1. Until the age of 43 if, after that I don't want to be alone (the darkness I notice in front of me, in the middle of the road, chills in a frightening way), the loss in the next few years of my close family has made me see that I was a hypocrite in believing that I lived alone and by myself. It was never true and I found out too late.
2. I've rediscovered that I have no social skills and now I really care. At age 6-7, after trying since age 2, I decided I had enough of the others. And it's taking its toll on me now. I have a good problem.
3. No. Although in recent years health problems have made me isolate myself more from the account.
* I still don't like contact with people... I don't know how I allowed this attitude to take root in me for so many years. There is nothing I can do to solve it now. I'm supposed to do things because I want to, but now I wonder if I forgot that I didn't know how to do them any other way.
1. Fins els 43 anys si, a partir de llavors no vull estar sol (la foscor que noto davant meu, enmig del camí, esgarrifa de forma aterridora), la pérdua en els propers anys de la meva família propera m'ha fet veure que era un hipòcrita al creure que vivía sol i per mi mateix. No ha estat mai veritat i m'he assebentat massa tard.
2. He redescobert que no tinc habilitats socials i ara m'importa molt. Als 6-7 anys, després d'intentar-ho desde els 2 anys, vaig decidir que ja en tenia prou dels altres. I em passa factura ara. Tinc un bon problema.
3. No. Tot i que els últims anys els problemes de salut m'han fet aïllar-me més del compte.
* Continúa sense agradar-me el contacte amb la gent.. no se com he permés que arrelés durant tants anys aquesta actitut en mi. Ara no hi puc fer res per resoldre-ho. Se suposa que faig les coses perquè vull, però ara em pregunto si m'havia oblidat de que no las sabía fer d'una altre manera.