
Apr 26, 2021
I don't know if I can donate my organs after taking SN but in the past year I've accumulated $100k I'll soon have no use for and I'm looking for a charity to donate to. Thought about giving it to my best friend who stopped me from kms last year but he has no desire for money, I'm unsure how to donate to the local orphanage but maybe I should take it out in cash to give to the homeless? I have nothing to live for it's getting harder and harder each day to pretend like I want to be alive
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Apr 26, 2021
I don't know if I can donate my organs after taking SN but in the past year I've accumulated $100k I'll soon have no use for and I'm looking for a charity to donate to. Thought about giving it to my best friend who stopped me from kms last year but he has no desire for money, I'm unsure how to donate to the local orphanage but maybe I should take it out in cash to give to the homeless? I have nothing to live for it's getting harder and harder each day to pretend like I want to be alive
Have you got a Will? That would be the easiest way of organising. And organising a Will doesn't mean red flags will be raised, it just means that you don't need to worry about it!
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Apr 26, 2021
Have you got a Will? That would be the easiest way of organising. And organising a Will doesn't mean red flags will be raised, it just means that you don't need to worry about it!
Yes I have a local lawyer who I'm in contact with to write my last will and testament


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
There's that quote about how we should be the change we want to see in the world. What would you like to be different? Like what could have made a difference for you? More mental health services for kids? Better treatments for some sort of illness? Public education about mental health conditions? If nothing could have helped you, then maybe look into supporting things you enjoyed, during times when you were able to enjoy things. It could be anything from your local public library to some kind of organization that preserves natural areas in your country. Helping your poor neighbors is an awesome idea, but do talk to them first about what kind of help would make the most difference for them. For example, it's possible that a homeless person would rather have a tent than the tent's value in cash, because the local assholes would be less likely to beat them up and steal a tent vs. cash.
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Sep 1, 2020
What did you do to accumulate 100k in a year..so I can too! (:

I know how you feel. It's so, so tiring to pretend that I want to be here, when every second I wish I wasn't. I'm not even good at pretending it.
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Dec 20, 2020
St. Judes hospital

write a brief will with assistance of free or cheap online lawyer service . Like rocket documents or whatever it is . Get it notarized - some notaries will do it for free I suggest a bank branch
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
I lived on the streets for almost 2 years. I would exercise caution in walking around giving cash.
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Apr 26, 2021
There's that quote about how we should be the change we want to see in the world. What would you like to be different? Like what could have made a difference for you? More mental health services for kids? Better treatments for some sort of illness? Public education about mental health conditions? If nothing could have helped you, then maybe look into supporting things you enjoyed, during times when you were able to enjoy things. It could be anything from your local public library to some kind of organization that preserves natural areas in your country. Helping your poor neighbors is an awesome idea, but do talk to them first about what kind of help would make the most difference for them. For example, it's possible that a homeless person would rather have a tent than the tent's value in cash, because the local assholes would be less likely to beat them up and steal a tent vs. cash.
I wish my mom gave me hugs and kisses, I wish she would tell me she's proud of me instead of slapping me and humiliating me. I think I was meant to suicide from birth. Not much that I enjoy at all I mostly lay in bed thinking about dying.
What did you do to accumulate 100k in a year..so I can too! (:

I know how you feel. It's so, so tiring to pretend that I want to be here, when every second I wish I wasn't. I'm not even good at pretending it.
Any job like doctor, lawyer, engineer but money won't make suicidal thoughts go away I spend a lot drinking every day.
St. Judes hospital

write a brief will with assistance of free or cheap online lawyer service . Like rocket documents or whatever it is . Get it notarized - some notaries will do it for free I suggest a bank branch
This is a great suggestion, exactly what I was looking for. I want to make sure these kids can live a long healthy happy life after I kill myself. That will be my legacy.


Oct 3, 2020
Ay I know one but it's not a registered charity, and it coincidentally operates via my bank account.

Jk, like the person above said, a kids hospital is a wholesome choice, or people trying to turn their life around. Make sure it's not one of those "charities" where the owner just so happens to have a yaught and a few houses
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Sep 16, 2020
Charities are a scam.
Only 10% gets to where it should. Don't buy into the crap of charges etc... Why does a charity boss need a half a million pound salary?
Because it's business like every other shit thing in this world
If you really want to help people find someone you trust in the community you trust, you know is of good heart, won't fold, has devoted their life etc.
Good luck.

Most Charity is a sick scam created by evil, conning the thoughtful and generous pretending they're fighting for causes that cause alot of pain.
That's the world we live in. Business scams.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Any job like doctor, lawyer, engineer but money won't make suicidal thoughts go away I spend a lot drinking every day.
This is something i just realised, it's an awful feeling, knowing no amount of money in the world can make you happy. Don't get me wrong, id rather be rich than poor but after a while of being wealthy it'd get boring and even if it made you happy for a small period of time, you'd just get depressed again eventually.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Pro-choice groups?
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Dec 18, 2019
There's an organization my friend's partner volunteers for. They try to prevent suicide. She wears hats and hoodies that they sell to raise funds and she's always talking about the work they do. They say Selflove in rainbow colors.
I'm trying to remember the name.
I'd ask her right now but it's five AM.
But I wouldn't give it away beforehand, anyway. I agree with putting it in a will


Feb 20, 2020
This is a great suggestion, exactly what I was looking for. I want to make sure these kids can live a long healthy happy life after I kill myself. That will be my legacy.
Is it too late to suggest the Help Mark Find A Girlfriend Fund?
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Apr 23, 2021
I don't know if I can donate my organs after taking SN but in the past year I've accumulated $100k I'll soon have no use for and I'm looking for a charity to donate to. Thought about giving it to my best friend who stopped me from kms last year but he has no desire for money, I'm unsure how to donate to the local orphanage but maybe I should take it out in cash to give to the homeless? I have nothing to live for it's getting harder and harder each day to pretend like I want to be alive
Help a struggling family buy a house, or do something local, you could do it through a 3rd party to stay anonymous. These big charities just put the money into accounts, pay themselves huge salaries off the interest, I will never donate to them again.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
My mum left a significant amount of money to 3 charities in her will. I was executor so I had to phone and pay them on her behalf. I begrudged it because it was a lot of money, and we were very poor when I was a kid this money was tied up in her house it could of made a difference to her grandkids instead. Charities to me are a business. They don't give out anywhere near what they receive.
but was mums wishes so that's that
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Donate to wikileaks. They expose corporate and government corruption.
This is where the last of my money is going (in theory).
At the end of the day you have to figure it out yourself.
This is just what I would do.


Dec 18, 2019
The organization I was trying to remember is called Hope For The Day.
It was originally music centered, but expanding now and specifically to normalize and discussion around suicide and suicide prevention. They do a lot of outreach. I believe they are worth looking into.
Although as much as money would do good there, you deserve to have it do you good first.
Another place that changes lives that I have personal experience with is HeadStart, a place that works with mothers and kids, teaching skills and giving help that should be second nature in any civilized society.


Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
I Want to add a little more to my comment. I do not think it's a bad idea to help the homeless. I'm a strong believer in compassion for the homeless. Many of them are suffering with severe mental and physical illnesses.some are war veterans or young people kicked out of their homes for being gay, etc. I think it's better to ask them what they need (shoes, a jacket, blanket, pillow, sleeping bag,etc) and buy it for them. It's also very nice to buy them a nice meal to eat. It may have been months or even years since they've had a nice meal. Just be mindful of safety like anything else in life.


Sep 1, 2020
You can take a look and see which charities give away 99%/100% of money recieved to the cause and which charities keep a lot for themselves and don't give much to the cause. That way your money goes to good use helping others and not just the pockets of the people claiming to want to help but pocketing most. Do some research in areas that you wish to make a difference in and go from there ❤️

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