

Nov 7, 2023
I understand that self hate can be the a reaction our minds have to adverse external stimuli, but not matter what my criticisms of myself are it feels like people just constantly just say you should learn to love yourself regardless, and it doesn't make any sense to me.
I hate lots of things about myself; how I interact with people, my hobbies, the way I treat my loved ones, my financial/career choices, etc.. In your opinion is there a point where this hate can be justified logically? If not, what's the alternative.
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May 5, 2023
i usually find that i hold a lot of hate. hate towards myself, but also hate towards the world. i feel like hate can be justified when we are put in a negative situation (as we view it), that is difficult or near impossible to get out of. that's where the idea of 'just loving yourself' sort of comes from. if you can't change the situation, people say to change how you view it. it might work sometimes, but personally i believe if a situation is bad, it's bad, and just forcing yourself to view it as good doesn't really do much (other than temporarily improve your mood). i believe it does work sometimes though. if a situation is good/okay, but we view it as bad, then there's some room for improvement.
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planning to ctb asap
Nov 22, 2023
I understand that self hate can be the a reaction our minds have to adverse external stimuli, but not matter what my criticisms of myself are it feels like people just constantly just say you should learn to love yourself regardless, and it doesn't make any sense to me.
I hate lots of things about myself; how I interact with people, my hobbies, the way I treat my loved ones, my financial/career choices, etc.. In your opinion is there a point where this hate can be justified logically? If not, what's the alternative.
I personally think that the way we feel isn't entirely up to us. I think our environment and society are responsible to a degree as well, including self hate. I think ppl pretend that everything is fine up to the point where ppl commit suicide and it always catches them by surprise. I'm surprised how more ppl aren't killing themselves. I'm not advocating for it but I'd understand.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I hate myself and my life and I have nobody to blame but me.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I feel like it could be as long as said self loathing is directed at parts of you that are actually lacking. People, for some odd reason, like to insinuate that humans aren't as flawed as those who self loath describe themselves as but, unfortunately, there are people who are flawed as they describe themselves as and, in that case, I'd say the self hate is justified
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess one way around it is to decide whether who you are is because of your upbringing and the experiences you have had in life.

As an example, I would say I suffer from limerance- obsessive crushes on people. It's certainly a source of embarassment for me and it has caused me a lot of emotional pain. I don't exactly hate myself for it though. While it's all self diagnosed, I know that limerance can come about in adults when certain needs weren't met when we were children. My childhood wasn't as bad as neglectful or abusive but- it wasn't exactly great. That wasn't my fault. To a greater extent- surely, we are the product of our environments.

Maybe you can do the same. Analyse some of your own behaviours that you hate and figure out when and why you started to do that. Was it in response to something less than ideal? It's not to start shifting the blame and hate onto your parents. I'm sure most do their best. It's just to try and forgive yourself some of your faults. Maybe they came about as a defense mechanism?

Plus- if it really bothers you- identifying what you hate about yourself is surely a good thing- because you can then make conscious steps to change your behaviour to something you think makes you a better person. Maybe it sounds harsh but, it's maybe a bit lazy of us to say we hate these things about ourselves without doing anything to change them. It's like repeatedly doing the same thing wrong and saying you're 'sorry'. Surely- if someone was sorry- they wouldn't keep doing it! Of course, it depends on what it is. Some things, we can't change.
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Jul 23, 2022
Well, self-loathing isn't helpful or conducive to anything at all so from a sheer "logical" standpoint it wouldn't be justified. But "logical justification" isn't really the thing to look for when it comes to feelings. Know they are valid and try to work on ways to improve how u u view yourself. I know that's a tall order since self-love is completely foreign to me too.
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Oct 24, 2023
I hate myself. In my case - I was abused from the beginning of my life and I guess what other people think of us, the manner in which we are treated leads us to blame ourselves. Also if the caregivers are abusive, children tend to blame themselves as if them blamed the caregiver, there is a problem with their survival.

Everywhere we turn in this world, people talk about "perfect everything" - perfect family, perfect home etc and it is hard to complete.

However as much as possible, it is good to try and challenge some negativity towards ourselves - still trying..,


Nov 7, 2023
I guess one way around it is to decide whether who you are is because of your upbringing and the experiences you have had in life.

As an example, I would say I suffer from limerance- obsessive crushes on people. It's certainly a source of embarassment for me and it has caused me a lot of emotional pain. I don't exactly hate myself for it though. While it's all self diagnosed, I know that limerance can come about in adults when certain needs weren't met when we were children. My childhood wasn't as bad as neglectful or abusive but- it wasn't exactly great. That wasn't my fault. To a greater extent- surely, we are the product of our environments.

Maybe you can do the same. Analyse some of your own behaviours that you hate and figure out when and why you started to do that. Was it in response to something less than ideal? It's not to start shifting the blame and hate onto your parents. I'm sure most do their best. It's just to try and forgive yourself some of your faults. Maybe they came about as a defense mechanism?

Plus- if it really bothers you- identifying what you hate about yourself is surely a good thing- because you can then make conscious steps to change your behaviour to something you think makes you a better person. Maybe it sounds harsh but, it's maybe a bit lazy of us to say we hate these things about ourselves without doing anything to change them. It's like repeatedly doing the same thing wrong and saying you're 'sorry'. Surely- if someone was sorry- they wouldn't keep doing it! Of course, it depends on what it is. Some things, we can't change.
Your reply is very thoughtful, and I appreciate it. I definitely agree that it's lazy of me to say I hate these things about myself and not do much to change it, in fact I think laziness is probably one of my major problems in life(and I don't like that aspect of myself either, lol).

While I understand that we're all products of our environments, I don't feel like establishing where and how my self-loathed behaviors came about would help me with the process of forgiving myself. After reading replies and doing a lot of introspection, I think the reason I'm so confused with my situation is that a lot of the things I loathe myself for, I know aren't really justifiable. For instance, as a hobby, I like collecting Pokémon cards, it's a nostalgic and fun pastime for me. I do pretty decent at budgeting, I admittedly spend a fair chunk of change on it, but I've honestly stayed responsible in my spending. I've made some pretty good friends in the community and I enjoy myself when I'm with them. But no matter what, there's always a part of me that convinces myself that I'm a loser for participating and it's bad and wrong of me to enjoy myself paying ridiculous money for these little pieces of cardboard. I would never extend this criticism to others, but the thought effortlessly comes to the back of my mind, constantly.

This is obviously a less serious example of things that deeply affect me on a day to day basis, but it's very emblematic of my thought process.

I guess to end this very ramble-y post I'll say that CTB just seems so much easier than trying to fix myself and/or forgive myself for all these things. I'm so tired of hating myself and making everyone around me put up with it.
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Mr. Self Destruct
Nov 2, 2023
I guess to end this very ramble-y post I'll say that CTB just seems so much easier than trying to fix myself and/or forgive myself for all these things. I'm so tired of hating myself and making everyone around me put up with it.
I agree. This is the sort of conclusion I've arrived to. Now I'm kinda just suffering in silence and putting up with the world around me so I at least don't damage those who want to stay. Or as little as I can anyways.
Ε. Η. R.

Ε. Η. R.

Oct 5, 2023
people just constantly just say you should learn to love yourself regardless, and it doesn't make any sense to me.
Only hypocrites say that. Or "psychologists" who relieve the scums of guilt.

Guilt exists. For actions done, for mistakes, for missed opportunities.

While I understand that we're all products of our environments
Speak for yourself.
What makes a person human is that she\ he can remain himself, an individual, regardless of the environment.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Your reply is very thoughtful, and I appreciate it. I definitely agree that it's lazy of me to say I hate these things about myself and not do much to change it, in fact I think laziness is probably one of my major problems in life(and I don't like that aspect of myself either, lol).

While I understand that we're all products of our environments, I don't feel like establishing where and how my self-loathed behaviors came about would help me with the process of forgiving myself. After reading replies and doing a lot of introspection, I think the reason I'm so confused with my situation is that a lot of the things I loathe myself for, I know aren't really justifiable. For instance, as a hobby, I like collecting Pokémon cards, it's a nostalgic and fun pastime for me. I do pretty decent at budgeting, I admittedly spend a fair chunk of change on it, but I've honestly stayed responsible in my spending. I've made some pretty good friends in the community and I enjoy myself when I'm with them. But no matter what, there's always a part of me that convinces myself that I'm a loser for participating and it's bad and wrong of me to enjoy myself paying ridiculous money for these little pieces of cardboard. I would never extend this criticism to others, but the thought effortlessly comes to the back of my mind, constantly.

This is obviously a less serious example of things that deeply affect me on a day to day basis, but it's very emblematic of my thought process.

I guess to end this very ramble-y post I'll say that CTB just seems so much easier than trying to fix myself and/or forgive myself for all these things. I'm so tired of hating myself and making everyone around me put up with it.

Personally- I don't think you should hate yourself for things you enjoy. Of course- if you enjoyed shoplifting or hurting small animals- that would be different. Collecting Pokeman cards though? What harm is that doing anyone? Isn't it more that you feel like other people judge you for doing that? That it's childlish or something? I'd just say- screw them. I like things that would be considered immature too. Why should we have to conform to things though? If you're not hurting anyone else- what business is it of theirs what you like? People are so superior judging people based on their preferences. Like any of it matters at the end of the day. You see something in them that they don't see. That's their loss. Maybe they enjoy fine wine, or collecting handbags or watching soap operas. Why feel bad about something that brings you pleasure? So long as it isn't hurting other people of course.

From what you've said- I definitely don't think you should hate yourself for this kind of thing. Maybe you've realised that sharing your interest provokes an unpleasant response in others- so, maybe it's something you'd be better off keeping hidden. Still- see that as intolerance, prejudice and ignorance on their side- it's nothing you're doing wrong. Maybe then- you actually need to ask- is this sonething I need to hate myself for? Is this really something bad?

With regards to lazyness- again- there are different ways to look at it. We are told not to be lazy- that sloth is a sin. Ultimately though- we're all being pushed to contribute towards a capitalist, consummerist society- whether we want to or not. Is that really a good thing? To become a wage slave. Another cog in the machine. Maybe some people who are 'lazy' are actually the clever ones. They look at the whole setup and say- 'no thanks'. I'm not going to slave away to make rich people richer. I can't say I really blame them. I kind of wish I hadn't been brought up with such a strong work ethic. All that stuff has become ingrained now- so, I used to feel so guilty when I was being lazy.

But really- I'm not so sure the things you hate about yourself are all that bad. Do any of them affect other people in a negative way? Beyond them thinking you're immature because you collect Pokemon cards? They really ought to be able to get over that. If it's stuff that's holding you back- I'd say- probably better to try not to hate yourself for it. Probably better to be kinder to yourself and decide it's something it would benefit you to work on.
Speak for yourself.
What makes a person human is that she\ he can remain himself, an individual, regardless of the environment.

So- given an entirely different upbringing and environment- you still think you would be the same person? Of course we are influenced by our environment. Someone who is shown love and compassion and support is likely to follow a different path to someone who has been violently abused or neglected. It's not to excuse the latter person from becoming violent themselves but of course it will affect them in life. Maybe they will develop other not so healthy coping mechanisms to deal with it. These may not be 'bad' towards others but they may harm that person- self harm for example.

Presumably- feeling suicidal isn't an ideal state in life. Given your assertation that we should all be 'ourselves' regardless of our environment- as in- nothing should affect us- then- surely- none of us should be here! We should all be out living happy lives regardless of the environment we came from or the environment we are in.

What makes someone 'human'? Do you mean- the best version of themselves? So- without faults. Can we still have some faults and be considered 'human'? Can you be suicidal and still be 'human'? What if- because of trauma- you're socially anxious. Does that make someone less 'human' because they didn't overcome it?

Where I would agree is where people break the law and hurt others. I guess they are still human but- they certainly lapsed when it came to upholding very basic respect for other human lives. So- in turn- it's only fair that they lose some of their privelages- likely freedom if they chose to rape or murder someone. I get the impression that the OP is hating themselves for much more minor things though.
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