
Nov 7, 2022
Last night I tried the carbon monoxide method using 2 disposable bbqs and a tent. I lit the bbqs waited for them to stop smoking then placed them In the tent for around 30-40 minutes. The smell was very intense when I got in the tent. I managed to stay there for a while but was overcome with a very strange feeling which made me panic and then I left the tent and then preceded to basically flail around on the floor and feel quite dizzy and disorientated. My body became catatonic and I must have passed out for about 30-40 minutes. When I woke up I could not move my body. This happened outside of the tent. For whatever reason I went back in the tent and thought I would just lie there and see what happens. I then thought that maybe the amount of charcoal wasn't enough to actually kill as I didn't have a headache at all I just felt almost drunk. So I decided to call it a day and order double the bbqs, black bin bags to completly cover the tent so nothing can seep through the fabric and one of those CO readers. I did this on a beach quite a way from the house I was staying in, and I have to say getting back home was next to imposssible. I couldn't stand for longer than 30 seconds at a time and was genuinely exhausted gasping for Breath. Everything felt very Odd and found basic functions challenging. I confused why i didn't get a headache, I did however have a ringing in my head. The things I ordered will be coming today and I'll try again tonight. I want to pass out quickly and not go through that feeling of being catatonic in my body. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Hi, what was the strong smell when you went into the tent? what did it smell like?

What was the feeling like that made you panic and leave the tent?

Was it hot in the tent?

How long were you in the tent before you left it?
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Nov 7, 2022
Hi, what was the strong smell when you went into the tent? what did it smell like?

What was the feeling like that made you panic and leave the tent?

Was it hot in the tent?

How long were you in the tent before you left it?
The strong smell was like a Gas of some kind. I don't know how to describe it but I still have the taste in my mouth today…

The feeling was an overwhelming feeling of panic, in the sense of rapid heart rate and that feeling of something is not right… I wasn't drowsy at all at this point but it felt like when you're about to faint and your conscious…

Yes the tent was hot.

I couldn't tell you exactly… I didn't time it and it's all a bit of a blur.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Were you sweating? Were you nauseous?

I wonder if the tent was treated with some chemical that was reacting with the heat? Did you use lighter fluid? Did you get the kind of charcoal that is called "easy light" that might be treated with something so it burns faster? Is there a way you can get a CO meter?


Nov 7, 2022
Were you sweating? Were you nauseous?

I wonder if the tent was treated with some chemical that was reacting with the heat? Did you use lighter fluid? Did you get the kind of charcoal that is called "easy light" that might be treated with something so it burns faster? Is there a way you can get a CO meter?
didn't sweat and didn't feel Nauseous until a lot later.
I used the disposable bbqs… and I didn't add anything else.
I've got a CO meter that came today. I need to get some batteries for it.
I thought this method was supposed to be lights out quickly… I can't deal with the panic and sick feeling… I'm also wondering why I didn't get a headache.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I don't know. So many die accidentally this way.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
didn't sweat and didn't feel Nauseous until a lot later.
I used the disposable bbqs… and I didn't add anything else.
I've got a CO meter that came today. I need to get some batteries for it.
I thought this method was supposed to be lights out quickly… I can't deal with the panic and sick feeling… I'm also wondering why I didn't get a headache.
The concentration of the co has to be high around 1.5% to work imo . there is a tpi meter that measures high concentrations. you can test from afar with a phone camera. there are other ways of generating co like gasoline generators , formic acid, charcoal. all can be used together but complex. testing from a distance is essential imo. high concentration of co should be maintained for the required time . here is the chart:

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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry your attempt failed. I have no idea what that smell could have been. Impurities in the used charcoal in that disposable grills? You should use quality lump charcoal.

When you got out of the tent, I guess you raised your head and body and before you were lying on the tent bottom? CO is a little bit lighter than air.

I hope you find peace and I wish you all the best with your plan.
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Apr 28, 2023
I don't know much but I think I read CO rises so you shouldn't lay down flat because there's more fresh air there. Maybe try sitting up in a chair..?


Apr 15, 2022
I've got a CO meter that came today. I need to get some batteries for it.
What kind of meter? You need an analyzer that measures up to 10000 PPM (TEN Thousand). If you got one that only measures up to 1000 PPM (ONE Thousand), that's not enough. You really need to use 100% carbon, lump charcoal of good quality. I don't know what they use in those "instant" bbq grills. Yes, sealing up the tent is a good idea. Rolling something on all of the inside, especially the seams, can help. Gutter sealant would work and it sticks to anything. Flex seal is good, too, but is more expensive. You can line the inside with plastic, too. Throwing a tarp over the whole tent isn't a bad idea, either. What kind of tent do you have? Is the floor attached? Does it have a lot of mesh windows?

When people die in their sleep from lower levels of CO poisoning, it's over hours. They just never wake up. You're trying to kill yourself in minutes, completely awake, which takes a much higher level of CO. And......................they don't have to fight SI like apparently you did.
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Jul 8, 2023
Did you not try to sedate and/or inebriate yourself?


Sep 24, 2023
Happened to me too in the past when I attempted this method.
1) Waited till the charcoal was burning white
2) Transfered to the car
3) Very strong pungent plastic/metal smell and after taste in the mouth. Smell was like stuck in the nostrils for days.
4) Weather was warm, so the car turned into a sunana. Aftr 15mins, could'nt take it any longer.

What I learnt
1) Type of charocal is VERY important
2) Weather is super important too. Best done during the cooler seasons.
3) Sealed tight place very important
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Nov 7, 2022
So I didn't try and sedate myself as I don't have anything and I heard Alcohol can be bad for it….
I only have the instant bbqs, it says all natural charcoal. I'm not sure what the difference between the briquettes and lump charcoal are but I have to work with what I've got as I can't change it.
Makes sense about the lying down, as when I was lying down, I didn't feel much at all. It was only when I went to get up that I felt strange and basically collapsed.
Im going to seal it as best I can. Wait for a good while before getting in and make sure that I am naturally sleepy.
This is all I have left to work with and I'm hoping it does as otherwise I'm in trouble. Thanks for the recommendations and anymore is always welcome 🙏🏼
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
There must be some sort of chemical on the charcoal. Either that or some plastic in the car was heated up and giving that smell.


Nov 7, 2022
There must be some sort of chemical on the charcoal. Either that or some plastic in the car was heated up and giving that smell.
Could be the disposable bbq, it was covered in something and I just stuck the match to it and lit it…. Thinking back it most probably was that. The smell stayed in my throat for days.
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I want no limitations for my soul
Sep 18, 2023
Everything felt very Odd and found basic functions challenging. I confused why i didn't get a headache, I did however have a ringing in my head. The things I ordered will be coming today and I'll try again tonight. I want to pass out quickly and not go through that feeling of being catatonic in my body. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

Hello : ( I'm sorry because you had to feel like this and failed. I was considering your same method but I'm just a coward. Recently I found the book "Final Exit : The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying", and the work from his author Dereck Humphry, by a post in this forum.

The book mentions the bag method and looks so better for me, but I don't telling you to take it too, just a sugest about adding sleep pills and alcohol in your operation, or having a bag of emergency maybe. The author says that It's 100% efective and painless with some medicines (like diazepam), of course. I hope this could help you a bit. Good luck fren, here is the topic

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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Could be the disposable bbq, it was covered in something and I just stuck the match to it and lit it…. Thinking back it most probably was that. The smell stayed in my throat for days.
Cars have that entire area open under the dash which I've always wondered about, like how is the CO supposed to stay in the car with that there? you can have some air mixed in with CO and it still works, and many die in cars from it, so it doesn't sound that hard to accomplish, unless you panic and get out.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Could be the disposable bbq, it was covered in something and I just stuck the match to it and lit it…. Thinking back it most probably was that. The smell stayed in my throat for days.
I like this method best because it seems like the most peaceful way. I hope you will report back if you come up with a solution to the problems you mentioned as I am highly interested in this for myself.


Nov 7, 2022
This is bizarre but I had a little cut on my foot and it bled and the blood smelled the like the smell from the tent… would mean it's still in my blood?


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
This is bizarre but I had a little cut on my foot and it bled and the blood smelled the like the smell from the tent… would mean it's still in my blood?
I don't know about the smell whether this is in your blood or not; could also be a reaction from the brain remembering this "attack" on your life.

But what is definitely the case: CO binds 300x easier to the blood cells than oxygen and is therefore not exchanged in the lungs like CO2. That's why CO is so effective because once enough blood cells are blocked to take oxygen there's unconsciousness followed by death if there is no immediate medical assistance with pure oxygen.


Jan 26, 2024
Hello : ( I'm sorry because you had to feel like this and failed. I was considering your same method but I'm just a coward. Recently I found the book "Final Exit : The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying", and the work from his author Dereck Humphry, by a post in this forum.

The book mentions the bag method and looks so better for me, but I don't telling you to take it too, just a sugest about adding sleep pills and alcohol in your operation, or having a bag of emergency maybe. The author says that It's 100% efective and painless with some medicines (like diazepam), of course. I hope this could help you a bit. Good luck fren, here is the topic

Thanks for the mention of the book!

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