxicants. I quit alcohol like 7 years ago, I used to snort coke as a teen and early 20something, then I tried smoking crack and loved that and did that for a few years, quit that too as I'm not a stimulant type of person. I'm definitely a chimney that's for sure. I smoke opiates now, mainly heroin & fentanyl, been addicted 11 years, it's a horrible, horrible addiction, completely soul destroying and life ruining, but my life was already pretty bad anyway when I started doing it, the withdrawals are excruciating especially for me, I've never been able to get through it and quit. I've never injected it and have no interest in that, and I never liked swallowing pills or snorting anything. I take methadone now, but I still use daily, but I don't have those severe withdrawals anymore thanks to methadone, of course I don't smoke the methadone, I have to go to the pharmacy everyday for each dose because I'm not "clean" yet, so my doctor won't allow me to take it home. I still smoke cigarettes of course. I just smoke the cheapest one I could get that was decent, it's called Phillip Morris. I used to smoke Canadian brands like Export A gold before, Belmont is a popular one nowadays but I hate that. I smoke my cigarettes like a true junkie, I hate smoking the whole thing, so I cut them in half. I re-use the filter of the first half, and insert the other half that I initially cut into the filter again, and smoke it. Before that, I used to love smoking "half butts". I also roll cigarettes with loose tobacco that I save when I run out, I'm on disability and can barely afford anything. You should see my smoke bowl, it looks like I murdered all the cigarettes.

Nobody really smokes anymore nowadays, most people have quit, or they go on and off. It was popular when I was a teen and kid, but now it's so expensive, people hate the smell, people are so into health too nowadays. Plus with all the smoking bans, you can't smoke inside anywhere or even near a building now in my areas. Lot's of people have switched to vaping, I never liked that, my dad tried to get me to convert to it because he was worried about my health, hah, turns out vaping is bad for health too. I like the old school normal cigarette with real tobacco flakes and all the poison, I'm sort of "traditional" in a lot of ways I guess, or boring. I just hope my 17 years of smoking will give me some kind of cancer or horrible sickness, so that I can opt for euthanasia in Canada now that it's legal (unless they deem me "insane" or something, with my luck)
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Aug 21, 2019
I never smoked cigarettes but I vape frequently and occasionally dip. Copenhagen Snuff is my all-time favorite.

I only started a few years ago when I got into cigars and pipes in my early 20's. I began because I was frustrated with how sterile and unrewarding my life was along with perpetual misery and I found nicotine to be a very welcoming stimulant to self-medicate my neuroticism. On one hand, tobacco inspired me to take regular care of my teeth. On the other, I suspect that it is the primary culprit to the slew of dental issues that had cropped up all of a sudden. I would say that I would've regretted it but it's not the reason why I'm here so the consequences are null. I can sure tell you what has wrecked the most havoc on my dental health: Being suicidal!

If I could go back, I would've started it again anyway but I would've refrained from all drinking as I very much regret that one.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
The sun is shining and I seriously want to go outside and have a smoke.

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