

Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Can't read that shit, guessing it's another "emotions, emotions, 'let us restrict your freedom', more emotions."
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Mar 20, 2021
Time to act? :meh: Where were they before they jumped? "Time to act" = this is bad press and publicity for this city/town and we need to crack down on jumpers so our town will look good again. One of the comments on that article:

Screen Shot 2021 04 05 at 84541 AM

^^I've never wanted to slap someone through a computer screen more than at this exact moment. Hmmm idk maybe suicide is becoming normalized because this fast-paced capitalistic world is becoming harder and harder to live in and instead of fixing the issues surrounding society that lead to more and more suicide people just keep blaming it on the individuals themself? I don't think this person know what it's like to truly be suicidal. Every single thought about who finds you and whether or not it'll be traumatic, and the state of one's body has already been considered by most people before they do it. Maybe if they had access to more peaceful but successful ways to exit like euthanasia they wouldn't be forced to resort to gruesome methods to ensure no survival :I...The way the world is working "if more people had that view" it wouldn't change anything at all. We can expect violent suicides to continue to shoot up to an all-time high.

On a lighter note, I hope all six of them were able to find peace and exit painlessly. Six back to back that were all successful pretty much confirms how reliable jumping can be if everything is taken into consideration.
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Feb 27, 2021
Oh yes put the suicidal people in prison. That'll fix everything. We already got enough people being sent to prison for stupid shit we don't need the prisons to become even more crowded.

These 6 people were obviously suffering from something that made them feel that death was the only solution. But nobody ever seems to think about that.
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Mar 21, 2021
Only 30m above the water seems a bit risky.


May 27, 2020
Time to act? :meh: Where were they before they jumped? "Time to act" = this is bad press and publicity for this city/town and we need to crack down on jumpers so our town will look good again. One of the comments on that article:

View attachment 65524

^^I've never wanted to slap someone through a computer screen more than at this exact moment. Hmmm idk maybe suicide is becoming normalized because this fast-paced capitalistic world is becoming harder and harder to live in and instead of fixing the issues surrounding society that lead to more and more suicide people just keep blaming it on the individuals themself? I don't think this person know what it's like to truly be suicidal. Every single thought about who finds you and whether or not it'll be traumatic, and the state of one's body has already been considered by most people before they do it. Maybe if they had access to more peaceful but successful ways to exit like euthanasia they wouldn't be forced to resort to gruesome methods to ensure no survival :I...The way the world is working "if more people had that view" it wouldn't change anything at all. We can expect violent suicides to continue to shoot up to an all-time high.

On a lighter note, I hope all six of them were able to find peace and exit painlessly. Six back to back that were all successful pretty much confirms how reliable jumping can be if everything is taken into consideration.
That user has it the wrong way around. Firstly suicide has never been normalised in the country that they come from, and it is still very much frowned upon there. They think that the so-called "nanny state" contributes to people committing suicide by "patting them on the back"... Really? Since when has western society congratulated people for wanting to kill themselves? It is not viewed as anywhere near "normal".

They also claim that if more people had their view then less people would commit suicide - not true. In the past suicide was heavily stigmatized, it was a subject that people just did not talk about, and still is in the current era. Shaming those with suicidal thoughts makes them more likely to take their own lives.

Lastly this user says that they are tired of people playing the victim, but are they not acting like a victim, too, by claiming that suicide causes pain to them and others? They are essentially preaching the "do not be a victim and take responsibility" mindset while holding suicidal people responsible for the feelings of others. This is a contradiction.
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New Member
Feb 1, 2020
Where they jumping in the water or is there a patch of concrete somewhere at the bottom before crossing it? I wouldn't choose water at that height, that's fucking nutty.
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Trapped in space and time
Aug 29, 2019
Time to act? :meh: Where were they before they jumped? "Time to act" = this is bad press and publicity for this city/town and we need to crack down on jumpers so our town will look good again. One of the comments on that article:

View attachment 65524

^^I've never wanted to slap someone through a computer screen more than at this exact moment. Hmmm idk maybe suicide is becoming normalized because this fast-paced capitalistic world is becoming harder and harder to live in and instead of fixing the issues surrounding society that lead to more and more suicide people just keep blaming it on the individuals themself? I don't think this person know what it's like to truly be suicidal. Every single thought about who finds you and whether or not it'll be traumatic, and the state of one's body has already been considered by most people before they do it. Maybe if they had access to more peaceful but successful ways to exit like euthanasia they wouldn't be forced to resort to gruesome methods to ensure no survival :I...The way the world is working "if more people had that view" it wouldn't change anything at all. We can expect violent suicides to continue to shoot up to an all-time high.

On a lighter note, I hope all six of them were able to find peace and exit painlessly. Six back to back that were all successful pretty much confirms how reliable jumping can be if everything is taken into consideration.
Hull 24's comment is selfish, lazy, and mainstream. They clearly don't understand CTB at all. Comments like this are unfortunately to be expected. There is nothing they can ever do to completely stop you from jumping off a bridge. I wonder how many jumpers do this on impulse? For the ones who dont do it on impulse then you would think most people would pick a more peaceful method however jumping is quick though.

There is also Hudson Yard Vessel. It had a handful of CTB's since it was built a few years back. Last I heard they shut it down in order to put up some sort of barriers. I dont think its really that high though. 100-150ft. If I decided I was going to jump I would go for a much higher place. RIP to the jumpers.
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
if i ctb,and it looks like i will,i will have to blame failures are what makes life untenable. the only people i can blame are the education system,as i spent four years in a top tier Catholic hs,and it was obvious i needed help,no one seemed to be willing to help!
i think its prob better nowadays,this was in the 70s.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
So basically they're putting a lock on the fridge and forcing us to eat out of the trash. Nice.

They (pro-life crowd) think they're preventing tragedy, but by the time the thought of jumping from that bridge crosses an individual's mind, they have already failed.
This whole idea of 'restriction for prevention' is just making things worse for those who suffer.


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Time to act? :meh: Where were they before they jumped? "Time to act" = this is bad press and publicity for this city/town and we need to crack down on jumpers so our town will look good again. One of the comments on that article:

View attachment 65524

^^I've never wanted to slap someone through a computer screen more than at this exact moment. Hmmm idk maybe suicide is becoming normalized because this fast-paced capitalistic world is becoming harder and harder to live in and instead of fixing the issues surrounding society that lead to more and more suicide people just keep blaming it on the individuals themself? I don't think this person know what it's like to truly be suicidal. Every single thought about who finds you and whether or not it'll be traumatic, and the state of one's body has already been considered by most people before they do it. Maybe if they had access to more peaceful but successful ways to exit like euthanasia they wouldn't be forced to resort to gruesome methods to ensure no survival :I...The way the world is working "if more people had that view" it wouldn't change anything at all. We can expect violent suicides to continue to shoot up to an all-time high.

On a lighter note, I hope all six of them were able to find peace and exit painlessly. Six back to back that were all successful pretty much confirms how reliable jumping can be if everything is taken into consideration.

I'd blow my brains out on his doorstep to cause as much trouble as possible for this idiot.
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