

Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
It seems like there's this idea of children possessing some kind of wisdom. Whether it's the ancient wisdom of an old soul or just the clear eyes of a child that got through all the bullshit in the world. A child that sees things simply for what they are; And this in the mind of delusional parents who are trying to back up a decision that, let's face it, in endless work that they now understand is going to last a lifetime. It's not enough for a child to become an adult, you're going to be worried about this human being forever. Trying to find ways to control this person or even simply squeeze them into conversation.

I guess it's perfectly natural for a parent to maybe have a bit of brag about what the kids have been up to. Maybe the kids got an uncanny gift for the sport ball! But anyway, we are not here to talk about the natural tendency to be slightly awestruck by the existence of someone who looks at least half like you, but isn't a massive piece of shit because they haven't learned how to do that yet. But they'll learn though. They'll learn from you because you are full of shit. How do we know you're full of shit? Because you keep telling us that your child is possessed of an amazing, penetrating, special, important wisdom. And perhaps, your child holds the answer to the problem of climate change or racism; but your child doesn't know shit actually.

The fact is, thinking a problem through is hard work! It is. And if you think a problem through properly, you'll very often arrive at an answer that does not fit what you think you believe. And a child can't do that. A child is not capable of grinding through a problem without doing exactly what most adults will do when presented with the difficult task of thinking through a problem. Just like any adult a child will reach a point where he throws his chubby little hands up in the air and simply blame the Jews. How wonderful it is to be presented with a problem and realize; Hang on, I can grind away at this problem and perhaps, almost definitely arrive at an answer that doesn't fit what I think I believe or I could blame someone who's different.

I think it's pattern recognition actually. The human need and ability to see shapes and patterns, well obviously patterns its called pattern recognition! To see things that aren't there or could possibly be there. But unfortunately many adults aren't aware of this fact of human behavior and in fact, they don't possess the wisdom of even a fucking child. I think maybe a good way of working out if an adult is fucked in the head is if they believe a child is capable of achieving adult levels of wisdom, understanding, and comprehension.

Anyway, I hate your fucking kids. I don't hate your kids, I mean I've been very lucky I must be such an asshole that these people quietly remove themselves from my life. I don't have to deal with this kind of shit but I hear about it mostly second hand from long suffering nice people who don't quite have an aura of white hot fucking rage and I can't imagine what a nightmare it must be to tolerate being around people who think children possess some kind of wisdom that adults have forgotten. I mean, if adults were able to forget? Well I mean I would love that, I would happily forget my childhood. It was rubbish. if I could forget my childhood I would. But everyday I'm reminded, sometimes I'm reminding when I'm writing a piece as I've just done now. And right now I'm reliving my childhood. Well fucking thanks a lot people who think children are possessed of some kind of ancient wisdom. You've made me relive trauma. Are you happy now? What are your kids going to do for me? I am reliving aspects of my childhood that are fucking shit and it doesn't feel very good. What is your child gonna do for me? Is your child gonna tell me, maybe regurgitate something they read on a fridge magnet on grandma's fridge. Is that gonna fucking help me? I don't think so. No, your child is a dickhead, you're a dickhead, and I'm a dickhead for bringing this up.

The only reason I bring it up is actually no there's no reason. What I'm gonna do is setup a fun little popup education unit in brightly colored playgrounds and kids will come over and I'll sit them down in groups of five or six and I'll tell them how the world really works. Sure, they'll be in fucking tears when I explain to them that 90% of what their parents tell them is meaningless garbage spouted by people who are afraid of admitting that they've got no real idea what's going on. My real problem is monetizing this program of frightening information for children but everyone's gotta have a dream.

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