
Jan 25, 2023
I want to promote right to die and shit on overbearing parents/nanny state society at the same time with art especially animation.

Metamorphosis just could use a motion picture adaptation, what they did with fear and disgust is done to some with supposed love and concern for (((safety))).

So I agree we should reduce population but not full on extinction as a goal as I sympathize with those who want to have kids to an extent but for some it would be better not to be born.
But to whom does that apply?

We can detect some disabilities and things potentially leading to poor quality of Life in the womb but eugenics will generally be corrupted by bias as a happy low iq person is not likely to be chosen over a depressed genius.

Low intelligence is bad but so are things that cause mental suffering and smarter people more often than not suffer more.

Iceland managed to hit 100% abortion of down syndrome a few years ago so eugenics can be done with no mass graves or involuntarily sterilisation.

Birth control is a great thing for the individual but it weeds out those who plan ahead and are more ambivalent over kids, leaving those who are careless and have accidental children or those who want kids so much they can't let go and refuse to accept their kids independence to be the ones shitting out all the kids.

I don't share the same enthusiasm for birth as Watts and Korda is a bit extreme for me though half of what she does is for lulz as a performance.

I want to make something akin to propaganda for my suicide note and was considering a tribute to one of them as a way to communicate my viewpoint.
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Jan 25, 2023

Honourable mention for Nina Paley but maybe if we could tap Into more relatable criteria . . .

We have housing and job scarcity in the west and loss of community due to policies that create ghettos and the people with any prospects flee if they can .

GDP at any cost has both right and left critique but we tend to only hear one side of that half of the debate due to historical politics.

I support negative population growth as is happening in parts of the east and with less funding to create incentives for migration could happen in parts of the west making demand for food and housing lower thus making land more available.
Unfortunately neither the mainstream right nor left condones this.
Most Humans are territorial and have ingroup preference as much as we try to be "better"
Poor mental health can be downstream from poor genetics, industrialization has made us less prone to nature's wrath so we decline on both fronts without some counterbalance.

Selective abortion and voluntary euthanasia can mitigate some of the problems,

How do I put this to palatable art?

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