

Jan 10, 2021
So at work today (I work at dunkin) i'm serving people at the counter and while i'm talking to a guy he notices i have my nails painting and i'm a guy. Now people have pointed it out and complimented them before but this guy comes in and saw them, so he started pointed them and making a scene and didn't look at me in the face and called me tons of slurs which i'm not sure i wanna repeat even on here, he even said that he didn't want me to serve him anymore.
I just don't get why he would be so mean to me it made me feel so bad about myself it was so rude and i didn't know how to even handle it
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Mar 21, 2021
Some people are complete c*nts, I hope you reported it. Maybe he won't be so happy if he gets banned from eating his fast food.
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, he can go to hell.

His "normie brain" doesn't allow him to appreciate your awesome style!

I've always wanted to paint my nails! Might do it some of these days.

Sorry you had to go through this. There will always be "that guy/girl" I guess.
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vegan jesus
Nov 30, 2020
So at work today (I work at dunkin) i'm serving people at the counter and while i'm talking to a guy he notices i have my nails painting and i'm a guy. Now people have pointed it out and complimented them before but this guy comes in and saw them, so he started pointed them and making a scene and didn't look at me in the face and called me tons of slurs which i'm not sure i wanna repeat even on here, he even said that he didn't want me to serve him anymore.
I just don't get why he would be so mean to me it made me feel so bad about myself it was so rude and i didn't know how to even handle it
I am sorry, buddy. I don't know what to say, but I hope you can move through it
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Oct 19, 2020
These companies allow, and even encourage, employee abuse of all sorts. I've worked in the customer service industry for most of my 30 years of wage slavery. It's a crying shame what people have to endure. I'm deeply sorry that you are were subjected to that treatment.
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May 27, 2020
He should not care about your painted nails. It does not affect him at all, and painting your nails should not be offensive to anyone. He could of acted horribly because he knows that you cannot fight back; this is often the case with jobs in a service industry.
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
What a shithead. Did anyone else there said something about it?
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Mar 23, 2018
If there is any karma something very shitty will happen to him. :angry::devil::angry::devil:
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Apr 30, 2021
Im sorry that happened to you . Working with the public is horrible at times. Just try to remind yourself that usually people lash out at others because of their own insecurities, damage, etc. I know that doesn't always help in the moment but know it isn't you. You are perfect the way you are. I hope tomorrow is better.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
He is a douchebag. Forget about him.
I personally find it pretty cool and admirable when men use nail polish or makeup because they like it and just don't want to abide the rules society has made for us.
He was mean to you because he is low IQ and wanted to feel better about himself. Please stay true to yourself and don't change for others. I have done it and I regret it, there is nothing left of my personality now.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
So at work today (I work at dunkin) i'm serving people at the counter and while i'm talking to a guy he notices i have my nails painting and i'm a guy. Now people have pointed it out and complimented them before but this guy comes in and saw them, so he started pointed them and making a scene and didn't look at me in the face and called me tons of slurs which i'm not sure i wanna repeat even on here, he even said that he didn't want me to serve him anymore.
I just don't get why he would be so mean to me it made me feel so bad about myself it was so rude and i didn't know how to even handle it
Let me guess, he used the word which start with f and ends with t?

Its because I have experience, with people who used the f word against me.

Once I entered a take away shop in Zurich. Right in this moment when I entered the shop I heard the seller saying to the other seller:,, Oh look a faggot is coming. First I thought I halluzinated. But when I went to seller for ordering a slice of pizza, then there was this evil smile in his face so I instantly knew that I insulted me faggot.
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vegan jesus
Nov 30, 2020
Are you doing better today?
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I'm sorry
Apr 6, 2021
I feel for you. I was a manager for a Burger King and some of the things a customer will call you or worse, a teenager just trying their best, is just unmannered, illiterate, and just nasty. I remember a girl who worked for me one night when I was off had complained to another manager about being sexually harassed, only to be told "well you shouldn't dress like that" when all she was wearing was the uniform. It's despicable.

Hopefully your management is a lot nicer, and were able to handle the situation. Plus for what it's worth, I'm a dude and I think guys painting their nails is really cool. Don't stop being yourself because some backwater mud slinger couldn't keep their mouth shut and have common courtesy. Take care man.
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
Did any of your co-workers stand up for you?
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Jun 26, 2020
Hi @abruptum and all the hugs in the world to you to start. I am 65 and heck, I have ALWAYS bveen myself, sometimes flash red hair, yep even now, and i have since 1974 gotten TONS of crap. At first it hurt, then I turned it around and laughed about it and at them. I flaunt it if someone craps on me out of the blue. One only is here once and there always has been and always will be a-holes. I hope and pray that it does not bother you too much long term, easy to say, hard to do, but try and let it roll off of you. You are a fantastic global family member and just be you, hell I have for 47 years. Sending you lots of hugs, smiles, love, caring and a beautiful day so you can relax. We may have a age difference BUT we are still family here.Take great care of yourself!!!!! Walter (yep real first name, 65 years young, gray hair and never phony) :hug::hug::happy:
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
He was projecting on to you his own fears about himself. That much is obvious. By making a fuss he is reassuring himself he is not gay. I'm sure he gets triggered this way all the time.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
He was projecting on to you his own fears about himself. That much is obvious. By making a fuss he is reassuring himself he is not gay. I'm sure he gets triggered this way all the time.
I bet he'd look lovely with his nails painted, really lovely. A vibrant red or hot pink perhaps :love: I wish I could suggest it to him
So at work today (I work at dunkin) i'm serving people at the counter and while i'm talking to a guy he notices i have my nails painting and i'm a guy. Now people have pointed it out and complimented them before but this guy comes in and saw them, so he started pointed them and making a scene and didn't look at me in the face and called me tons of slurs which i'm not sure i wanna repeat even on here, he even said that he didn't want me to serve him anymore.
I just don't get why he would be so mean to me it made me feel so bad about myself it was so rude and i didn't know how to even handle it
Don't feel bad. He's the one with the issues and the rudeness is boorish on his part. I bet you looked great - be who you are. :sunglasses:
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Apr 7, 2019
Condolences. I can hear my upstairs neighbor yelling racial/cultural slurs (sometimes directed at me) sometimes. I'm not sure what to make of it. Honestly, at this point, I try to see being offended as a choice. I do believe I have a choice of either letting myself be completely hit by it and giving into outrage or not doing so. And in my quiet spirit I try to better myself and live a good life, so that her bigotry dosen't win/affect me.

But it sucks, there's no way around it. Even more so when we aren't the happiest persons in the world to begin with. Stay strong friend.
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Apr 3, 2019
I know I'm late, but what a dick. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I think it's pretty cool when dudes paint their nails tbh, haha. He was just a shitty person possibly having a shit day, probably brought up by prejudice parents or some shit. (Or he wishes he had the balls to paint his own nails XP)

Remember this: the way people treat you has pretty much nothing to do with you. The way they react and behave is part of them.

Keep being awesome and keep painting your nails if that's what you wanna do.
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Jan 31, 2021
By the sounds of this fool who tried spoiling your day; he obviously graduated from school physically and not mentally. Don't water down who you are for anyone abruptum :heart:.
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Jun 26, 2020
1st) We are ALL the SAME period, no ifs and or buts 2nd) life is so short in general, and be mean and narrow minded and just a a**hole why and call people ANYTHING BUT by name or hello or hi why? 3rd) Again I feel so sorry and sad for you, YES I have been called ALOT through 65 years on this crummy planet and I KNOW what it is like. Sending you all the SUPPORT and LOVE and CARING that I have in my body and soul. This type of stupid behavior really bothers me. YOU ARE PART OF OUR GLOBAL FAMILY and NEVER forget it, I NEVER will!!! Walter :heart::hug::happy:
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Jan 14, 2019
So at work today (I work at dunkin) i'm serving people at the counter and while i'm talking to a guy he notices i have my nails painting and i'm a guy. Now people have pointed it out and complimented them before but this guy comes in and saw them, so he started pointed them and making a scene and didn't look at me in the face and called me tons of slurs which i'm not sure i wanna repeat even on here, he even said that he didn't want me to serve him anymore.
I just don't get why he would be so mean to me it made me feel so bad about myself it was so rude and i didn't know how to even handle it

What a disgusting piece of shit! I hope he gets cancer in his cock and must suffer a lot of agony and pain!

Stay strong, abruptum! You got the whole SS-community supporting you :heart:

Love from Hennessy :heart:
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