

Sep 7, 2024
I'm in the process of acquiring all the drugs required for the SN method. I've already sourced the SN and some propranolol. I haven't gotten any Meto yet, but I think I can figure that out without too much difficulty. The part I'm having a hard time with is the benzos. My plan is to sign up for a telehealth program and try to get them prescribed by an online doctor. Not sure how successful that'll be since I've read online that doctors are really reluctant to prescribe benzos. Anyways, I pretty much have three questions...

1. Are there any particular benzos that are recommended for the SN method?
2. Will a standard prescription amount be enough to have a significant effect? (I've never used benzos, so I have no tolerance)
3. Have any of you used "bromazolam"? The pphh handbook mentions it as an off-license benzo. I'm wondering if that's something I can find online in case I fail to get a prescription.



Jun 17, 2024
Bumping becuz i have the same question, I have temazepam but I dont know how much i would need or how much would be too much.


Aug 5, 2024
I'm also wondering if benzos are required? Because they are hard to get online wheras I have found meto online


Aug 23, 2024
I'm also wondering if benzos are required? Because they are hard to get online wheras I have found meto online
Antiemetic is more important than benzo. But benzo will definitely give more comfort especially reducing your anxiety. But you have to learn the onset of each benzo, and be careful not to take it too early and it will knock you out before taking SN, or you may pass out because of the benzo and vomit in your sleep and not able to take 2nd drink of SN. I'm thinking of taking benzo in therapeutic doses to help reducing anxiety.
Bumping becuz i have the same question, I have temazepam but I dont know how much i would need or how much would be too much.
Based on PPH its 20 x 30mg of oxazepam.

But you have to learn the onset of each benzo, and be careful not to take it too early and it will knock you out before taking SN, or you may pass out because of the benzo and vomit in your sleep and not able to take 2nd drink of SN. I'm thinking of taking benzo in therapeutic doses to help reducing anxiety.

And here is the calculator for benzo:

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Aug 5, 2024
Antiemetic is more important than benzo. But benzo will definitely give more comfort especially reducing your anxiety. But you have to learn the onset of each benzo, and be careful not to take it too early and it will knock you out before taking SN, or you may pass out because of the benzo and vomit in your sleep and not able to take 2nd drink of SN. I'm thinking of taking benzo in therapeutic doses to help reducing anxiety.

Based on PPH its 20 x 30mg of oxazepam.

But you have to learn the onset of each benzo, and be careful not to take it too early and it will knock you out before taking SN, or you may pass out because of the benzo and vomit in your sleep and not able to take 2nd drink of SN. I'm thinking of taking benzo in therapeutic doses to help reducing anxiety.

And here is the calculator for benzo:

I'm too worried about getting arrested to order benzos without a prescription and I don't have time before I wanna ctb to go to a doctor and get one. So like, is there any subsitute that decreases anxiety as well?
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Sep 7, 2024
I'm too worried about getting arrested to order benzos without a prescription and I don't have time before I wanna ctb to go to a doctor and get one. So like, is there any subsitute that decreases anxiety as well?
I decided not to use benzos too bc they're too hard to get. I'm using propranolol which helps reduce my anxiety. It pretty much lowers your heart rate and reduces your blood pressure. It makes me feel a lot calmer.
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Aug 5, 2024
I decided not to use benzos too bc they're too hard to get. I'm using propranolol which helps reduce my anxiety. It pretty much lowers your heart rate and reduces your blood pressure. It makes me feel a lot calmer.
Is propranolol one of those ones you have to take for a while to feel the effects, or a fast acting one?


Aug 23, 2024
I'm too worried about getting arrested to order benzos without a prescription and I don't have time before I wanna ctb to go to a doctor and get one. So like, is there any subsitute that decreases anxiety as well?
Not that i know of. If you don't have benzo, I guess you have to be prepared for the symptoms before unconsciousness. Like knowing what to be expected. Fast heart beat is the one that gives most people anxiety.

Alcohol & weed are not recommended


Sep 2, 2024
I'm baffled by people saying they can't find Benzos online - have you guys tried darknet markets? The very first one I looked in has "benzos" as an entire category; is there a particular benzo that's needed?
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Sep 7, 2024
Is propranolol one of those ones you have to take for a while to feel the effects, or a fast acting one?
It depends on the individual, but for me it takes like 30 min to notice the effects.


Sep 7, 2024
I'm baffled by people saying they can't find Benzos online - have you guys tried darknet markets? The very first one I looked in has "benzos" as an entire category; is there a particular benzo that's needed?
The only way I'd be able to get benzos is through the darknet. I'm just not sure if the benzos are worth learning how to use the darknet and the potential risks that come with using it. There's no specific benzo that is required, but I've seen a lot of people use Xanax on here. The thing you have to be aware of with benzos is the onset time. Some are fast-acting while some are slow-acting. You can find more info about this on some other posts in the forum.
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Sep 2, 2024
The only way I'd be able to get benzos is through the darknet. I'm just not sure if the benzos are worth learning how to use the darknet and the potential risks that come with using it. There's no specific benzo that is required, but I've seen a lot of people use Xanax on here. The thing you have to be aware of with benzos is the onset time. Some are fast-acting while some are slow-acting. You can find more info about this on some other posts in the forum.
Don't let it scare you, man. Download tor, go to & you can find the marketplaces there. You'll need to sort out a crypto exchange account (I use Kraken) and possibly deal with pgp keys for making an account, and it can be a little bit of a pain in the arse. But it's not particularly risky just to access it, most of the horror stories you read are creepypasta type shit.


Jul 5, 2024
I'm baffled by people saying they can't find Benzos online - have you guys tried darknet markets? The very first one I looked in has "benzos" as an entire category; is there a particular benzo that's needed?
The thing is, even if you find benzos, what if you don't find a seller in your country? Will benzos pass through the customs 🤔?


Sep 2, 2024
The thing is, even if you find benzos, what if you don't find a seller in your country? Will benzos pass through the customs 🤔?
I don't think they have much means of telling what's inside, given benzos don't smell. It's pretty normal to buy recreational drugs on the Darknet from abroad & they manage to get through customs in most cases, so I doubt benzos would be a particular challenge.


Aug 22, 2024
BENZO WILL HELP ENORMOUSLY. It eliminates anxiety, gets you very detached from reality, not caring at all and sleepy.

Whether its Diazepam (most common), clonazepam, alprazolam (xanax), lorazepam, bromazepam (or -zolam) is SECONDARY. Just take high dose (if you are not tolerant, take 3-5 tablets, but be cautious that in half an hour it could knock you out to sleep).

You can get 1 package of diazepam or xanax from your doctor, just tell him you are going thru very stressful moments of your life (i dunno, divorce, change of jobs, you get insomnia and cant sleep at all, started to get anxiety and panic attacks). Even first care doctor will prescribe 1-2 packages (not more, for more they will route u to a psychiatrist, and even there they like SSRI more than benzos, bc benzos are addictive, and advised to be used for 2-4 weeks only. Know that benzo is only curing symptoms, not the cause.).

But they help a lot, you become so indifferent. You know this "stupid Jack" (im from Poland and dunno how is the popular name in US for it), its the first drug they give you 1-2 hours prior to a surgery. I remember they moved me in a wheelchair for a nose operation, I saw all those scary metal tools they would push up my nose, but I was SO INDIFFERENT, I couldnt think further than 5sec into the future. I didnt link the fact "oh shit they will push it and forcefully try to straighten my nose "separator"). Not at all. I was half asleep and so dulled/numb/drugged, that they could have carried me to a fking death sentence and I would happily sit in the wheelchair.

In hospitals they use Midazolam (either IV or blue pills) but Every benzo, or even z-drugs (zolpidem, zaleplone, zopiclone) would help. As per dosage goes I'd go for 10-20mg diazepam, ~4mg clonazepam or alprazolam, 6-12mg bromazepam etc.. There are plenty of "benzodiazepine equivalence charts" online...

They are a lifesaver (pun intended), i highly recommend.
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Aug 24, 2024
Maybe it varies country to country, but here it's extremely easy to get benzos prescribed. Just as Romanticize described, tell them you have high temporary stressors in yor life, or that you haven't slept in days, and they'll happily give it. If you're lucky, they'll even give you infinite prescriptions for it, as some (old, usually) doctors don't know how addictive they are and just use them as a cure-all.

Only take if/when you really need them, when they say they're addictive.. they really are.

Wishing you the best!


Sep 17, 2024
I was able to find some librium in my closet which is not the strongest benzo but was prescribed to me last year for alcohol withdrawals…it's not xanax or clonazepam but I guess it's better than nothing right? Has anyone else considered librium?


Draw a dog
Oct 2, 2023
I'm in the process of acquiring all the drugs required for the SN method. I've already sourced the SN and some propranolol. I haven't gotten any Meto yet, but I think I can figure that out without too much difficulty. The part I'm having a hard time with is the benzos. My plan is to sign up for a telehealth program and try to get them prescribed by an online doctor. Not sure how successful that'll be since I've read online that doctors are really reluctant to prescribe benzos. Anyways, I pretty much have three questions...

1. Are there any particular benzos that are recommended for the SN method?
2. Will a standard prescription amount be enough to have a significant effect? (I've never used benzos, so I have no tolerance)
3. Have any of you used "bromazolam"? The pphh handbook mentions it as an off-license benzo. I'm wondering if that's something I can find online in case I fail to get a prescription.

i don't think benzos matter, i've tried to cbt myself with benzos and i wasn't even close to it being lethal, i took an entire box of alprazolam


Sep 24, 2024
i don't think benzos matter, i've tried to cbt myself with benzos and i wasn't even close to it being lethal, i took an entire box of alprazolam
Benzos alone are not going to be good; here the discussion is about taking benzos as part of the SN protocol. OD on benzo is not effecitve (as you point out) but that isn't the discussion here. It is about which benzo to put in the regimine to help with anxiety while doing SN. But I can see how you may have gotten confused just clarifying.

I was able to find some librium in my closet which is not the strongest benzo but was prescribed to me last year for alcohol withdrawals…it's not xanax or clonazepam but I guess it's better than nothing right? Has anyone else considered librium?
Interesting not sure I have heard of that being in a SN protocol but the medication (from what I researched, aka I am not an expert on this nor am suggesting what should/shoudn't be considered) that one helps with anxiety and also fear before surgeries. I would be curious what dose and also would want to look further into if there's any mechanism that would affect the SN regimine. Also not sure if that one would increase any vomit risk. For me, I plan to just go with PPH and other books outline as a solid SN regimine to reduce the risk of messing anything up and less room to deviate. Maybe someone else will have a solid resource on if that medication should or shouldn't be considered.

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