I actually hope I'm a lefty although, I could be nearer the middle. Anyhow though, conservatives voting in the UK won't get access to guns.
As a brit, I'm always curious about the US attitudes towards guns. Personally, I feel like liberal access to firearms naturally means an increase in gun crime, school shootings etc. I'm curious that people still seem to think it's worth risking that to have them. I just have a different mindset though. We aren't raised believing it's our right to own them. Of course, I'm envious when it comes to suicide!
Not to say the UK is better by any means. We have so much knife crime. In schools too. So, perhaps it solves nothing.
Well. Everyone has a gun, here. So it's threat level based too, right. What risks are you liable to encounter. If you're in a room and EVERYONE has a gun, I mean shit, you should probably be packing, right? Even if
ideologically, on a
societal scale, it would be better if
no one had a gun, unfortunately that's just not the case. Peace means reloading your guns. For that reason even when I was a leftist, I always supported gun rights for Americans. I would not support gun rights in the U.K. If you live in Brazil or Chile too right, probably should have a gun. If you go to Afghanistan, first, don't be a woman, and second bring a gun. If you're going to Canada, meh, probably not. It's context based.
In the U.K., if someone is coming at you with a knife, well first thing is run, but if you can't, wouldn't it be better if you had a knife than if you didn't? You can call the cops, but there's a delay there.
I don't know about the U.K., but all the criminal elements flock here. Not to mention the huge wealth disparities, the ghettos, the drugs. Probably a good bit in the U.K., too, but I guess your government just does a better job of keeping them in line? Idk. But they are here. A lot of them.
Americans are also stubborn and demand their "rights", and yes that's a big part. The technical reason for the guns is so if the government steps out of line, we won't get tyrannized easily. That was where it all started, right, when you Brits came over across the pond and started fucking with the American Brits. That left a deep scar on the American psyche, and made Americans fear tyranny. So, we have guns as part of the 2nd amendment technically to be able to form militias in the event the government steps out of line and wants their damn our damn tea tax money again!. Also we switched to coffee, because of the trauma. :P