I mean...if it doesn't even wake you up, how discomforting can it really be, right? This has to be the most peaceful, easy to access and easy to setup method there is. I'm surprised that it doesn't get talked about as much as SN here.
I Got a 10L CO gas cylinder as part of a science experiment thats been sitting in my store room for 2 years now. I managed to get being an Engineer, and I ordered it through my company.
its 99.99% pure...
I turned it on once last year with a 2bar pressure valve, for abt half a second and closed it back immediately.
I was feeling dizzy, out of breath, and heavy headed, quickly grabbed 2 canisters of O2 inhalers that I got during Covid and started huffing it....started feeling normal again,
Had to air out the entire house to get rid of the CO
I also have a CO detecter meter that was showing 4000ppm!!!! The danger zone was 10-20ppm!
Head was buzzing for a couple of days,
I take it I found my best combo...In the back seat of my car,
1) Load up on Benzos 15pills (clonopezam) anti-emetic -3 pills
2) Have glass mason jar of 100mg (SN)
3) Have some antacid on stand by
4) Argon Gas 15L to clear the O2 first
5) drop the windup the windows,
6) Turn on CO valve to 2Bar
7) Drink the SN -
8) Wait to see God and Go Kamikaze on his Ass
I know SN is overkill but Thats me, I Need to be thorough.