

Sep 21, 2020
What do people think of hte sarko pod? i like it and i think it should be made freely available. it could then be improved upon like open source things. I feel like it should be made available in economically disadvantaged areas so as to help ease the suffering of people who are more likely to have shitty lives. society won't be helping them so some of them are just doomed to suffer...why?? isn't that the most cruel option imaginable? same with, for example, involuntary science projects in the form of kalergi frankenstein monsters who are being fabricated by well meaning young adults being used as dupes for a disgusting mentally-ill messianic and ironically exclusionary agenda. turns out they're ("mixed" offspring) twice as likely to need professional help in the most conservative among the studies that have started coming out. people in these categories -- poor, frankenstein political prop left for dead after use, short, or anything else the cruel laws of social nature won't smile kindly on - should be able to find a sarko pod more easily. they should have them in neighborhood parks and corners, kind of like free pianos or tiny libraries.
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The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
YESS! But unless there's big money involved, or this fits the agenda of the 1% ... it's unfortunately never gonna happen. At least in a few years. Probably not in our lifetime if I'm to be honest. I hope I'm wrong.
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