Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I decided to try hormone replacement because I'm positive this is one reason I feel like shit. Turns out my testosterone was only at 8% of what it should be. My level was 14 and it's supposed to be at 150. Women need testosterone too in order to feel good just not as much of it as men do. But it's also what gives us libido, energy, drive, mental well being just like in men. It's super expensive but as a last ditch effort to improve functioning I broke down and trying it.
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Jul 3, 2019
please let us know if it helps - I really hope it helps you. How did you discover this?
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Jul 22, 2019
Is it helping, or was it not a good thing to do?
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
please let us know if it helps - I really hope it helps you. How did you discover this?
My guy friend went and got hormone replacement at some clinic and convinced me I needed to get levels checked. He was rubbing in how great he felt lol! Anyway he gave me a number of a clinic downtown and I just went ahead and got lab done. Then the second appointment I managed to get the pellets inserted into my buttocks because someone else cancelled the other day.

They numb your buttocks and then push the pellets in. It wasn't painful besides the novocaine shot. The aftermath kind of sucks it's the second day and I took the bandage off and it began to bleed a tiny bit. I'm like shit, I put a bandaid on it. It kind of hurts and u can't do a bunch of lower body exercise for 7 days, until things settle down and it can disturb the pellets. I'm like there has to be a less invasive way because I'm not sure I'm going to want to be cut all the time.

I guess it takes a couple weeks to kick in, I'm like really? Lol! I do feel slightly different but not much yet. Maybe slight less brain fog. I was going to find out out how much of everything they are giving me and then order online bc it's kind of expensive to go there every month. Not rich or anything but I can pull the cash together fast because of the work I'm in. Yea I'll let everyone know if this is worth doing.
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Dec 7, 2019
unfortunately humans still do not have the slightest grasp of how the body-mind works. Maybe we have a glimpse of very simple things. But the whole body and mind are interconnected functioning on many levels simultaneously, we and the Planet are very complex beings. If a so called doctor says he knows how anything works it is probably BS. The mind is made to survive and reproduce the body at that it is pretty good. But to understand very complex hormones, chemicals, electric impulses the mind is just not made for that. Actually it is more a reduction machine, pressing perception into ones own beliefs and ideas.
MAybe a supercomputer or AI could understand us but we will never understand us fully.
To just fill up the oil in the engine might have some effects but obviously in such a complex system it cant be a solution for many.
Good news is: The mind is extremly powerful in creating reality not only inside the brain but also outside our bodies. For me it seems to get stronger and stronger that I can see how I encounter terrible experiences or loving and sweet ones. I focused in the past on conscious creating but I knew any experience can be felt negatively or positively, so whatever we create will not make us happy. BUT how we feel and think about anything makes us happy or unhappy. Still after 30 years of working on this, trying to get out of repetitive thoughts and behavior there is not much success. We will see how the story continues after a all time low ;) I feel like I have to focus or life is not worth it anymore.
i feel very powerful to create the life I really want to live in the middle of this mess called civilization.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I noticed the hormones today holy shizzle! Lol! I actually got up today and was in a good mood, my brain was working, no brain fog. I'm completely shocked right now as to the dramatic improvement in my cognitive ability. I can make phone calls and not feel like I can't pay attention and I'll miss stuff they say. It's only the third day so my friend said it's suppose to get way better. I'm like wow! Even if I functioned like 30% better everyday I might be able to improve my circumstances. The motivation and energy is noticeable.

I'm really upset that I've been suffering so long like this and these hormones unfortunately are not cheap enough for everyone to easily have access. Yea you probably won't need to be on antidepressants if your hormones are at the correct levels. Since that depression might be a symptom of you not having the right levels. I'm not saying nobody needs antidepressants or any psych meds. Maybe in some cases u really do need some meds but I'll bet many people just have hormone imbalances because of the chemicals in the food and other things we are exposed to. Unless u grow your own food and make sure your liquids don't contain any chemicals either it's likely that u will ingest some toxic stuff.
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Dec 7, 2019
sounds great I am happy for you, and I was so negative about it. Sorry
Enjoy :) Celebrate it :)

Antidepressants are poison for me, but that might be just me again.
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Jun 24, 2019
Id be willing to put testosterone in your butt for free lol. Glad its working. I have low but still not therapeutic-need T
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Id be willing to put testosterone in your butt for free lol. Glad its working. I have low but still not therapeutic-need T
Lol! If I ever had to go back to life off hormones I would definitely ctb so I might be on them for as long as it's affordable and feel good for a little while then I'll ctb when I can't anymore since I'll be back to feeling unable to function and miserable. It's like night and day how different I feel.
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Oct 1, 2019
this is wonderful amazing results for you. Too bad hormones are a mystery to most people. I knew a woman who kept telling docs she felt like hormones were out of whack. Ordinary hormone testing was done, reluctantly, and she was told she was "within levels" so she got no help. Then few years later found a medical practice dealing only with hormone replacement, they had more sophisticated testing or levels, and a "compounding pharmacist" to create individualized hormones. As you said, it was night and day difference. Hope it keeps up for you, you deserve it.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
this is wonderful amazing results for you. Too bad hormones are a mystery to most people. I knew a woman who kept telling docs she felt like hormones were out of whack. Ordinary hormone testing was done, reluctantly, and she was told she was "within levels" so she got no help. Then few years later found a medical practice dealing only with hormone replacement, they had more sophisticated testing or levels, and a "compounding pharmacist" to create individualized hormones. As you said, it was night and day difference. Hope it keeps up for you, you deserve it.
Thanks babe :heart:
this is wonderful amazing results for you. Too bad hormones are a mystery to most people. I knew a woman who kept telling docs she felt like hormones were out of whack. Ordinary hormone testing was done, reluctantly, and she was told she was "within levels" so she got no help. Then few years later found a medical practice dealing only with hormone replacement, they had more sophisticated testing or levels, and a "compounding pharmacist" to create individualized hormones. As you said, it was night and day difference. Hope it keeps up for you, you deserve it.
She probably went to a gp in a typical medical place covered by her employment insurance or something. Yea I read that most doctors in the regular healthcare system are reluctant to treat hormones. There is a agenda to depopulate 90% of all of us on the planet so the current medical system is a top down operation where the ruling class decides what u will be able to access for medical care. Hormones will enhance longevity and quality of life for older people and they definitely don't want that. They want u to die off as soon as u are not useful slave in the system. They're quick to give u Zoloft for menopause though. As if that will help. Yea u will be numbed out but u will still feel like a zombie, forget sex on antidepressants. You have to seek out private practitioners for hormone replacement.
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Oct 1, 2019
Thanks babe :heart:

She probably went to a gp in a typical medical place covered by her employment insurance or something. Yea I read that most doctors in the regular healthcare system are reluctant to treat hormones. There is a agenda to depopulate 90% of all of us on the planet so the current medical system is a top down operation where the ruling class decides what u will be able to access for medical care. Hormones will enhance longevity and quality of life for older people and they definitely don't want that. They want u to die off as soon as u are not useful slave in the system. They're quick to give u Zoloft for menopause though. As if that will help. Yea u will be numbed out but u will still feel like a zombie, forget sex on antidepressants. You have to seek out private practitioners for hormone replacement.
Was offered Zoloft the other day for "depression." Never ever used such medications, and just said no....but now after reading what you just wrote, so glad I did, even if I was a bit ignorant about the medication. Yes, I have heard the term "usesless eaters" to describe people who are not of "value" to society according to their vision of the world!
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Feb 2, 2019
unfortunately humans still do not have the slightest grasp of how the body-mind works.
Indeed. A colleague of mine is a urologist and treats his male low testosterone patients with TRT. Low T readings in men typically = low sex drive. But this is not always the case as he told me that he had a patient with low t-levels but had no problem performing in bed.

That said, though the normal T-levels are calculated based the current bell curve, and if we look at the data over the past 100 years the average level of testosterone in men has been dropping consistently over the generations. Some say it's the plastic that has gotten in the food system, others speculate that it's more sinister poisoning of the food chain to make the male populous weak willed and docile in order to implement a stronger dystopia. Whatever the case, testosterone is what gives a man the initiative to get out of bed with energy, creativity, and the willingness to think for himself and fight for what he believes in.

The Achilles heal to TRT is that when it is introduced to the body, the natural means that human physiology produces testosterone begins to shut down, essentially making one dependant on replacement therapy.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Indeed. A colleague of mine is a urologist and treats his male low testosterone patients with TRT. Low T readings in men typically = low sex drive. But this is not always the case as he told me that he had a patient with low t-levels but had no problem performing in bed.

That said, though the normal T-levels are calculated based the current bell curve, and if we look at the data over the past 100 years the average level of testosterone in men has been dropping consistently over the generations. Some say it's the plastic that has gotten in the food system, others speculate that it's more sinister poisoning of the food chain to make the male populous weak willed and docile in order to implement a stronger dystopia. Whatever the case, testosterone is what gives a man the initiative to get out of bed with energy, creativity, and the willingness to think for himself and fight for what he believes in.
Yes it is no accident that they are reducing testosterone through various ways. Pretty evil shit. But I have hope because the more people understand what's going on the more we can figure ways to bypass this evil system.
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Oct 1, 2019
Yes it is no accident that they are reducing testosterone through various ways. Pretty evil shit. But I have hope because the more people understand what's going on the more we can figure ways to bypass this evil system.

I don't need more testosterone to only remind me of what I can't do! LOL.
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“Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.”
Mar 3, 2019
Indeed. A colleague of mine is a urologist and treats his male low testosterone patients with TRT. Low T readings in men typically = low sex drive. But this is not always the case as he told me that he had a patient with low t-levels but had no problem performing in bed.

That said, though the normal T-levels are calculated based the current bell curve, and if we look at the data over the past 100 years the average level of testosterone in men has been dropping consistently over the generations. Some say it's the plastic that has gotten in the food system, others speculate that it's more sinister poisoning of the food chain to make the male populous weak willed and docile in order to implement a stronger dystopia. Whatever the case, testosterone is what gives a man the initiative to get out of bed with energy, creativity, and the willingness to think for himself and fight for what he believes in.

The Achilles heal to TRT is that when it is introduced to the body, the natural means that human physiology produces testosterone begins to shut down, essentially making one dependant on replacement therapy.
I would not at all be surprised if this testosterone drop is deliberate. If they want to prevent overpopulation, they could offer some financial incentive for sterilization: seems less sinister to me. But no, the elites want us all to just take it from them and not fight back. With this testosterone drop across the board, no wonder so much of the population is depressed. I'm not saying that hormones are the sole cause of depression, but they very well could be one of the main factors.
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Dec 7, 2019
Indeed. A colleague of mine is a urologist and treats his male low testosterone patients with TRT. Low T readings in men typically = low sex drive. But this is not always the case as he told me that he had a patient with low t-levels but had no problem performing in bed.

That said, though the normal T-levels are calculated based the current bell curve, and if we look at the data over the past 100 years the average level of testosterone in men has been dropping consistently over the generations. Some say it's the plastic that has gotten in the food system, others speculate that it's more sinister poisoning of the food chain to make the male populous weak willed and docile in order to implement a stronger dystopia. Whatever the case, testosterone is what gives a man the initiative to get out of bed with energy, creativity, and the willingness to think for himself and fight for what he believes in.
Our genes are made to survive and thrive in a very different environment. We made to live in small groups, with changing sex partners and the whole group cares for the infants. There is great book about how women and babys shaped out higher brainfuntions, if anybody interested i can look it up Small family is already a handicap. The poor diet we have, and cigarettes, nuclear bomb test radiation bla bla bla. we made to live in the tropics, the fruit and variety of it is lacking here. And the sun not being strong most time of the year. I have lived for about 5 years in the tropics, not that it helped my depression. I think I learned my anxiety and fear in childhood from my small family, of course parents also victims.But maybe take a distance and forget about them, get some space between them and you, if you can. My Dad, i still like him, but keep a really big distance, he feels like poision to me.
Lastly Sperm count down dramatically. If we would be breeding bulls we would have been shot right away :)
I still think humans will never be able to understand the body, emotions, consciousness they dont have a clue what it is. To experiment with the body in all kinds of ways, like we did it in nature and the outside world will be as f.....ked up as before.
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Dec 7, 2019
i thinki had too much in my youth
but i would like to try now, but then there are so many values to be measured and maybe off....so we will see pumps like insulin pumps loaded with a buttload of hormones and chemicals and on the phone will be a app to controle it....
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
I'm a 23 year old male that's been suffering hormone imbalance for a long time. When I was 18, my t level was in the 200s, only 1/4 the average of males my age. Now my t level is in the 300 to 400 range which is still under half of the average for men my age. However, according to the reference range (includes all men from young to old, healthy and unhealthy) I am normal, and all my misey and symptoms are dismissed by every doctor.

I know some of them are probably doing it with good intentions. Going on TRT as a young male is going to make me utterly dependent on it for life, and will probably f up my natural productions forever. Not that I can afford to try it, but im willing to at least try it even knowing the risks, just for a chance for me to feel what it's like to be normal. But nope. No conventional doctor would give it to me. So I'll just ctb when I'm ready. Fk this shitty unfair world. Fk my fked up body and mind.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I'm a 23 year old male that's been suffering hormone imbalance for a long time. When I was 18, my t level was in the 200s, only 1/4 the average of males my age. Now my t level is in the 300 to 400 range which is still under half of the average for men my age. However, according to the reference range (includes all men from young to old, healthy and unhealthy) I am normal, and all my misey and symptoms are dismissed by every doctor.

I know some of them are probably doing it with good intentions. Going on TRT as a young male is going to make me utterly dependent on it for life, and will probably f up my natural productions forever. Not that I can afford to try it, but im willing to at least try it even knowing the risks, just for a chance for me to feel what it's like to be normal. But nope. No conventional doctor would give it to me. So I'll just ctb when I'm ready. Fk this shitty unfair world. Fk my fked up body and mind.
There's a site online my guy friend orders testosterone maybe u could try that for now. I don't know if he had to use crypto to buy it. But yea there's injectable testosterone u can buy online. I could ask him. Here's the site. http://monstersteroids.net/ if u need it u need it and maybe u can find a way to afford if even if u can't at the moment.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Update: so I finally got in touch with this lady about the hormones. I was freaking out because I didn't get everything I'm supposed to be on. Some of the other stuff u have to get from a different place. Anyway I thought the hormones were kicking in by now and that's why I had this weird effect of not being able to sleep lately but she said it's not that so im surprised at why I would be so keyed up. Typically I can sleep at least every other night or every couple nights.

I guess the hormones have not even kicked in yet but I still feel different so I don't know. Not drastically better but just different. But yea apparently this takes some time, I must of had a placebo effect lol! Knowing I got hormones thinking I'm gonna feel different pretty quickly. In the past I responded fast to anything I was taking so I thought I would notice fast. I have to find something that will knock me out in the meantime because I have had trouble sleeping ever since they put these in me.

I have to say I noticed an initial reaction after they put the pellets in within a couple days so maybe that was not my imagination. I felt euphoria and joy it was brief but I have not experienced that in a long time. Like that feeling where u are just really almost manic. I don't have bipolar though. When I wrote that I felt really good at first, so maybe it's the lack of sleep that's now making me feel like shit despite the hormones. Anyway I'm just rambling on lol!
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Finally noticing the hormones kicking in, I could sleep last night without having a difficult time going into deep sleep. Yay :) I guess I'm excited because if this helps my mental stability I will be able to improve other areas. I got my heartbroken recently and I'm finally feeling ok about it. I started reading stuff to help me make sense of everything that happened and that helped give closure sooner. That's one way to overcome the abrupt ending to a relationship that was unhealthy to begin with. Today I actually tried to deal with a situation differently with a guy I've known a long time.

I attempted to communicate what I thought and didn't just automatically go into flashback and block him because he said something that triggered me into regressing into a childlike state. I made progress yay. Maybe my hormones and sleep deprivation made me more prone to being unable to handle triggers. I do believe the guy today is a covert narcissist so he's really a touchy type of person. Like if u disappoint him he reacts badly which in turn triggers my triggers from my childhood. I've known him a long time but only seen him a handful of times as a client mainly.
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Oct 6, 2019
I'm glad that it worked. Try using the cream version of testosterone. You apply to your forearm in the morning. Much better than a pellet.

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