

Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
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Jan 31, 2021
Great. It has been scientifically proven mental suffering can be as painful as physical suffering. There shouldn't be any discrimination between those two.
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Weirdly enough.... I still feel like opting for suicide alone.

I'll probably keep an eye on this though...
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Weirdly enough.... I still feel like opting for suicide alone.

I'll probably keep an eye on this though...
It isn't weird, I'd still opt for suicide because of the red tape and paywalls behind euthanasia. Other people are still deciding for you whether you get to live or die despite not knowing your circumstances and I don't think that's fair whatsoever. I barely have a paper trail for my mental and physical problems despite dealing with them my entire life so someone like me would probably be denied. I shouldn't have to prove to someone else that my suffering is so bad that I need euthanasia and I shouldn't need the permission of other people.

This stuff reminds me of the tape around things like disability benefits where you have to spend years proving that you're disabled and you're pretty much out of luck if your disabilities aren't visible or you don't have a long paper trail to back it. I can imagine people being denied euthanasia in the same way you get denied disability because your problems aren't justified to them because you haven't tried hard enough or long enough or you're too young etc. You haven't tried [insert bullshit expensive therapy here] or dozens of brain damaging anti-psychotics so we can't allow euthanasia! I frankly think it'll be something like when it comes to euthanasia involving the "mentally ill."

At that point I'd rather just off myself than deal with endless normie bullshit excuses for why you are denied euthanasia. I'd rather there be over the counter N being freely sold to adults.

Edit: Phone died and I didn't get to finish.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
What do we want?


When do we want it?

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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
Guess they wont accept foreigners huh?
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Nice! Here's hoping that regular person like me will be allowed to be included. Go Canada! We should all have the right to die with peace without resorting to painful and illegal methods.
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Nov 3, 2019
Is it possible to move to Canada and become a citizen in order to get MaiD for intractable pain? Is it only in Quebec or all of Canada? Except that all my doctor's notes are from the US...:"( And does anyone know if the medical record requirements are stricter than Pegasos?
Edit: In order to become a citizen, you have to have lived in Canada for three of the last four years, but you don't have to have been a permanent resident at that time, from what I gathered. If only I'd been born one continent over.
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Dec 8, 2020
Nice to see you again. :hug: that's really cool, more than I expected. Thank you for sharing. It would make me consider sticking around as well...
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
Thank you Canada.
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Š“Ń€ŃƒŃŃ‚Š½Š°Ń Š”уŠŗŠ°
Jul 31, 2020
Imagine you are honest with them, and they reject you. You'll probably get sectioned instead. I think I'll euthanize myself, thank you. Still nice to see a step in the right direction for the right to die movement.
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Oct 28, 2020
I'm in Canada and have been watching this very closely.

I am thinking i will probably ctb on my own, not through MAID....

I want the control. The where/the when. It's the how that would be so much more peaceful though.

I guess we'll find out in approximately 18 months what the qualifications will be to attain MAID for mental illness- and i'll go from there.

It's not like i have hope for anything anymore.... i refuse to hope for this.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I tend to agree with those who think that this new law will only directly assist a tiny number of mentally ill people, but the fact that it passed at all is a kind of moral victory. It's pretty grotesque when the same doctors who failed at curing you can also lock you up and force you to live with the thing they can't fix. This law is at least an acknowledgment that there is a time to quit pushing pills and expensive but useless therapies and just let a suffering person go. Thank you to Canada for doing the decent thing, even when there is pressure to do otherwise.

I strongly doubt such a law could pass at the federal level in the U.S. any time soon, particularly since we're likely to have an arch-conservative Supreme Court for the next 25 years, at least. We may see advances in state laws, however, particularly in states along the northern border that see a lot of traffic bound to and from Canada. I'm thinking especially Michigan and New York. I live in Michigan myself, and a lot of people here feel more comfortable trying new things if Canada does them first, and then isn't immediately hit with the Wrath of God.
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shattered dreams

shattered dreams

Jun 5, 2018
I remember Adam Maier-Clayton who CTB in 2017. He would be so happy as he fought for this law. RIP Adam

"Think about the situation. If they can't get better, and their life is hell, why would they not commit suicide? Can you give me one good reason?"

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Nov 18, 2020
I'd probably be denied anyway lol. 24 is "too young" and I could see them saying that being suicidal makes me "mentally incompetent" to make such a decision. If I felt like I could wait 2 years I'd probably try but my planned date is in 3 days so we'll see what happens I guess
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ęƒ³ę­»äøčƒ½ - ęƒ³ę“»äøčƒ½
Nov 23, 2020
I remember Adam Maier-Clayton who CTB in 2017. He would be so happy as he fought for this law. RIP Adam

"Think about the situation. If they can't get better, and their life is hell, why would they not commit suicide? Can you give me one good reason?"

I thought of Adam as soon as I saw this thread. His parents have been campaigning for right to die even after his death, and even if this is a small step in the right direction, now many people will not have to suffer alone in a hotel like Adam did in his last moments.
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Feb 27, 2021
This doesn't really benefit me in any way but I'm glad progress is being made no matter how small.
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Oct 26, 2019
Doctors are going to abuse this to coerce people into dying. Gaslight their patients, deny them palliative care, cut them off from disability benefits, and push this on them, to save the state the cost of caring for them.

We've already seen doctors non-consensually issuing "DNR" orders for intellectually disabled people who wanted to live, denying them ventilators for COVID, and more. We've already seen Jonathan Marchand in Quebec being told he should consider euthenasia when he said he needed better treatment for chronic illness.

What I want is for people to have the freedom to end their own lives, and to talk openly about ideation, plans, and motives, without being shamed or forced into hospitals or "treatment" by cops and medical systems. For people to have the freedom to do that for themselves. Not for doctors to kill us. We can't trust doctors.
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ęƒ³ę­»äøčƒ½ - ęƒ³ę“»äøčƒ½
Nov 23, 2020
Doctors are going to abuse this to coerce people into dying. Gaslight their patients, deny them palliative care, cut them off from disability benefits, and push this on them, to save the state the cost of caring for them.

We've already seen doctors non-consensually issuing "DNR" orders for intellectually disabled people who wanted to live, denying them ventilators for COVID, and more. We've already seen Jonathan Marchand in Quebec being told he should consider euthenasia when he said he needed better treatment for chronic illness.

What I want is for people to have the freedom to end their own lives, and to talk openly about ideation, plans, and motives, without being shamed or forced into hospitals or "treatment" by cops and medical systems. For people to have the freedom to do that for themselves. Not for doctors to kill us. We can't trust doctors.
I agree with this. I think Phillip Nietsze (can't ever spell his name) author of the PPH and head of Exit intl specifically has stated that he wants the right to die process to become demedicalised. It should be a personal decision, not a pathological one.

I'm inclined to agree, not only because doctors gave me ptsd and I certainly wouldn't want to be surrounded by my triggers while dying, but it places a burden on individuals to obtain a large paper trail of every illness and treatment they've ever tried. This is subtle coercion. Dangling the carrot above one's head until they go through medical procedures and treatments they don't wish to partake in. Only then will you be allowed to ctb.

Medical staff have no business being involved in this, as suicide is a highly personal decision that can happen regardless of health.
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Nov 20, 2020

i might stick around for 2 more years and die with dignity if i qualify. passing this bill is a giant step for those who seek to terminal life early due to untreatable mental illness. hopefully more countries will follow suit.
This is good news for canadians. I read that if you qualify they give you a choice to either be assisted by a doctor or they give you 10 grams of n tablets with meto. So you can do it at home whenever you please.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
This is good news for canadians. I read that if you qualify they give you a choice to either be assisted by a doctor or they give you 10 grams of n tablets with meto. So you can do it at home whenever you please.
Do you think they will allow foreigners in the future?


Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
This is good news for canadians. I read that if you qualify they give you a choice to either be assisted by a doctor or they give you 10 grams of n tablets with meto. So you can do it at home whenever you please.

source? I find it hard to believe they will allow candidates to CTB without any kind of medical supervision.


Nov 1, 2019
source? I find it hard to believe they will allow candidates to CTB without any kind of medical supervision.

The primer on the MAID bill posted on the government of Canada's website states that there are two options available to those who are deemed eligible for medical assistance in dying (see the section "Available MAID Options"). Depending on the province, a patient can elect to have life ending agents administered by a physician (although NPs have been granted authority to carry out this procedure in some provinces) or opt for self-administration. The former is carried out with a drug protocol that is administered intravenously while the latter is delivered orally. The Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers has provided documents detailing and reviewing each of these procedures. I have included a link to them below if you were curious about what they entail:
  1. Intravenous MAiD Medication Protocols in Canada
  2. The Oral MAiD Option in Canada - Part 1: Medication Protocols
Do you think they will allow foreigners in the future?

I doubt very much that foreigners (who are not classified as permanent residents) will be allowed to access euthanasia in Canada. The rationale behind it would be to avoid suicide tourism I would imagine.
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Apr 19, 2018
well this alow

well assisted dying allow us how sofer from depression to die​