

Oct 23, 2018
As a former advocate for people with mental health issues and learning difficulties, I have had a number of my clients enact suicide over the years. I have witnessed a lot that leaves me more than a little bitter and frustrated at the sheer stupidity and horror of it all. I somewhat use here to vent some of that shit. It is hard not to ruminate these days. Sickness leaves me with a lot of time to think despite my steam library.

Not enough is really done to meaningfully address chronic suffering in this world. It seems more is done to instead shift blame onto the victims of prolonged pain. Instead of the broken systems, or untouchable people that maintain these frankly absurd systems or are protected by them.

Pain is constantly trivialised. Just look at the word stress for instance. For most, it does not conjure much. It is not viewed as all that serious. However, you look at the science on it and its an absolute assault on mind and body with horrific statistics behind it. It worsens every condition in existence. Wipes out years of your life and quite literally causes brain damage. Causes kids to hang themselves from bedroom curtains because of exam stress. Workers to jump out of factory windows. On and on it goes. Why is this a correlation so ignored?

Various things are not even considered serious or even viewed as a kind of pain. Even though they have equally horrific statistics attached to them. Like chronic loneliness, that an emoji can never give you what you biologically need. Loneliness should be treated like an impending heart attack, but it isn't. I had elderly clients ringing me up just because they were lonely. It did not help that various means of social inclusion had been cut into non-existence. So I could provide them little practically. Often leaving them trapped in their own homes. Often times supported housing wasn't so supported. Loneliness literally drives people mad and is an often trivialised pain. Then all of a sudden, they are a smell under the door. "Oh no, how terrible." People will say. The vultures show up and suddenly care.

Anxiety is another often trivialised pain. Even though it robs a person of living a fulfilling life. Usually resulting in the two other states of not considered serious enough pain. Made all the worse because anxiety robs a person of the very thing they need to beat it. Since it gets so ignored it winds up entrenched and even harder to tackle later down the line.

Another state of pain that I rarely ever see explored, is disappointment and chronic dissatisfaction. I am fairly certain the way we live currently is entirely stupid and toxic. Does not help that many of us grow up told a pack of lies that get internalised. These are convenient lies for society to deny its own role. Instead, all fault lays solely with you and not the broken systems at work. Like we live in a vacuum and willpower is all you need.

Add in that we spend our best years in environments we may well hate. Surrounded by people you may well want to stab in the face regularly. Especially, when it comes to management syndrome. If you are in that state that leads right back to chronic stress. What sent one client over the edge was receiving an automated birthday card from the job that fired him. A job he had worked at for thirty-odd years.

Too many people live in a state of living a hollow non-authentic life, of going through the motions. Or living up to the standards of someone else. Losing themselves somewhere in that. So many of my clients made statements to that effect.

My observations of people caught up in the mental health system was that many of them were the ones who had approached the service in question. Only to be told they basically were not broken enough to qualify for help. With a warped catch 22 at work. If you were well enough to ask for help you were not sick enough to get it. Or were put on such a long waiting list that it beggars belief. When they do finally get that therapy it is a gamble on competence and the time frame is usually limited.

Imagine if we treated cancer this way!

"I am sorry, we can't help you yet, you are not close to terminal enough."
"Your cancer does not currently qualify."
"Is your cancer as serious as you think it is?"
"You are quite young, maybe your cancer is not cancer but just a phase?"
"Maybe you should stop smoking cannabis, clearly you don't want to help yourself. Come back when you have quit."
"I don't think you have cancer I think you just want attention."
"Are you malingering because you like people feeling sorry for you?"
"Sorry someone has more severe cancer than you, you should be grateful yours is not quite so bad. Here is a pamphlet on how you can better help yourself."
"Have you tried rethinking your cancer so it is not so cancerous?"
"You don't have cancer this is just a behaviour issue and we don't treat that."
"Unfortunately because of the specific cancer you have, you don't qualify for the treatment that would likely help you the most with your symptoms."
"Could you sign this, so if you do die of cancer we are not legally responsible and can gamble on your wellbeing to save money. As well as keep beds available."
"So you are coughing up blood and your stools are black. No, they are not, I am not you, but in this forty minute period, I know you better than you know yourself. Take these and come back in two weeks."

This delay meant it was not uncommon to see people worsen while holding out hope. Or have a bunch of old wounds opened and then the therapy suddenly ending. Unsurprisingly my client then was in even more of a mess than when they started and dropped into such heavy disappointment they wouldn't know what to do. I am convinced that this behaviour kills plenty.

Yet the core standard advice is to seek help... What help? Over the years I have just seen support services outside of the standard flawed mental health environment of drug em and turf em out. All cut to ribbons, or go under leaving nothing but a wasteland. Resulting in having drugs thrown at people by a GP you are hard-pressed to see, at a problem that may have environmental or physical causes that never get explored. It is so bad you have signposting services signposting to other signposting services and pretending that is helping. The corruption at work in charities is utterly depressing. In the meantime, It is like the system is playing pass the parcel with human lives! The beancounters probably happiest if no one existed but they still get paid.

It gets uglier. My clients who had the misfortune of being diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder were the most fobbed off demographic. There is an awful kind of judgmentalism towards them. Bigotry is certainly alive and well in the mental health sphere from the very people administering this infantilising system. Often it was insinuated they were attention-seeking. So fucking what if they are!? That is a sign of a problem in of itself, isn't it? What if they are not? You a mind reader, got X-men level powers I don't know about?

Oh look another person literally ignored to death... The hospital turning around and trotting out that well-worn phrase. "Lessons will be learned." What, like last time and the time before and before that?

I had one of my clients with this diagnosis told how much they were costing the NHS by a spiteful psychologist. They went on to self-harm to such an extent they damaged mobility in their hand...

I could write a fucking book over the shit I have witnessed but just too brain frazzled to deal with grammar, and what difference would it make anyway? The wasteland in this country is worsening and getting an insight into the states makes me horrified there is crueler legislation out there. An undercurrent of blaming the patient has crept in, to the extent it does not even hide itself any more. There is no accountability either. Efficiency savings and the mantra of doing more with less is responsible for people that wanted help to fall through the cracks and wind up sad statistics.

Or if they survive, then the system forces that 'help.' However, it comes at the point when that can only be viewed as an assault. Sometimes moving a person halfway across the country because there are no beds.

It should be obvious why minors should not be put into adult wards. Why mixed wards cause issues. Why police cells should not be considered a place of safety... I could go on, dangerous environments that can be overcrowded or falling into disrepair. Dangerous understaffing especially at night. Outdated systems that detract from patient care. Target culture blended with liability culture driving who is helped and who is sacrificed to bureaucratic criteria. Little follow up care. Next to nothing available outside of a hospital setting. Failure to listen to patients. Over drugging and downplaying the risks of these drugs. Useless crisis teams that tell people to have a bath and read a book. So useless in fact a common sentiment to hear was, "I would rather kill myself than talk the crisis team again." Secret blacklists of patients. Ridiculous caseloads. An incentive to downgrade severe mental disorders to lesser forms to get people off the books or deny them a CPN. Or maybe they are having to be so ruthless due being underfunded it just seems that way.

Society seems to have hardened as well. I mean can you imagine getting threats and abuse because you are helping people navigate social security systems? It is so crazy to see some of the most vulnerable demographics of people being vilified and denigrated for claiming what is theirs. What happened? I don't remember things being this hateful. I don't miss the trolls, bigots, or arseholes that have no grasp of poverty beyond a cartoon level of understanding.

Are things getting crueler? Is it all as bleak and hopeless as it seems? What can even be done any more when the status quo will readily disregard anything it does not agree with?

Sometimes I look forward to being dead so I don't have to look at this shit show any more. But, I am in one of those moods tonight it seems.
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Aug 18, 2019
Things can always get worse and crueler. Sad but true.
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Aug 19, 2019
I am afraid the sad truth is nobody can help anybody with the existing societal attitudes beyond providing means to meet their practical needs (housing, job, etc.). And even that only possible to any degree in relatively fair systems.

Consider this, we are social animals and loneliness kills. So we need one another, I mean NEED. Of course this is not the religion of the day, the priests of psychology and Sally at accounting and your grandmother will tell you that it is dirty to need anyone. With housing, you can go build a house out of logs if you want. With food, you can kill to eat. These are more or less in your control. But other human beings are completely out of your control. So this need is NOT something you can fulfill by going out and getting it. Also any cow fulfills the need to eat, but NOT any human fulfills the need to bond. It is such a fuckload of variables that it is scary.

Things would be difficult and the human condition sad even if everybody was constructive. Even if everybody was honest and did their best. But just about everybody is broken in some way. Just about nobody really 'grows up', either. It's like a big fucking kindergarten, where everybody is crying. Even ones with little emotion (psychopaths, etc.).

There is simply no way human relationships can work and needs be met with this modern religion of 'It's your responsibility', 'They are toxic, just walk away', 'You have to take care of yourself'. Because you cannot take care of yourself, you are not a fucking blue whale. You are a social animal. Plus, when you get down to it, just about everybody is 'toxic', so OK let us walk away, but towards whom? Or just towards 'nicer' people who also don't have what can fulfill our needs? So Sally is a much nicer friend, except she has nothing to talk about with you. So you walked away from your toxic parents, what next? Can you get new parents? You can be strong, of course, take up as many hobbies as you can. Take a fucking walk.

Being strong and alone breeds such mind-crippling, serial-killer producing resentment that nobody sees it, including your own mind. Because if you could wake up one day and truly see where you are at, and what you are missing, you would burn the world.

You know what? There literally needs to be a kindergarten teacher. Since no individual can be trusted with that, society itself needs to be the teacher. There was this real life story that took place in Alaska. This guy got a lady to give up her job somewhere else and come over to marry him. She sends her stuff on a plane bit by bit. Just as she's about to come herself, she learns she's pregnant and calls to share the news. He cannot talk, because he's busy chatting up his new girlfriend at a party. Lady goes over to get her things back, has to meet the new lady and shut up and be nice to her, because... well, he doesn't love her, what can she do but be civilised and mature, right? The lady loses the child because of grief, btw. What happens in the end is something the guy did not consider: They have a small, well-knit community over there. It's not New York or something. News get out, guy loses his job, parents disown him, friends ostracise him. He literally loses everything.

So this is the society where nobody would have to sit in a shrink's couch and cry and be drugged up. Because when somebody acts like a kindergarten bully, society is coherent enough to act like a teacher. Only shame teaches lessons, and currently the shame is completely on the party fucked over.
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I'm the empty stage where actors act out plays.
Apr 9, 2019
Society treats the mentally ill as outcasts. Let tell you my experience as someone that has chronic depression and suicidal idealization has been treated in the United States mental health industry.

During my high school years, I had a tendency of skipping classes because I was too depressed to attend class. Before high school, I was prescript SSRIs to treat my depression, but to be honest it never worked. One day during my junior year of high school I decided that life wasn't worth living because I didn't get into the National Honor Society (group for high performing students). I attempted to hang myself using an electrical cord that was attached to the ceiling, but unfortunately, the cord could not sustain the weigh of my body and a teacher happening to walked in and quickly realized what I was doing. After the incident and interrogation, they called my father to pick me up. They school soon had a meeting the next school day with my mother on what to do with me. They all came with the ridiculous conclusion of forcing me stay home for all a month (note they did not call this a suspension, but was exactly like a suspension!). While this may seem tame at first, they cared zero about my well-being. They never considered getting someone to talk to me privately, or ask just if I was feeling fine. I simply had no voice, guidance, or help. The actual reason they forced me home was so that the school would not an interruption in their services if I died.

The 'suspension' was one of the lowest moments in my life. I was completely isolated and was expected to do my school work at home with zero-guidance and lecture. My depression increased exponentially and now I found myself unable to even get out of bed. I sometimes would lie in bed for over 24 hours, only getting up to use the bathroom. A councilor came over every week to bring more work and check on my progress. Obviously, because of my increased depressed state I didn't do any of the work given, and the councilor begins to blame incomplete work for being lazy. At this point, I completely stopped caring about school and others opinion of me.

This traumatic experience completely transformed me. Up until all this happened I still had a somewhat optimistic view of human possibility and that society itself was just and helping those in need (I know ridiculous). I still had the illusion that I WAS HUMAN, but in reality I was merely an object. I was never treated as a living being. They were so stuck in not violating their bureaucratic process, that in doing so they ignored me as a human being. Merely a subject (a noun) on a document and what to do to it.... This ultimately led to me embracing radical political view for example Marxist and Post-Structuralist viewpoints to explore this inequality.

A couple of months ago, I withdrew from all my courses in University because it was discovered by my therapist I was taking active measure on planning my suicide. My therapist because of bureaucracy was forced to hospitalize me and let me say it was the WORST EXPERIENCE. For about three plus days I was kept in the emergency room for mental health patents to transfer me a ward. You are given a tiny space where there's almost not enough room to stand up. They gave you breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is the only positive.... Now for the negative, if you so much as left your tiny corner for any reason other than using the bathroom they will scold you. The only activity you could do was lay in bed the entire time, or if you got sick of lying down stand up. There were many other patients and one patient in particular came from prison. This individual had some serious mental health issues and resulted her to say obscene statements constantly. They decide instead of providing support for the individual lock them up in a even smaller room, and you could here the person crying for hours about taking them back into prison. I never got any sleep as at random they would do random physical check-up to make sure you are in TIP-TOP HEALTH (note they were doing this to get more money than anything else). When I first entered the hospital I signed for them not to do STDs tests and other forms of testing. When the bill came they did it anyway and charged me loads of money.... Finally after three plus days they finally found me a ward and was quickly transferred there. The ward was better than the hospital's emergency room as I could finally walk around, but overall it still felt like a prison. They did group therapy where we would PLAY HANG MAN and other such fun games. They also did there routine check-ups to get even more money out of me. I eventually got out by pretending I was reformed and no longer suicidal. If I kept with my values, there's a possibility I'll still be in that mental ward today playing HANG MAN and watching awful T.V shows.

From just my personal experience, it's easy for me to see that society honestly does not care about people. The hospitalization did nothing and only led in me obtaining medical debt (Thanks America). If I am EVER referred to a mental hospital, I'm CTBing immediately.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
As a former advocate for people with mental health issues and learning difficulties, I have had a number of my clients enact suicide over the years. I have witnessed a lot that leaves me more than a little bitter and frustrated at the sheer stupidity and horror of it all. I somewhat use here to vent some of that shit. It is hard not to ruminate these days. Sickness leaves me with a lot of time to think despite my steam library.

Not enough is really done to meaningfully address chronic suffering in this world. It seems more is done to instead shift blame onto the victims of prolonged pain. Instead of the broken systems, or untouchable people that maintain these frankly absurd systems or are protected by them.

Pain is constantly trivialised. Just look at the word stress for instance. For most, it does not conjure much. It is not viewed as all that serious. However, you look at the science on it and its an absolute assault on mind and body with horrific statistics behind it. It worsens every condition in existence. Wipes out years of your life and quite literally causes brain damage. Causes kids to hang themselves from bedroom curtains because of exam stress. Workers to jump out of factory windows. On and on it goes. Why is this a correlation so ignored?

Various things are not even considered serious or even viewed as a kind of pain. Even though they have equally horrific statistics attached to them. Like chronic loneliness, that an emoji can never give you what you biologically need. Loneliness should be treated like an impending heart attack, but it isn't. I had elderly clients ringing me up just because they were lonely. It did not help that various means of social inclusion had been cut into non-existence. So I could provide them little practically. Often leaving them trapped in their own homes. Often times supported housing wasn't so supported. Loneliness literally drives people mad and is an often trivialised pain. Then all of a sudden, they are a smell under the door. "Oh no, how terrible." People will say. The vultures show up and suddenly care.

Anxiety is another often trivialised pain. Even though it robs a person of living a fulfilling life. Usually resulting in the two other states of not considered serious enough pain. Made all the worse because anxiety robs a person of the very thing they need to beat it. Since it gets so ignored it winds up entrenched and even harder to tackle later down the line.

Another state of pain that I rarely ever see explored, is disappointment and chronic dissatisfaction. I am fairly certain the way we live currently is entirely stupid and toxic. Does not help that many of us grow up told a pack of lies that get internalised. These are convenient lies for society to deny its own role. Instead, all fault lays solely with you and not the broken systems at work. Like we live in a vacuum and willpower is all you need.

Add in that we spend our best years in environments we may well hate. Surrounded by people you may well want to stab in the face regularly. Especially, when it comes to management syndrome. If you are in that state that leads right back to chronic stress. What sent one client over the edge was receiving an automated birthday card from the job that fired him. A job he had worked at for thirty-odd years.

Too many people live in a state of living a hollow non-authentic life, of going through the motions. Or living up to the standards of someone else. Losing themselves somewhere in that. So many of my clients made statements to that effect.

My observations of people caught up in the mental health system was that many of them were the ones who had approached the service in question. Only to be told they basically were not broken enough to qualify for help. With a warped catch 22 at work. If you were well enough to ask for help you were not sick enough to get it. Or were put on such a long waiting list that it beggars belief. When they do finally get that therapy it is a gamble on competence and the time frame is usually limited.

Imagine if we treated cancer this way!

"I am sorry, we can't help you yet, you are not close to terminal enough."
"Your cancer does not currently qualify."
"Is your cancer as serious as you think it is?"
"You are quite young, maybe your cancer is not cancer but just a phase?"
"Maybe you should stop smoking cannabis, clearly you don't want to help yourself. Come back when you have quit."
"I don't think you have cancer I think you just want attention."
"Are you malingering because you like people feeling sorry for you?"
"Sorry someone has more severe cancer than you, you should be grateful yours is not quite so bad. Here is a pamphlet on how you can better help yourself."
"Have you tried rethinking your cancer so it is not so cancerous?"
"You don't have cancer this is just a behaviour issue and we don't treat that."
"Unfortunately because of the specific cancer you have, you don't qualify for the treatment that would likely help you the most with your symptoms."
"Could you sign this, so if you do die of cancer we are not legally responsible and can gamble on your wellbeing to save money. As well as keep beds available."
"So you are coughing up blood and your stools are black. No, they are not, I am not you, but in this forty minute period, I know you better than you know yourself. Take these and come back in two weeks."

This delay meant it was not uncommon to see people worsen while holding out hope. Or have a bunch of old wounds opened and then the therapy suddenly ending. Unsurprisingly my client then was in even more of a mess than when they started and dropped into such heavy disappointment they wouldn't know what to do. I am convinced that this behaviour kills plenty.

Yet the core standard advice is to seek help... What help? Over the years I have just seen support services outside of the standard flawed mental health environment of drug em and turf em out. All cut to ribbons, or go under leaving nothing but a wasteland. Resulting in having drugs thrown at people by a GP you are hard-pressed to see, at a problem that may have environmental or physical causes that never get explored. It is so bad you have signposting services signposting to other signposting services and pretending that is helping. The corruption at work in charities is utterly depressing. In the meantime, It is like the system is playing pass the parcel with human lives! The beancounters probably happiest if no one existed but they still get paid.

It gets uglier. My clients who had the misfortune of being diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder were the most fobbed off demographic. There is an awful kind of judgmentalism towards them. Bigotry is certainly alive and well in the mental health sphere from the very people administering this infantilising system. Often it was insinuated they were attention-seeking. So fucking what if they are!? That is a sign of a problem in of itself, isn't it? What if they are not? You a mind reader, got X-men level powers I don't know about?

Oh look another person literally ignored to death... The hospital turning around and trotting out that well-worn phrase. "Lessons will be learned." What, like last time and the time before and before that?

I had one of my clients with this diagnosis told how much they were costing the NHS by a spiteful psychologist. They went on to self-harm to such an extent they damaged mobility in their hand...

I could write a fucking book over the shit I have witnessed but just too brain frazzled to deal with grammar, and what difference would it make anyway? The wasteland in this country is worsening and getting an insight into the states makes me horrified there is crueler legislation out there. An undercurrent of blaming the patient has crept in, to the extent it does not even hide itself any more. There is no accountability either. Efficiency savings and the mantra of doing more with less is responsible for people that wanted help to fall through the cracks and wind up sad statistics.

Or if they survive, then the system forces that 'help.' However, it comes at the point when that can only be viewed as an assault. Sometimes moving a person halfway across the country because there are no beds.

It should be obvious why minors should not be put into adult wards. Why mixed wards cause issues. Why police cells should not be considered a place of safety... I could go on, dangerous environments that can be overcrowded or falling into disrepair. Dangerous understaffing especially at night. Outdated systems that detract from patient care. Target culture blended with liability culture driving who is helped and who is sacrificed to bureaucratic criteria. Little follow up care. Next to nothing available outside of a hospital setting. Failure to listen to patients. Over drugging and downplaying the risks of these drugs. Useless crisis teams that tell people to have a bath and read a book. So useless in fact a common sentiment to hear was, "I would rather kill myself than talk the crisis team again." Secret blacklists of patients. Ridiculous caseloads. An incentive to downgrade severe mental disorders to lesser forms to get people off the books or deny them a CPN. Or maybe they are having to be so ruthless due being underfunded it just seems that way.

Society seems to have hardened as well. I mean can you imagine getting threats and abuse because you are helping people navigate social security systems? It is so crazy to see some of the most vulnerable demographics of people being vilified and denigrated for claiming what is theirs. What happened? I don't remember things being this hateful. I don't miss the trolls, bigots, or arseholes that have no grasp of poverty beyond a cartoon level of understanding.

Are things getting crueler? Is it all as bleak and hopeless as it seems? What can even be done any more when the status quo will readily disregard anything it does not agree with?

Sometimes I look forward to being dead so I don't have to look at this shit show any more. But, I am in one of those moods tonight it seems.

:heart: Wow, YOU would make the BEST Leader in any country / company / government to completely Fix all of the insanity in such broken systems. Your analogies, examples, main points, and details were so beautifully and intelligently communicated.

Since you mentioned NHS perhaps you are in the UK (?), here in the USA, we have all of those ridiculous challenges and insults on top of all of our sufferings and then mostly cannot even afford any decent medical care anyway. This just loops around I suppose in all countries for people like us that are left screaming first loudly, then silently with tears, then inwardly with despair... as so few care to try to hear us.

Please, would you consider writing an article somewhere (anywhere) to get more people to wake the hell up from the stupor as they utterly disregard reality? I'm sure at least some would wake up after reading it.

My own sister never recognizes the physical / neurological damage done by multiple violent assaults over my lifetime from our father (like when he choked me & tried to kill me because i asked him if we could please wait 20 minutes to lift boxes in the pouring rain so we don't slip and fall), my ex-boyfriend violence and stalking that terrorized me as he kidnapped me at knifepoint for 2 days), car accident injuries that altered my spine years ago from a DUI pot driver, and other terrifying experiences where other people controlled my destiny and injured me. I even have a BRAIN MRI that a neurologist said showed 3 areas of damage/loss of brain tissue he said will NEVER regenerate. All that, and my sister just says stuff like "well, anxiety is a choice" or "we do the best we can" or "tough shit" or "that's emotional blackmail when you cry"... Huh?!? Don't even get me started on the so called medical "care" LOL in America that tells me and plenty of other people to just journal and "think positive". I tried so many times to explain I've tried that for DECADES and while I can continue to strive to be grateful for whatever I do have... This condition (probably for a lot of people on here too) I have is / was / has transformed into PHYSICAL INJURY from UNRELENTING STRESS...

Just like you mentioned, chronic stress CHANGES THE BRAIN.... and through my own research, I have learned what echoes your sentiments.... Neuro & Bio Chemistry is NOT "MENTAL" or just a matter of trying to "think positive" (seriously?!?) and truly i am becoming increasingly convinced that depression, anxiety, and certainly PTSD is PHYSICAL with emotional/mental side effects that are Secondary... Not primary. I think regardless of how these specific conditions begin, they transform into changes in the brain's primitive limbic system, triggering other changes in levels of serotonin, norepinephrine ,etc. and human beings like us are being told to "get tougher" which is completely, as you said, USELESS to people trying desperately to navigate and survive an already difficult world with little or no support.

I want to thank you for being a Powerful VOICE for countless millions in the world that would also read what you wrote, and just nod thinking "Exactly Right"....

Society treats the mentally ill as outcasts. Let tell you my experience as someone that has chronic depression and suicidal idealization has been treated in the United States mental health industry.

During my high school years, I had a tendency of skipping classes because I was too depressed to attend class. Before high school, I was prescript SSRIs to treat my depression, but to be honest it never worked. One day during my junior year of high school I decided that life wasn't worth living because I didn't get into the National Honor Society (group for high performing students). I attempted to hang myself using an electrical cord that was attached to the ceiling, but unfortunately, the cord could not sustain the weigh of my body and a teacher happening to walked in and quickly realized what I was doing. After the incident and interrogation, they called my father to pick me up. They school soon had a meeting the next school day with my mother on what to do with me. They all came with the ridiculous conclusion of forcing me stay home for all a month (note they did not call this a suspension, but was exactly like a suspension!). While this may seem tame at first, they cared zero about my well-being. They never considered getting someone to talk to me privately, or ask just if I was feeling fine. I simply had no voice, guidance, or help. The actual reason they forced me home was so that the school would not an interruption in their services if I died.

The 'suspension' was one of the lowest moments in my life. I was completely isolated and was expected to do my school work at home with zero-guidance and lecture. My depression increased exponentially and now I found myself unable to even get out of bed. I sometimes would lie in bed for over 24 hours, only getting up to use the bathroom. A councilor came over every week to bring more work and check on my progress. Obviously, because of my increased depressed state I didn't do any of the work given, and the councilor begins to blame incomplete work for being lazy. At this point, I completely stopped caring about school and others opinion of me.

This traumatic experience completely transformed me. Up until all this happened I still had a somewhat optimistic view of human possibility and that society itself was just and helping those in need (I know ridiculous). I still had the illusion that I WAS HUMAN, but in reality I was merely an object. I was never treated as a living being. They were so stuck in not violating their bureaucratic process, that in doing so they ignored me as a human being. Merely a subject (a noun) on a document and what to do to it.... This ultimately led to me embracing radical political view for example Marxist and Post-Structuralist viewpoints to explore this inequality.

A couple of months ago, I withdrew from all my courses in University because it was discovered by my therapist I was taking active measure on planning my suicide. My therapist because of bureaucracy was forced to hospitalize me and let me say it was the WORST EXPERIENCE. For about three plus days I was kept in the emergency room for mental health patents to transfer me a ward. You are given a tiny space where there's almost not enough room to stand up. They gave you breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is the only positive.... Now for the negative, if you so much as left your tiny corner for any reason other than using the bathroom they will scold you. The only activity you could do was lay in bed the entire time, or if you got sick of lying down stand up. There were many other patients and one patient in particular came from prison. This individual had some serious mental health issues and resulted her to say obscene statements constantly. They decide instead of providing support for the individual lock them up in a even smaller room, and you could here the person crying for hours about taking them back into prison. I never got any sleep as at random they would do random physical check-up to make sure you are in TIP-TOP HEALTH (note they were doing this to get more money than anything else). When I first entered the hospital I signed for them not to do STDs tests and other forms of testing. When the bill came they did it anyway and charged me loads of money.... Finally after three plus days they finally found me a ward and was quickly transferred there. The ward was better than the hospital's emergency room as I could finally walk around, but overall it still felt like a prison. They did group therapy where we would PLAY HANG MAN and other such fun games. They also did there routine check-ups to get even more money out of me. I eventually got out by pretending I was reformed and no longer suicidal. If I kept with my values, there's a possibility I'll still be in that mental ward today playing HANG MAN and watching awful T.V shows.

From just my personal experience, it's easy for me to see that society honestly does not care about people. The hospitalization did nothing and only led in me obtaining medical debt (Thanks America). If I am EVER referred to a mental hospital, I'm CTBing immediately.

That's horrible, sad you went through that and I've heard similar-ish stories over the years... they preach "help" but then what people seem to get generally is actually a form of abuse, which causes further damage and distrust.

It's also something i've heard that you have to pretend to buy into their own brainwashed system (pardon the ironic pun) and play along to survive because they refuse to sit down and acknowledge actual truth.

People who claim they want to help need to ASK "What will help you feel better? What will help you not want to commit suicide?" I don't get why they don't just simply A.S.K.

Sometimes I think they're the "Crazy" ones.... we're just the normal ones that are freaked out by their cruel system of "smile & tell everyone what they want to hear so they don't have to deal with your feelings".... Do they even have real feelings beyond food? I mean, are we the only ones with souls bigger than a mere black dot? Sometimes I wonder if half the human population are just a bunch of simplistic beasts made of tissue with no spirit, and those of us that have both a body and a spirit are just exhausted by this planet.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I was diagnosed borderline at first. That resulted in some insane level ostracism. Ive been repeatedly invalidated, they said I cant hear voices because I dont have schizophrenia, they said Im not depressed because I dont have major depression. I could talk for hours but basically they would just look at my chart and think, 'oh, shes borderline, all she tells us is a pack of lies'. Ive been hospitalized for suicide attempts about 35 times since 2007 when I was repeatedly molested and abused. I was broken and in need of support, yet I got none. I got worse and worse. I couldnt get out of bed, couldnt move, would piss under myself, not eat for weeks, drink water every 3 days. Then I was suddenly euphoric, running, exercising, painting my face and doing bizzare things. After I while the voices got so bad I started talking to them. I screamed, banged myself on walls. Clearly a psychotic episode. I would come to the ER crying my eyes out, seized by the police on the railway bridge I tried to jump off like 8th time in the last 3 years and ask them, 'why am I getting worse and worse even with treatment? I dont believe its only bpd!' And the doctor on duty shrugged and told me its just 'my personality falling apart'. Being finally diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia in 2017/18 and being put on meds tailored for this condition which eased my suffering a bit because at least I wasnt totally batshit insane made me feel such tremendous relief. They have bad side effects like involuntary movements, muscle stiffness and crippling ocd but of course when I tried to bring it up the doctors said its all in my head. My ex 'therapist' looked at my medical history and told me Im faking my bipolar to draw money from the government (Im on disability). WTF? Also he said 'Notice how its Bipolar not specified not Bipolar type 1? Its because youre just faking it, they threw it in randomly. You dont have it. Thanks doctor.
For years I tried, on the advice of the inpatient unit that I was repeatedly locked up in, to apply for a place in a treatment center because they claimed an intensive year long course of therapy will make my bpd better. But each place I went to just kept me for an evaluation, concluded the obvious - that Im bipolar, and then proceeded to tell me 'Sorry, because of your bipolar we cant treat your personality disorder. It gets in the way'. They also tried to tell me Im too sick to be treated. Basically juggling me back and forth in different kinds of institutions.

The society is dead and soulless.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Wow what a fucking thread. Knowledge is dangerous; there are things you can't unsee. It's Plato's cave: there's no way of bringing such truths back to society.


Oct 28, 2019
The problems of human society are so deeply entrenched that I don't realistically think much can be done at this stage, although that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't try....

My spiritual teacher, Barry Long, stated that there will be a monumental wipeout on such a major scale that it will literally transform the human psyche in a deep way. This will eventually allow a new consciousness on this earth....


In the wrong timeline
Nov 14, 2019
Because we are exploited and brainwashed from an early age to be the perfect little slave machines who have to work a dead end job in order to survive so the 1% on the top can live in luxury.
Look at relationship between the school system and the job market nowadays. You need to have a high school and a degree yet it's still not enough to get a well paid job. The school system in my country is similar to the one in the US and it's horrible. In my country children as young as 10 have to start getting As in order to get into an elite high school that prepares them for college. This was partially the cause of my own fall. Then you have idiot parents like mine who are gonna mock you and abuse you unless you bring home anything less.
Add the bullying in school from classmates and even teachers. Schools mostly don't give a shit unless someone kills themselves or there's a serious injury, but go all out of their way to ensure you learn integrals and derivations and other useless stuff most of us mortals will only use for that one test and never after. The atmosphere in my school because of this was so negative I'd sometimes get physically sick in my freshman year even before any exams started. It doesn't help teachers themselves are very disinterseted and dead inside themselves (not all of them of course), so the class is boring or you end up learning nothing.
Congratulations! You got a fucked up miserable depressed generation!
Of couse career is important but it's not everything. Because of the intense pressure kids come home miserable, and parents also come home miserable because of a dead end job and have no time or will to spend time with their kids so never find out if the roots of depression are already in.
There's also the technological boom and social media. If you don't have Facebook or Instagram you are considered an antisocial freak and a creep. When you do however you are forced to look at other people's fake happy lives and compare yourself to them, generating more misery. There's also a fact that bullying is so much easier over the internet so you hsve to deal with your bullies which makes you more miserable.
I feel the 2000s were the last good fun decade to live in. It's only gonna become worse and I truly feel sorry for anyone born after 2010. Those kids will never see snow for Christmas :(
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