
Aug 18, 2020
Yesterday I googled suicide and there are a lot of anti-suicide websites out there. They make me very angry. I have to say i am not pro death. But clearly pro-choice and maybe someone who thinks humans should never get children.
The first thing they try is to scare you. My family made that too. If you don't succeed you will be disabled or stuff like that. Oh thank you, i am terribly scared about life and then you try to amplify my anxiety. That's great.
Then they make you feel guilty. You cannot do this to us. We would be terribly sad if you die. For me my parents abused me and now try to their best. But sorry my health is destroyed. I try to have regards but at least for me this has a limit. And tbh they should rather support me to get euthanasia if things keep shitty. They should be the one with the guilty conscience.

Yesterday I visited Stop SS for the first time on facebook. And there was a post: It is absolutely right that people who talk openly about suicide are excluded of groups. This is discrimination. This makes it way worse. If people cannot talk openly about suicide they tend to do it way faster.
These people are so incredible stupid and in some centuries they will look back and conclude that anything else than assisted suicide is torturous.
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Mar 22, 2020
I can't really understand the point of those websites.
Why are they so desperate to keep us alive? Why can't they grasp the idea that sometimes living is not the best choice?
There are people in pain, who have nothing and nobody left in life. Why force them to live? I will never understand them...

I wish they just leave us alone and I hope you're reading my words, fixthe26 and STOP SANCTIONED SUICIDE! You are only making things WORSE.
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Worthless Loser
Mar 29, 2021
They can't comprehend being so much pain that death is a better option.
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May 27, 2020
Then they make you feel guilty. You cannot do this to us. We would be terribly sad if you die. For me my parents abused me and now try to their best. But sorry my health is destroyed.
If somebody has abused you, no matter who they are, then they are in absolutely no position to criticize you for feeling suicidal; considering that it is their behaviour that might have possibly contributed toward your thoughts of suicide in the first place. So a person who has emotionally destroyed you is now saying that their emotions will be hurt? Not only is this monumentally hypocritical, but it is also downright twisted. If an abuser truly wants their suicidal victim to get better then they should think about what they could do to alleviate the pain that they have caused.

Yesterday I visited Stop SS for the first time on facebook. And there was a post: It is absolutely right that people who talk openly about suicide are excluded of groups. This is discrimination. This makes it way worse. If people cannot talk openly about suicide they tend to do it way faster.
You are correct. It is a vicious circle.

Also, it is really puzzling how groups such as the one you mentioned claim to be about caring for suicidal people, but at the same time (some) of them have opinions such as: "ostracize those suicidal crazies!" ...This does not sound compassionate. Or just kind; at all. Nowhere near.
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