

Sep 6, 2024
I need "Stories" OF QUICK AND PAINLESS. Not beliefs of quick and painless but successful CTB.

I spent 16 hours one day researching and this topic just happens to fail to fall into my reach successfully when I search for it.

I'd love to have some assistance. Not someone to do it "with me" but help me with the ideas. I don't wish this on anyone. So if you want to do it to don't contact me because my compassion will be activated and I don't want that right now. I just want to get out of here with as little emotions as possible crushing me with its weight any more than I have to deal with every day as it is.

What I've tried myself already:
I've already tried "Cutting" (unsuccessful). 450k mg of tylenol pm and nyquil (unsuccessful). Five tanks of helium (unsuccessful). I don't have a bath tub. Don't want any pills. Don't want hanging that can be super unsuccessful and just painful. Don't own a gun. Don't have any tall enough buildings near by that I feel I won't survive the jump from. I don't have any like scientific chemicals at my disposal. So if you come with the idea of let's say one. Please note that I'm in San Diego and I need to be also given the information of where to go physically get it. (If it has to be ordered I don't want it).
Please be thorough and supportive. Thank you.

Ive spent the last (over) two years (on and off). Attempting to NOT CTB. I am at my wits end now.

I can not hold on any more. There is no fixing anything. If there was in the last two years it would have been done. This life has been unintentionally squandered. Debt of every kind is too great to pay back.

I am a slave and I am aware of my slavery. I want to go peacefully.
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Apr 9, 2024
This life has been unintentionally squandered. Debt of every kind is too great to pay back.

I am a slave and I am aware of my slavery. I want to go peacefully.
This really resonates. Especially the unintentionally squandered. I feel the same way. It's awful.

If you read a "story" that you like please share.


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Sep 10, 2023
I need "Stories" OF QUICK AND PAINLESS. Not beliefs of quick and painless but successful CTB.

I spent 16 hours one day researching and this topic just happens to fail to fall into my reach successfully when I search for it.

I'd love to have some assistance. Not someone to do it "with me" but help me with the ideas. I don't wish this on anyone. So if you want to do it to don't contact me because my compassion will be activated and I don't want that right now. I just want to get out of here with as little emotions as possible crushing me with its weight any more than I have to deal with every day as it is.

What I've tried myself already:
I've already tried "Cutting" (unsuccessful). 450k mg of tylenol pm and nyquil (unsuccessful). Five tanks of helium (unsuccessful). I don't have a bath tub. Don't want any pills. Don't want hanging that can be super unsuccessful and just painful. Don't own a gun. Don't have any tall enough buildings near by that I feel I won't survive the jump from. I don't have any like scientific chemicals at my disposal. So if you come with the idea of let's say one. Please note that I'm in San Diego and I need to be also given the information of where to go physically get it. (If it has to be ordered I don't want it).
Please be thorough and supportive. Thank you.

Ive spent the last (over) two years (on and off). Attempting to NOT CTB. I am at my wits end now.

I can not hold on any more. There is no fixing anything. If there was in the last two years it would have been done. This life has been unintentionally squandered. Debt of every kind is too great to pay back.

I am a slave and I am aware of my slavery. I want to go peacefully.
People love to tell u what won't work. Someone wrote a whole new post on methods that won't work and how they are medically trained and they have a method that will work but they aren't going to tell you. It would be unethical what's unethical is medical people put me in the position I am now. Glad this person has a way to go while the rest of us suffer unending pain.
  • Hmph!
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
People love to tell u what won't work. Someone wrote a whole new post on methods that won't work and how they are medically trained and they have a method that will work but they aren't going to tell you. It would be unethical what's unethical is medical people put me in the position I am now. Glad this person has a way to go while the rest of us suffer unending pain.
Writer of the post you're complaining about here. My method would not be accessible to anyone here anyway as it involves my own personal prescription for my medical condition of a drug that is very rarely prescribed and would not be available on the dark web or any of the sketchy pharmacies that don't ask for prescriptions. So sharing my method wouldn't be of any help to anyone anyway. Nor is it my job to give people advice on methods just because I made a post advising people not to do things that will leave them in a worse off state. That is not unethical of me. It has been my stance since I came to this website that I do not chime in on methods that do work and I will always stand by that. There is more than enough information on this site to put together a good method without my input, so I will not taint my own consciousness advising people on what to do when there is not anywhere near a lack of resources at your fingertips. I made a thread recently on methods not to attempt, the thread on likely methods has been pinned at the top since the origin of this site in 2018. If you did not scroll down to that list it is not my ethical conundrum. Not only that, giving people advice on which method to use goes against forum rules. Sorry that you feel that this is unethical of me.
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Apr 15, 2022
Unless someone was actually a witness to someone's suicide, there's no way to know for certain if a death was peaceful. And even then it's impossible to put one's own self in someone elses shoes and know what they're feeling, whether they're experiencing pain, how bad it is, etc. All we really have to go off of is anecdotal info. Take a look at this chart and look at the "agony" column. Lower numbers are supposed to be more peaceful, less agony. Whether this is right, or not, or how whoever compiled this info came to these conclusions, I have no idea. Again, it's all anecdotal. I guess common sense, though, would seem to indicate that a method that renders one unconscious (CO) before death occurs, or extinguishes life in such a way that pathways to pain are obliterated nearly instaneously (shotgun blast into mouth taking out brain stem), would be more peaceful than, say, setting oneself on fire.

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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
I need "Stories" OF QUICK AND PAINLESS. Not beliefs of quick and painless but successful CTB.

I spent 16 hours one day researching and this topic just happens to fail to fall into my reach successfully when I search for it.

I'd love to have some assistance. Not someone to do it "with me" but help me with the ideas. I don't wish this on anyone. So if you want to do it to don't contact me because my compassion will be activated and I don't want that right now. I just want to get out of here with as little emotions as possible crushing me with its weight any more than I have to deal with every day as it is.

What I've tried myself already:
I've already tried "Cutting" (unsuccessful). 450k mg of tylenol pm and nyquil (unsuccessful). Five tanks of helium (unsuccessful). I don't have a bath tub. Don't want any pills. Don't want hanging that can be super unsuccessful and just painful. Don't own a gun. Don't have any tall enough buildings near by that I feel I won't survive the jump from. I don't have any like scientific chemicals at my disposal. So if you come with the idea of let's say one. Please note that I'm in San Diego and I need to be also given the information of where to go physically get it. (If it has to be ordered I don't want it).
Please be thorough and supportive. Thank you.

Ive spent the last (over) two years (on and off). Attempting to NOT CTB. I am at my wits end now.

I can not hold on any more. There is no fixing anything. If there was in the last two years it would have been done. This life has been unintentionally squandered. Debt of every kind is too great to pay back.

I am a slave and I am aware of my slavery. I want to go peacefully.
I feel your pain I really do. For my story I posted to another thread call heartbreak and disability or something like that.

I'm also in San Diego and I also want to CTB. For why, see my 2 posts in the aforementioned thread.

For methods I'm in the exact same boat as you.

I will say that my wife too an extension cord, wrapped around her neck several times, then put duct tape over it, wrapped the other end around a cabinet handle, the kind of cabinet that flips up to open, and was simply on her tippy toss when I found her. Just looked serene and peaceful, completely normal as I found her 2 hours after she did it. Eyes closed and head down.

When I initially saw her from the living room, I thought she was just standing there, looking at the ground. Couldn't figure out why she was ignoring me as I called her name...

Since she was everything to me, neither of us had friends or family here, and being recently disabled, I have nobody and nothing to live for rubv bananymore. Do not to merely exist as a cripple.

I may just try what my wife did. I'm in a wheelchair so I could make the cord tight, and with my legs out in front of me straightened out, I could then push the wheelchair behind me and allow the cord to hold my neck with my legs out straight, like you are going down in to a seated position.

Contemplating a backup with a plastic bag over my head with a rubber band around my neck with the above. Only I'll hold open the rubber band and bag by putting one end of the rubber band around the tip top of my fist which will be held up near my chin. This allows me to breathe normally and when you pass out your arm relaxes and the rubber band slips over the top of your fist and snaps the bag shut around your neck. Need to practice to get the positioning perfect everything.

I can find my carotids and manually pinch them shut with my fingers until I pass out. Very weird. For me I would go through what seems like a 6 hour dream and wake up just a few seconds after passing out. It's almost euphoric. I can see why they play the pass out game or whatever it's called. I most be one of the lucky one
As a kid we used to play this game where we would squat, then hyperventilate by taking rapid deep breaths, then stand up, take a hit of a bong, then tilt your head back and pinch your carotids.i never tried at the time, but everyone, every single person I watched do this, would fall backwards and pass out. We didn't know anything about carotid arteries or where to pinch or anything. Yet everyone was able to do it no problem. They just inverted their hands with your thumbs pointed up on both sides of your Adam's apple, with your hands in the back of our neck fingers pointed down, and just press and squeeze with your thumbs.

I never did it then, but I've practiced just the neck pinching part to prepare to CTB and I can do it pretty reliably. Maybe I'm just lucky I don't know, but I hope maybe what I wrote will inspire you to find your own peace!
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