How stubborn are you?

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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I wonder if people who are stubborn tend to go against the grain as it were. As in- believe in unpopular ways of thinking. If somone is deadset on succeeding- they are more likely to be called determined maybe rather than stubborn. Stubborness seems to include a certain amount of defiance. So- I wonder if there is a correlation between stubborness and ideation. What do you think?

I'd say I was very stubborn. Not to the point where I'll NEVER alter my opinions. But, I'm quite resistant to change.
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May 29, 2023
I am very stubborn on the big things . I'm not very stubborn on smaller everyday things .
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May 20, 2023
I feel like I am too accepting and compliant of everything and I really wish I weren't because that has led me to some bad situations and strange places :ahhha:

so I would say that I am not stubborn at all

but also its strange for me to select that because I do support people that are stubborn when they say or do things that I am too afraid to say or do I don't know
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Tempus fugit
Feb 7, 2023
Yes, from the very beginning, I've been so stubborn.
I even refused to cry and breathe when I was born.
Forcing somebody to live terrible life is what I can never condone -
I'll fight for freedom, like a dog with a bone.

I am very stubborn on the big things . I'm not very stubborn on smaller everyday things .
Me too! I'm very flexible on a thing like what to eat for the lunch but when it comes to the right to die, I'll defend it even when I was called a "murderer" by pro-lifers.
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Jun 14, 2023
I am very stubborn on the big things . I'm not very stubborn on smaller everyday things .
Exactly: stubborn with my opinions not stubborn about where were going to eat lunch

Edit: maybe im just not confident enough to express my opinion if it changes the life of other people (like with where go eat, i just dont wanna upset anyone)
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Jun 1, 2023
If someone manages to prove that I'm wrong about something, I change my opinion easily, otherwise it's impossible.
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wandering ghost (he/him)
Apr 19, 2023
im similar to most here. im very stubborn if i have an opinion on something, i wont change my mind unless i am given solid proof i am wrong, but if someone tries to change my mind using emotions or persuasion i will just leave the conversation bc its not worth it to me. most small things i dont care enough about to have an opinion on them so i just let others decide. hope that made sense.

thinking about it its kinda strange that i am so stubborn, considering my lack of self confidence or worth or respect. i think i only form opinions on things if i have seen enough proof to judge it as a worth while and logical opinion if that makes sense, like the environment and lgbt rights etc., but if it doesnt seem worth while or logical to put so much energy into having an opinion on something i just couldnt care less, like what genre of music is the best or what food tastes the best. idk im just word vomiting i hope it made sense.
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Jun 4, 2023
My entire family calls me stubborn. It is really just the fact that I don't want help because I prefer to just be independent. When it comes to being wrong about something, I either confess that I was wrong, or just say, "Okay," and walk away. When it comes to opinions, it is near impossible to make me change my mind about it.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Yes and you can't tell me otherwise.
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wanting outta this bitch
Sep 23, 2022
Yeah I'm a bit of a disagreeable bitch, not gonna lie lmao
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𖣴 nadia 𖣴

𖣴 nadia 𖣴

Dec 15, 2021
I wonder if people who are stubborn tend to go against the grain as it were. As in- believe in unpopular ways of thinking.
I don't think there's a strong correlation because I've known authoritarian and religious personalities to be extremely stubborn too. I do think there is a link between autism and suicidality though, and that could be partly because of the cognitive inflexibility to change negative thought patterns.
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dark eyed and miserable
May 19, 2023
I don't think I know everything but the more thought I've given an issue the more stubborn I become, I care about my core ethical values a lot so I don't think I'd question those any time soon, I guess that makes me stubborn
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
I wonder if people who are stubborn tend to go against the grain as it were. As in- believe in unpopular ways of thinking. If somone is deadset on succeeding- they are more likely to be called determined maybe rather than stubborn.
The cynical way of looking at it is that you're "determined" if you succeed, but "stubborn" if you don't. I'm only half joking. The way I think about it, "stubborn" implies irrationality, resistance to change while ignoring evidence or arguments that might suggest change is the better option. Now, it's possible that continuing on a specific path might seem irrational until it actually works for some reason. That's when you're "determined", pushing on against all odds because you had your mind set on achieving something.
I'd say I was very stubborn. Not to the point where I'll NEVER alter my opinions. But, I'm quite resistant to change.
Personally, I don't think I'm particularly stubborn. A bit, but not very. When it comes to my opinions, I'm always open to new evidence. If it's solid I'm quite happy to update my opinions. I'm more resistant to pure arguments, though I'm also willing to hear them out and see if I find them to be well grounded and reasonable.
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Apr 18, 2022
Very much so yes. I've gotten a better handle on it than when I was younger, but it can still be hard to not automatically be stubborn in some situations. Especially if I feel like someone is bullying me. For example when I was 5 I forgot to say please at my dad's house and they basically said "say please or else" in response so I just didn't eat whenever I was there for months because I felt like I was being bullied and hunger pains were preferable to giving in. Over the course of my life it's been more helpful than anything else.
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