Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Write whatever you want in your language // Write what you want in your language
Idatzi nahi duzuna zure hizkuntzan
Escriu el que vulguis en la teva llengua
Escribe lo que quieras en tu lengua
Escribe o que queiras na túa lingua
Escreva o que quiser na sua língua // Escreva o que você quer em seu idioma
Écrivez ce que vous voulez dans votre langue
Scrivete quello che volete nella vostra lingua
Scribe quod vis in lingua tua
Schrijf wat je wilt in jouw taal
Schreiben Sie, was Sie wollen, in Ihrer Sprache
Scríobh rud ar bith is mian leat i do theanga
Пишите то, что вы хотите, на своем языке
Ne istediğinizi kendi dilinizde yazın
aktub ma turid bilughatik // اكتب ما تريد بلغتك
Skribu kion ajn vi volas en via lingvo
यत् इच्छसि तत् स्वभाषायां लिखत
Yòng nín de yǔyán xiě xià nín xiǎng yào de rènhé nèiróng // 用您的語言寫下您想要的任何內容
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
How many languages do you speak??
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
How many languages do you speak??
Just two, Catalan and Spanish.
But I thought that maybe there would be members who would like to be able to express themselves in their language, because sometimes I have read that some find it difficult to express themselves in English.

It's a POST to say whatever you want in whatever language you want, including English.


Només dues, català i castellà.
Però he pensat que potser hi hauría membres que els hi agradaría poder expresar-se en la seva llengua, perquè de vegades he llegit que a alguns els hi costa expresar-se en anglés.

Es un POST per dir el que vulguis en l'idioma que vulguis, anglés inclòs.

all of them apparently
Apparently.. sorry, but no, hahaha.


Aparentment.. ho sento, pero no, hahaha.
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Reactions: jodes2


Aug 29, 2022
Ciao, vi voglio bene.
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  • Hugs
Reactions: rationaltake and Dead Ghost