
Aug 26, 2020
So I've stockpiled several antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti emetics and score thanks to the surgery I can't get and lack of anyone giving a single fuck I also have 40 10mg oxys as well! My issue is that I have tried to overdose before and I swallowed the bottles like shots no now if I try to take more than 1 or 2 at a time I'll gag and throw them up and I tried smashing up and putting it into food or drink the taste and body sensitivity made me throw that up with strawberry smoothie or chocolate shake what can I do to get them down quick enough to get them all in without throwing them up? Is there a food I was thinking smashing and dissolving in water and put everything in rectally only because I know it effects stronger faster absorbs more but what the hell do you use for that?
Ok so the 1st batch looks so small I did the math I have technically 2 lethal doses of 2 scripts and just massive ingestion of 4 more I can sneak into my mom's and add her bp shit and whatever the other 4 are she takes daily it's chilly out but thought floating out into the res on a flat raft would ensure that I go down 1 way or the other but I am pretty sure that where my head is at I'll be terrified trying to get out there in the dark I've had enough irrational fear would like to not have that as my sending off and I don't know that I'd get into a position in the tub to ensure I go under! Seriously I can't do this anymore I NEED OUT NOW I have borderline personality disorder, adhd, PTSD it's not getting better and I've worn out my family friends I'm a burden I can't function enough to care for myself even with dbt, meds, therapy etc this just doesn't end I don't deserve another 39 years of it
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I really wouldn't recommend an OD at all. You're overall far more likely to just do severe damage to yourself than actually die. Check out the info in the resources section and also just search the forum. But I have heard dissolving is better than swallowing a ton of pills.

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