

the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
i guess, this might be triggering to some people, so if you do not feel comfortable with the subject, please reconsider reading.

now that I made peace with death, and no longer waist time wondering about it, I have more than enough to spend on more trivial matters. how will I look after death suddenly became a thing for me.

i was never one to worry much about appareance, but somewhat i do not wish to look bad after I die. i chose an outfit, will do my nails, use a body hair trimmer and of course avoid as much as possible incontinence accidents.

i know it's impossible to look astounding when dead. decomposing is inevitable. still, i care about it for some reason.

does anyone care for it as well? what are your thoughts on the matter?
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Not really no.
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Falling Apart
Nov 7, 2020
Oddly its something that bothers me too, always has to an extent. Its a bit hard skin wise as i have eczema and i have alot of self harm scars. But i would have a bath before hand, clean clothes, hair washed body spray and such.
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Oct 25, 2020
I'm going to at least have a bath, do my hair, have some fresh clothes on, etc. Mainly just so I can feel as comfortable as possible as I pass, though. I'm not too concerned with how I'll look when I'm actually found because it'll be a complete stranger. They'll patch me up before my funeral for my loved ones to see anyways.
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Mar 23, 2019
No honestly I can't say that I am I probably should be a bit more considerate but I figure I'm not generally selfish and haven't been to the fast majority of my life I think I should be able to get away with this one last thing and hope that people are able to pick up the tab and not have to do it themselves. Well with the method I choose (firearm) it's bound to get messy. Probably just gonna go out of state to a motel or field prob field and do it so its ermmm less of a mess and problem. As for appearance and or funeral it doesn't matter getting cremated, even if i wasn't i really dont care personally.
Honestly I'll probably be in such a bad state and ready to go then I'll be grungy for days a little dirty and then just spring on the moment when I can override my si. I guess it all depends on my SI and fighting it.
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dressed for the grave.
Aug 24, 2020
honestly, I couldn't really give a shit about how I look. I will try and shower before or something, but I will be wearing comfortable pyjamas to ctb in and I'm certainly not gonna waste my time on stuff like makeup or whatever. I will look pretty disgusting after SN poisoning anyway - the body goes all blue and patchy, I saw a picture. absolutely zero point in me messing around with that stuff.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
My primary method is SN,
I'm okay with looking a little blue.
Corpse generally don't look good once the life-force has left.

I thought about gunshot to the head where there might be a hole, lots of blood splatter but I'll put up plastic wrap around a motel wall or carpet.
I'm okay with having a hole in my head.

No longer liking the hanging method.
The tongue& ligature marks are kinda unpleasant.
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Nov 4, 2019
I'll try to make my suicide look like an accident, so I can't do anything special as it might arouse suspicion.
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Nov 15, 2020
Not too much. I would mainly do it for myself, I don't like being dirty and pampering yourself with a hair cut and such sounds nice. Not sure it would make a difference to the people who have to deal with it though.
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
Yes especially my last clothes are really important to me
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Nov 9, 2020
I completely get that, I feel the same way. I also don't want my family to see my lifeless face after I ctb, although I know it will be difficult regardless I don't want them to feel too traumatised. I'm going to try and cover it up with some sunglasses and a face mask, so it's not something they have to instantly see as soon as they enter the room. Aside from that, I'll probably try to wear some nice clothes and put on a bit of perfume, but I guess there's not much else I can do to make myself look better.
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Jul 15, 2020
Not really cause I'll be dead lol
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Jan 20, 2020
Nope, I couldn't care less what my corpse would look like, and I doubt anyone will really care that much.
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Aug 19, 2019
I believe I will be rather decomposed by the time he bothers to check on me, so who cares.
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Apr 18, 2020
No. Nobody's gonna see it anyway. Death > crematorium, no stops.
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Sep 30, 2020
A bit. But not really.
My face is the only part I'd be concerned about but it'll be gone.
I would be dead, why would it matter? As long as I don't leave more of a mess than I already did.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I thought about putting on a white cap and red pants and a santa's beard, so that when I take my SN, I'll die looking like Papa Smurf when they find me.
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Apr 2, 2020
My primary method is SN,
I'm okay with looking a little blue.
Corpse generally don't look good once the life-force has left.

I thought about gunshot to the head where there might be a hole, lots of blood splatter but I'll put up plastic wrap around a motel wall or carpet.
I'm okay with having a hole in my head.

No longer liking the hanging method.
The tongue& ligature marks are kinda unpleasant.
I've been feeling blue all my life, so I don't mind looking the way I'm feeling. :happy:
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Nov 14, 2020
Not really, I'm just gonna take a shower and shave my legs x)
I've been ugly my whole life, so just one time I don't wanna care about others aestheticism and their reaction. My dead version will be still badlooking, but- who cares. Corpse is corpse
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All washed up

All washed up

Oct 31, 2020
If I make an effort to dress up nice no doubt I'd vomit over myself if taking SN, rendering it a bit pointless.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
No lmao I dont give a shit how the body looks like when alive, so obviously I couldn't give any less of a fuck how it looks when Im dead lol. As much as I don't give a damn shit about the appearance of the body (of human bodies/bodies in general, and whatever other thing in general too), my parents will most likely be the ones who find my body first so I guess ill have no choice but to make it look as "good" as possible. (i couldn't care any less if it looks "good" or "bad" or whatever lol but I'll have to do it for 'my parents/my family' to not be so shocked and traumatized). I dont want to traumatize them, but there's just no way they wont be traumatized and devastated or whatever that means. 'I' thought of ctbing inside a hotel room but there are just two "2 stars" hotels in this town and they're all closed because of the 'pandemic' restrictions and anyways if I suddenly left the house they'd suspect a lot as I never go out alone because I dont want to have friends (why do I have to lol), theyd ask me where am i going, I'd have no choice but tell them and then they'd ask why am i going to a hotel out of a sudden if Ive never done that before and would suspect a lot, and to have own house lots of years would have to pass by first and id have to get a fucking job or whatever the fuck a 'job' is and force myself to "have" "interest"/"motivation"/"will" for whatever job shit to have own 'money' for sn or a rope and then I'd have to wait even more until i buy/have the fucking 'house', that shit would take who knows how many years and I just dont fucking want to work nor any other thing whatever/however it is, at all. So i only have the option of doing it in my parents' 'house' if I dont want to wait that long, I know they'll be traumatized but well i simply just dont want to exist at all, I simply literally just don't want to 'experience' 'life' (nor any other thing at all no matter what/how it is) in general however it is/it can be and I wont stay just because they want me to and want me to 'enjoy life', 'be happy', 'live/experience/explore/do' 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' blah blah and just because they will be sad/devastated/hurt if I leave.

I was forced into 'parents'/'family' (im NOT saying "bad" parents/family, they're not "bad" 'parents'/'family' at all [and I couldnt care less lol], I mean forced into 'parents' and a 'family' in general, because 'I' had no choice but to be 'born' and 'become' 'something'/'someone' and be 'brought' to 'existence'/'life'/'life on earth'/'human life'/'the world'/'planet Earth' and whatever all 'this' 'is') and now I'll even have to 'deal' with the ""guilt"" of 'leaving' 'them' behind and making them 'suffer' and that I will be """selfish""" or whatever that means [as if I cared lol]. Well, what can I do? i can't control that. They want me and love me and all that okay but what if i just don't give a shit lol, I literally just don't care about absolutely anything and there's no reason behind that. Im sorry about them and that they'll suffer and cry and will be devastated, I guess they don't deserve that at all, actually it is a hard decision because I know it'll be 'hard' for them and they'll be hurt and crying but existing/experiencing 'life' etcetc shouldn't be an obligation and if I just dont want to I dont want to and that's it. I wont 'change' and be 'interested' in 'life'/'things'/'the world'/'planet earth' and blah blah, whatever just because they'll cry and be sad if I die. Im sorry I guess but I cant control that. I just dont want to be 'here' in 'existence'/'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' (no matter how it is, not because of the way/how it is) nor anywhere else whatever/however it is, and I wont stay just because if I don't others will be sad. You can think that 'Im' ""selfish"", ""cruel"" or whatever. I don't care.

So well as much as I dont give a single fuck how the appearance of a 'human body'/'body' in general looks like/is, ill have to consider my parents/my family and the fact that they'll see the body, I'll try to make it look as 'good' as possible for them to not be so traumatized and shocked, but anyways they will be, no matter how 'well'/'much' I 'prepare' the body. if i ctb with SN the body (especially the face) will probably become blue though anyways, but I just cant control that lol
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I've been feeling blue all my life, so I don't mind looking the way I'm feeling. :happy:
Yeah same.
I thought about this joke for a sec :P
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I don't care about what I'll be wearing or anything like that. I will be clean in clean clothes and stuff, just because that feels better. So it's about comfort more than anything. It doesn't matter what you die in, because that's not what you're going to stay in.

But I am concerned with not being a bloody, destroyed mess. So I'm that sense, yes. I'm intending to look as much like myself as possible. I just won't be having any makeovers or anything. Who cares?
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Sep 21, 2020

I might dress up as a Smurf depending on my mood.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
I will take steps so that I am not in too bad of shape for the police/EMS - although I am sure they have seen far worse, but overall, I am not worried about it and will not take any extra measures.

People in my life are going to believe what they want about what I am doing (for their own comfort). It is what the people in my life have done to excuse the harm they have done me. I have tried to fight this for so long, I am at the point I no longer care. It will be what it is, so I figure, who will care really?

It is about being comfortable in my last moments.

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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I don't want to look good as much as I wanna look correct. I'm not gonna go out of my way to look good (I don't plan on wearing my favourite clothes, and it's probably hard enough to make an hours-old poisoned corpse pretty that I don't want to bother) but I do want to avoid looking dirty / uncared for.
I'll probably just take a shower, brush my hair and wear comfy clothes.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
Are you having Direct Cremation? That's what I want.
Cheapest option available here, they take your body from morgue cremate it and hand the urn over to your family, no frills funeral, one quarter the cost of most regular ones.
Back on track I'm wearing a designer suit.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
Cheapest option available here, they take your body from morgue cremate it and hand the urn over to your family, no frills funeral, one quarter the cost of most regular ones.
Back on track I'm wearing a designer suit.

Yes, I've looked into it, and already told my family that's what I want... if my family want to do anything between themselves, that's up to them, but I certainly do not want a proper funeral or any service whatsoever.
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