

daydreaming the pain away ☆.。.:*・°
Sep 9, 2023
as for me, i've become a lot more sensitive and fragile due to my depression. today i was in a groupchat, sent a direct reply to someone's message and got ignored. it's possible they just didn't see it which is fine, but like... it just adds to the feeling that every time i reach out or try to connect with someone it fails or backfires on me. so even though i can rationalize why something shouldn't be so offensive, that terrible feeling of betrayal/sadness is still there.

are you easily offended or one of the lucky people who don't give a damn?
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Draconian Alone

Draconian Alone

Jul 20, 2024
Yeah… I'm easily offended. I just feel defensive because I have to defend what I have. I can't lose anymore than I already have.
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Oct 24, 2023
Yes. I have always been very sensitive, and I don't let go of grudges (over little things) very easily. Even when someone I like says something negative about me, I get very offended
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Sometimes I guess. I feel like the vast majority of people are easily offended. It's not really a question of "are you easily offended", and more of a question of "what is something that you get easily offended by"? Someone can handle one thing well but also get incredibly offended over something else. For example, maybe you don't care if someone jokes about you having zits but you get easily offended over someone joking about your weight. This isn't to say that aren't people out there who don't give a fuck in general, but that likely only applies to small percentage of the population. Most people have at least one thing that they get easily offended over because there is usually a topic that might be more sensitive to us personally.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Not really, but that just makes it so that when something does manage to offend me it feels all the more intense and personal. Sometimes it's really easy for me not to take things personally but other times I interpret things extremely personally and I start getting paranoia that "this person said that exact thing knowing it would get under my skin and linger for several days". I don't get too offended for other people though, unless I know they'll be offended by it already.


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
(just waiting for people who are frequently offended to say they're never offended)
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Yes. I have always been very sensitive, and I don't let go of grudges (over little things) very easily. Even when someone I like says something negative about me, I get very offended
Why do people expect us to "let go" or "not remember" things that were never resolved? Like I don't care if it was 10yrs ago, you still wronged me...🙄😭 Wrong remains wrong unless it's righted😑
(just waiting for people who are frequently offended to say they're never offended)
I didn't know this was you and thought it was going to say, "I'm just waiting for more people to say they're easily offended before I say anything."😂
Yours was funnier.

I will say, I am a very relaxed person and am not really bothered by much😎🤪🥳🤠
In fact, I'm chillaxed...
That word alone doesn't even offend me...🤥
Not really, but that just makes it so that when something does manage to offend me it feels all the more intense and personal. Sometimes it's really easy for me not to take things personally but other times I interpret things extremely personally and I start getting paranoia that "this person said that exact thing knowing it would get under my skin and linger for several days". I don't get too offended for other people though, unless I know they'll be offended by it already.
I want to laugh at this but don't want to offend you😅

@lemonbunny Do you mean "easily rejected" rather than offended, or "easily hurt"?
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Autistic and schizophrenic, please be respectful
Jun 21, 2024
Yes, I guess I am easily offended, because due to my mental illness and suffering, I have become very intolerant to bs.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Jul 29, 2023
It would depend on my mood. If I am going through a period where I am easily frustrated with people or things in general I know that avoiding what could trigger me makes more sense to me.

Protecting your mood is important. But also I feel like recognizing that you might be in a current state of mind where you are more easily frustrated and risk becoming offended easily probably should you know tell you that maybe you should keep to yourself for a bit.

You being easily offended is on you and not on the other person. I tell myself that and it helps. I can't control how people react or how they respond all I can try my best to do is control how I react or respond.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
I never get "offended" until I do. I could be 5 years deep into a friendship and a single innocuous detail would make me get the ick and dip.
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Apr 28, 2024
I tend to get offended by things that others wouldn't consider offensive, and not offended by things that they would. Autism throws everything off like that.
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the most optimistic pessimist
Apr 17, 2024
yes, but also no. i don't really give a shit about what random people say anymore, but im also really sensitive and prone to crying. i don't even know how to explain it. i think it just hits deeper with certain 'triggers' for me
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I don't get offended easily. I don't care what most people have to say. As for the people who are close to me, I'll take it more to heart but I still won't be offended. If they say that I'm lazy, unmotivated etc, I just wouldn't give a damn as it's true and I know that it's okay for me to be lazy and unmotivated. If they say anything else about me, I'll either ignore it or take it as constructive criticism.

Compared to the harsh cruelty of life, mere words are absolutely nothing
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
i was hardwired to be a little bitch, and then had parents who were abusive, dominating assholes who were one step away from those nightmare parents you see starving & tying their kids up in the basement. caught them talking about killing me sometimes when they thought i was asleep. that, and doing bad at school, constant bullying up until the end of middle school....i had to fumble to learn tolerance of waht people say to me and even then it hurts deep down inside. i hang off every word someone says to me. i feel physical effects from anything. and particular words, like "worthless" "useless" "a burden" are words that i will never forget someone said to me. ill still remember them, and it'll hurt just as much as before.

so typically, i just do my best to regulate my emotions because thats whats expected. ive tried to have a backbone before and it was beaten out of me. so i learned to just be an unwilling participant. its even better, cause nowadays i try to leave whatever is makign me feel suicidal and people bitch at me about it. they dont care what im going through, its all about them.
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May 20, 2024
Sometimes I can get easily offended, but that would require someone to spread lies about me or claim things which are absolutely not true and which I know are absolutely not true and which might portray me in a negative way. Then I would simply argue, get angry and try to prove the truth.

I do not get offended by jokes or some well-intentioned funny and snide remarks, for example.
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