I've never been diagnosed, but I have a strong suspicion that, in effect, I am on the spectrum. And many people around me think the same – my family, my former friends, my counselor when I was in high school, etc. This last person even called a friend of his who specializes in autistic people to see if I could be classified as such. Unfortunately, he didn't come to any clear conclusion and thought that I probably didn't have said condition.
However, contrary to his verdict, I think there's quite a lot of evidence that the opposite is true. For instance, people have always seen me as some kind of awkward weirdo; I am a complete misfit; I don't like what people like; I don't care about any normal conversations – or just about anything in general; I have misophonia, tics and OCD – which I think are frequently comorbid with ASD; and the list goes on and on. I don't feel I belong to this world at all, not even to the autism community or any other collective; in short, absolute alienation.