

Jan 19, 2021
Does anyone feel guilty when eating meat and it tastes so good
I tried veg food only for a while but it sucks and morally feels good
Vegan I can't deal with it it's so hard to stick to

I hate it that meat tastes so good and makes me feel so happy to eat but when I see animals suffering in farms, industry farms and slaughterhouses I feel so guilty with myself and start to hate myself being a monster
How to cope and justify :/
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Did you already try every veg meat there is (?)
Imo the impossible/beyond meat patties are pretty close to meat.
You might want to try to start cutting out slowly instead of swapping everything at once. Maybe try different brands or new recipes that don't involve meat substitutes at all.
Other than that you could watch really horrifying movies like earthlings or dominion to not have an appetite for it again.

But I definitely feel like you when it comes to dairy...I know it's an evil thing to consume (since so much unnecessary suffering goes into it) but I still sometimes crave milk/yogurts though I definitely cut back on my consumption and focus on the plant-based alternatives.
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Jan 19, 2021
I just feel it's crazy, it's like this sometimes bad can feel so good. What sort a world could this be how can meat which comes out of the death of another being be so good. I'm very disturbed at how the world works ...
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I try to avoid meat such as beef lamb bacon or chicken as much as I'm able to, however I found myself still consuming beef and chicken as part of my current diet.

I try to incorporate more tofu and veggies and fish into my diet knowing I can kill a fish myself but each time I consume beef or chicken I do lose sympathy every time.

But I guess the less of those products you consume the more compassion points you get to keep.

I've found introducing more tofu products, egg and fish helpful in reducing red meat and chicken consumption.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Ah I do feel guilty but I try not to let it get to me. Do vegetarians or vegans ever think about the workers who pick their food? I'm not attacking vegans, it's more a rhetorical question to make my point. In North America at least, a lot of these workers are immigrants or younger people. Or in the eyes of a greedy company, vulnerable and exploitable.

My point being, it's almost impossible to live in this globalized world without having some blood on your hands. If you're on a smartphone or computer RN, the rare minerals alone are tied to harmful practices. I just repress it tbh lol. Super healthy and effective method to avoid the horrors of this world. (not)
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
You should eat what works best for you, and not worry about it. If you are wired to eat meat, then eat meat. Doubtful that a lion feels guilty after devouring a gazelle.

Dietary preferences are unique, and what makes one person thrive isn't going to work for someone else. If meat works for you, then eat it, and this coming from some one who has spent most of his life as a vegan/vegetarian, including currently.

Best to avoid any triggers that make you feel guilty regarding your food preferences.
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Nov 4, 2020
Does anyone feel guilty when eating meat and it tastes so good
I tried veg food only for a while but it sucks and morally feels good
Vegan I can't deal with it it's so hard to stick to

I hate it that meat tastes so good and makes me feel so happy to eat but when I see animals suffering in farms, industry farms and slaughterhouses I feel so guilty with myself and start to hate myself being a monster
How to cope and justify :/
Fedupsoul, l grew up on a 250 acre Dairy/arable farm, l can Assure you that farmers care a great deal about their animals and do not abuse them in any way whatsoever, the amount of work that goes into looking after them is mind boggling, and when the end comes it's done in a tried and trusted method where the animal feels no pain or suffers in anyway at all,their dead before they hit the ground!
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Jan 19, 2021
Fedupsoul, l grew up on a 250 acre Dairy/arable farm, l can Assure you that farmers care a great deal about their animals and do not abuse them in any way whatsoever, the amount of work that goes into looking after them is mind boggling, and when the end comes it's done in a tried and trusted method where the animal feels no pain or suffers in anyway at all,their dead before they hit the ground!
I'm afraid it's not the same with halal meat I guess similar to Jewish ritual slaughter, it's soul crushing to watch what the animal goes through... in many parts of the world ritual slaughter is still practiced not the head shot stunning way
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Eh, maybe it's because I'm a terrible person but I'd be willing to eat any animal except for bugs/insects, dogs, and cats.

That said I've had Impossible meat before and I'm stupid enough where I probably actually wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I wasn't aware I was eating fake meat. When I am aware though, it has a unique quality that makes it worth tasting to me: the smug sense of superiority I get from knowing that I was both able to afford the fake meat and the fact that it's technically better for the environment and stuff which I don't normally care about but I will always take any opportunity to be all high and mighty about it if I can.

Something that also helped me tolerate stuff like Beyond or Impossible meat is knowing that no matter what people say, it's definitely not a healthy option. You really think that a bunch of goo made and heavily processed in a factory is supposed to be good for you? Yeah you can say it's better for the environment or animals but don't even pretend that it's any less junk food than the junk food it claims to replace.

People already make up bullshit claims that things like McDonald's nuggets are already made of a pink goo or that Taco Bell meat is also fake meat so why don't the vegetarians and vegans eat them?
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Jul 15, 2020
It's okay if you can't go without meat. It's something humans grew to have in their diet so it's normal. I personally never really liked meat so it was okay for me to not eat it but not everyone is that way. Don't feel guilty, it can be sad but you gotta put yourself first
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Jan 19, 2021
Eh, maybe it's because I'm a terrible person but I'd be willing to eat any animal except for bugs/insects, dogs, and cats.

That said I've had Impossible meat before and I'm stupid enough where I probably actually wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I wasn't aware I was eating fake meat. When I am aware though, it has a unique quality that makes it worth tasting to me: the smug sense of superiority I get from knowing that I was both able to afford the fake meat and the fact that it's technically better for the environment and stuff which I don't normally care about but I will always take any opportunity to be all high and mighty about it if I can.

Something that also helped me tolerate stuff like Beyond or Impossible meat is knowing that no matter what people say, it's definitely not a healthy option. You really think that a bunch of goo made and heavily processed in a factory is supposed to be good for you? Yeah you can say it's better for the environment or animals but don't even pretend that it's any less junk food than the junk food it claims to replace.

People already make up bullshit claims that things like McDonald's nuggets are already made of a pink goo or that Taco Bell meat is also fake meat so why don't the vegetarians and vegans eat them?
I'm not from the US so I don't know what those vegetarian meat alternatives are
Where I come from, there is only halal meat available nothing else hence my guilt every time I taste meat I never knew how it was done till it was already too late

It's okay if you can't go without meat. It's something humans grew to have in their diet so it's normal. I personally never really liked meat so it was okay for me to not eat it but not everyone is that way. Don't feel guilty, it can be sad but you gotta put yourself first
Yes I know as someone pointed out surviving in this world means I am bound to end up with some amount of blood on my hands which is one the reasons why I want to ctb as soon as possible
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm not from the US so I don't know what those vegetarian meat alternatives are
Where I come from, there is only halal meat available nothing else hence my guilt every time I taste meat I never knew how it was done till it was already too late
Yeah they're basically going through test runs of these products here in the US and maybe in Canada. I actually don't know if they'd be allowed in countries that only eat halal meat because technically they aren't halal because they go through great lengths to recreate fake blood to make it seem more real. I'm not even saying I recommend it anyway but I'm sorry you can't even have options like these where you are.
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Jan 19, 2021
Yeah they're basically going through test runs of these products here in the US and maybe in Canada. I actually don't know if they'd be allowed in countries that only eat halal meat because technically they aren't halal because they go through great lengths to recreate fake blood to make it seem more real. I'm not even saying I recommend it anyway but I'm sorry you can't even have options like these where you are.
I too have no issues eating any animal which is killed without pain without being tortured first, it's the method of killing which disturbs me deeply all I can think of is how much pain and stress is inflicted on those poor animals just so it is deemed to be "clean" I totally hate those people doing it and hence I'm really scared of reincarnation on the off chance I'm doomed to end up in such a place.. it is pure horror
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Oct 30, 2020
i very rarely eat meat. i also more and more change from cow milk to oat milk.
seeing a movie which was similar to "koyaanisqatsi" but with more actual footage and also some parts about animal food production made me think.
i thought it might be maybe time to print on the packaging not the commercial happy animal crap and instead print images of the production conditions on it. a bit like it is in some countries made with cigarette packs where you see destroyed lungs.
it just fades too easy in the memory under how terrible conditions some animals are treated in food production when you only see the nice images on the packages or the tv ads from animals in nature having a good time.
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Jan 19, 2021
i very rarely eat meat. i also more and more change from cow milk to oat milk.
seeing a movie which was similar to "koyaanisqatsi" but with more actual footage and also some parts about animal food production made me think.
i thought it might be maybe time to print on the packaging not the commercial happy animal crap and instead print images of the production conditions on it. a bit like it is in some countries made with cigarette packs where you see destroyed lungs.
it just fades too easy in the memory under how terrible conditions some animals are treated in food production when you only see the nice images on the packages or the tv ads from animals in nature having a good time.
I totally agree, after I found ss i feel there are really good people left in the world it feels nice to know it's not 100% hell all the way as I thought initially
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Oct 30, 2020
I totally agree, after I found ss i feel there are really good people left in the world it feels nice to know it's not 100% hell all the way as I thought initially

it feels sometimes pretty dire but seems that some islands are still out there ^^
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Jul 7, 2019
Does anyone feel guilty when eating meat and it tastes so good
I tried veg food only for a while but it sucks and morally feels good
Vegan I can't deal with it it's so hard to stick to

I hate it that meat tastes so good and makes me feel so happy to eat but when I see animals suffering in farms, industry farms and slaughterhouses I feel so guilty with myself and start to hate myself being a monster
How to cope and justify :/
I've been a vegetarian for 10 years specifically because the industry behind meat production, because even if I don't see a problem with eating meat, we are omnivorous regardless of what some vegans may tell you, The conditions that animals like cows, pigs and chickens have to endure are probably the definition of hell itself. It's truly abhorrent and shows a level of cruelty that goes above and beyond anything that humans have experienced.

That doesn't mean that you should give up meat, however. There are alternatives to this industry, "humane" labels on food and dairy that at least certify lower levels of cruelty, and you could always limit your meat intake to stop feeding the pockets of this cruel and greedy industry.

Also, @stygal is right about vegan meat alternatives, they are getting really close to real meat in terms of texture and taste, they are not there yet, but many people love them regardless. I know some people who eat meat but still buy these products because they have a unique taste and flavor.
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Jul 15, 2020
I'm not from the US so I don't know what those vegetarian meat alternatives are
Where I come from, there is only halal meat available nothing else hence my guilt every time I taste meat I never knew how it was done till it was already too late

Yes I know as someone pointed out surviving in this world means I am bound to end up with some amount of blood on my hands which is one the reasons why I want to ctb as soon as possible
Honestly same,I feel you. I hate this world
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