
May 31, 2019
Ive noticed more and more that pro-life is a swearword here so what is the typical ss member's definition of being a prolifer? Personally ive never come across such a culture before.
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Jun 2, 2019
To me, pro-life means trying to convince people who are suffering endlessly that their life is worth living, insisting they know better about your situation and why you should stay alive than you do, basically trying to push their views of life and apply them to your situation. It's suffocating. Personally, I see it as pro-suffering because we don't have the scientific understanding and treatment options that are needed to "fix" the problems lots of people here suffer from, so society just expects them to live as long as possible, no matter how much they are suffering. It's beyond cruel.
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Jul 2, 2019
I'm pro-life in terms of pregnancy. I think the right to life should always be there, though after you're born it is a persons decision to stay or not. Pro-lifers mean well but a majority do it just because it is a societal way of seeming like the 'good guy'. It is incredibly common for people to follow these kind of 'trends' kind of like how people share phone numbers. You know they do it to appear good hearted because it is the trend but in reality you can tell they don't give a shit, otherwise they would do more then just share a mere number that any idiot knows exists. To me pro-lifers are self-absorbed for the most part, not actually caring. Etika is an example, everyone called him crazy. Few said he needed help, no one offered him help. Then they all cried on his death.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Ive noticed more and more that pro-life is a swearword here so what is the typical ss member's definition of being a prolifer? Personally ive never come across such a culture before.

What ? I'm totally pro-life.
I'm not a sad case, I'm not even depressive, I just happen to have an incurable illness.
Damn. Life is always the best alternative for life forms, which should be obvious - anyone with a different opinion is by definition mentallly ill.
So there.
Read it again.
But there are reasons for that sort of mental illness to turn into sanity, situations that make it the only feasible solution.
There's the Coyote who is caught in a trap and knows his life is over, and that only torture awaits him now...
It's only fair that humans, the apex scavengers of this sorry planet, should experience the same.
And then there's this :
From a Global-Ecosphere point of view, every animal's death is a loss, and every human's death is a gain.
I despise the nihilistic, hedonistic stance in modern culture that sees no other reason in life but to pursue happiness.
We're animals like all the rest, folks.
Deal with it and behave accordingly.
You're doing that ... hmm.
Try to do it better.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I have no issue with it, I have an issue with things that are disingenuous whatever they are. I think that's the mistake that's made. If I think someone should live I'll bloody well tell them if I don't I won't but I'd never encourage them either. I think pro death is much worse. If it annoys you that someone would tell you to live without knowing anything about you then what kind of person would tell you to die based on as little information? Truth is some people just don't care as long as it's what they want to hear. Some pro life comments are indeed disingenuous but likewise so are some posts claiming they want to die so whilst empty platitudes I don't give them quite as hard a time as others. Most likely they are just saying what they think that person wants to hear rightly or wrongly and it is right a lot of the time. They presumably are also suicidal themselves possibly moreso or they wouldn't be there to begin with so it's nice they even give some of these posts the time of day. Yeah I'm speaking from experience
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Apr 5, 2018
To favor/have a preference for/promote life. Simple as that. Someone who wants to conceive a few kids and another one who advocates for the abolition of abortion, would express prolfic tendencies, with warying degrees and overlap. It actually means pro-human fertility now when I think of it. Life wouldn't go anywhere if you decide not to have kids. It just would have another form, or a multitude of its parts. Suicide doesn't go against life. Dead bodies don't disappear after 600 seconds, like in videogames, but get recycled. Into another branches and another trees. Now if there could be a way to quench life alltogether like wanted Kerghan The Terrible... It has found us and eventually would find someone else to toy with.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
The misnomer "pro-life" is applied to an attitude that's better termed "anti-choice". It indicates a willingness to restrict women's choices about her own body as well as individuals' choices about how/when to die. It's invasive and presumptuous - not a good look.
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May 31, 2019
Pro life in terms of suicide, is a person who tries to convince, and maybe even prevent, people from taking their own lives

I guess being pro life is a good thing if the suicidal person is mentally ill.

It's not a good thing if they try to prevent someone who's suffering, and has no potential for getting better, from ending their life on their own terms.

Being pro life while simultaneous respecting the Individuals wishes is ok.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
Etika is an example, everyone called him crazy. Few said he needed help, no one offered him help. Then they all cried on his death.
I've been waiting on someone to bring him up. The chat during his most of his streams was pure cancer and it contributed to his suicide. But now that he's dead everyone wants to pretend to be sad.

It's a prime example of how people really are, selfish at heart even though they claim that people who ctb are selfish. Milking his death to get views. If that's not disgusting idk what is.
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May 31, 2019
I am pro-life in the sense that I believe life is sacred. However I am not pro-life in the sense that all people should be kept alive as long as possible no matter the circumstances. It seems that a lot of people in here believe that anyone who is suicidal should be given the methods to do so providing they are adults. I have to admit, I don't really agree with that. If I meet people IRL who are suicidal or deeply depressed it's not my first instinct to give those people all the tools and support they need to kill themselves. I'm first interested in exploring what options are available for their life to get better. But I believe eusthanasia should be legal exactly so people can get professional support and assesment. The difficult part is always setting the boundaries. Mental suffering is no easier to cope with than somatic suffering and then there's the age limit and all that. I believe in Belgium the age limit is quite low so even children with severe illness can apply for eustanasia.

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