Does anyone have any knowledge of calcium channel blockers if mixed with beta blockers what would be the outcome ? Like is this potentially peaceful ? Like would I go into cardiac arrest or something ?
Does anyone have any knowledge of calcium channel blockers if mixed with beta blockers what would be the outcome ? Like is this potentially peaceful ? Like would I go into cardiac arrest or something ?
@jepe24 I've treated pts who intentionally overdose a large amount of beta blockers. It's very dangerous and painful. It causes organ failure and death. If you're not found you will die in a couple of hours. If you survived you will be in intensive care for a while and you will be under aggressive treatment. It's painful baby don't do it.
schrei_nach_liebe, warriorkot, WaitingAllMyLife and 1 other person
@badtothebone i don't have an option it's either i continue to live with paronid schizophrenia and not know what's my reality daily with major depressive disorder . I have 1,500 of calcium channels blocked and just 300 proporonol. That's All I can do .
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