Drinking is a depressant, it's a well known fact that anything troubling you that hasn't been dealt with will come out, especially if you're drinking in excessive amounts that your body evidently, can't tolerate.
Best to stop the drinking all together until you sort your head out or at least cut down. Go to your GP, he/she can help you with this or at least point you in the right direction
Evidently shit is going on under the surface and that's the reason why you're drinking so excessively. Don't worry, been there, I wasn't an alcoholic (not saying you are), but I'd wake up and not remember anything that happened and I'd have bruises all over my shins.
I would drink everyday after work like this. It went on for a while. I was very young so I got away with it. No one suspected I was fucked up, I hid it very well. I would do VERY stupid shit when pissed and I'd hurt myself, too. I used to cut anyway, I did it for many, many years. Back then, I was in self destructive mode - therapists called it 'survival'.
In the end, I spoke to a friend (a recovering alcoholic), not thinking I had an issue, I would just mention it in casual conversation. After speaking with said person, almost overnight, something clicked in my head and I stopped completely, and now I hate the taste of alcohol, and I only drink once/twice a year, unless it's to socialise. But now, I don't get suicidal, depressed or anything like that when I drink because I've since dealt with my issues that were causing it. And I don't get excessively pissed, unless socialising and even then, there's no comparison to back then.
This was about a decade ago. I'm now coming up for 36. What I'm saying is, if I can get better, you can too.
I didn't get help for it. I did it myself after speaking with a friend, like I said, but I am aware not everyone is able to do it, some need some extra help and that's ok. You owe it to yourself to try and change something within yourself to get better - you won't lose anything and you could gain absolutely everything
Recovery is absolutely possible - for severe mental health issues, trauma, addiction etc. You have to want it though, and it sounds like you do. It isn't easy though, it is hard, but you can get through it. It gets easier.
If I go back to myself a decade ago, well, I am a COMPLETELY different person, I was kinda nuts back then, but I couldn't cope and I didn't actually realise it at the time. All my issues just came out after some further trauma and that's how it looked.
I wish you the best