suicidal flapper

Jul 15, 2023
You've all heard them before. The stories warning of one's suicide while showcasing a parent or family member in anguish over the decision. While I truly feel for those who aren't suicidal and lost a loved one, these stories only make me feel worse because I simply don't have many people in my life to spread that suffering to. I was homeschooled so I have no irl friends and most of my family doesn't contact or acknowledge me and as for my parents, both of them are majorly responsible for my suicidal feelings.

My father abandoned me at a young age and takes weeks to answer any of my texts and my mother has and always will be emotionally apathetic towards my mental health and emotional needs. Two days I ago I straight up told my mother that I'm planning on taking my life and she responded by asking me about groceries. It was only after 2-3 minutes that she said she was sorry about my pain and then went on with ignoring it. So if I take my life and they feel pain then… so what? It's their own fault for bringing me into this world and not taking my mental health seriously. I was absolutely a hard child to raise and I'm kind of pathetic person now but they had a major hand in making everything worse

These stories never take into account that some people either don't have peers present or peers that deserve them. It's exhausting to live for someone else and even worse for people who just don't seem to care until it's too late. It makes me feel worse and only reminds me how horrible my life is even more because unlike some people I don't have many people to mourn my passing. I have my long distance boyfriend and an online friend that would be affected the most. That's it
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jinx <3

jinx <3

Apr 12, 2023
The thing you mentioned about people not caring until it's too late feels particularly true in my experience. I hate it, but taking my own life has, at times, felt like the only way to show others that I truly needed help. It's stupid, obviously, because by then it would be too late. But I still feel that way sometimes, like attempting or even succeeding is just how I ask for help.

I hope that you meet others who treat you like the person you are and that you don't continue to be mistreated by your family. I know it's little comfort when your in such a bad place, but I know you're strong enough to do anything <3.
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Reactions: suicidal flapper and porcupinetree


Jul 29, 2021
No one really cares until something dramatic happens.


Jul 10, 2023
Those who say it are the ones who passed suffering on to you, I'd say that those who are the cause for our suicidal ideation also deserve to suffer to a degree but in my case, I'd never wish the suffering that I endure on even my enemy.

I'll say it here: I'm sorry you're suffering so much and I'm sorry your family doesn't care about you. It's so dreadful when you don't have anyone to talk to or anyone that you're friends with in general, I'm the same so I understand your struggles and I hope you can find peace soon. Best wishes.
No one really cares until something dramatic happens.
This actually applies for everything but it is the most serious when the dramatic thing in question is death. Death is a serious concept and I truly wish people would take the time to think about the severity of the matter. Instead of laughing at us when we display some suicidal tendencies I wish they'd help us. I think they know by now what will happen when we actually die, they should at least try preventing it by being somewhat kind towards us… Everyone is disgusting.

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