

Hello from the other side
Aug 16, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
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Dec 15, 2021
1. I like to be alone sometimes, i don't like to be isolated
2. Right
3. No, but disability plays a huge role in low self-steem and self-confidence to be social
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
1. Nowadays pretty much. Sometimes it's nice to be around people I choose.
2. I'm good for now. I prefer individual people to getting to know everyone.
3. My situation changed recently, and I used to prefer to stay alone to not be a burden to someone else, but I would probably be the opposite. It's just negative thinking.
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Jul 11, 2021
Mix of 1 and 2.

There's a great difference in being alone because we want and being alone because we got rejected, although the external outcome is the same.
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Jan 27, 2021
1 and 3. It's a conscious choice for me, because I have had many bad experiences with people. My mental health seems to benefit from not being very social, if anything.
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Jan 18, 2019
I do seem to choose lonliness, it hurts, but it might be better than having friends you can't openly talk to because they can't understand you
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Aug 29, 2022
I liked to be alone from time to time because interacting too much with people is overwhelming for me. However, that is hardly a problem because I have no friends due to my shitty personality. I tend to push everybody away. I have only a loser wife that for some reason takes care of me, but that's it.
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Dec 14, 2021
yes, i am alone by choice, the world operates at a speed thats too fast for me, my body & mind prefers isolation
for overall well being. My attempts to keep up in school or work situations manifested into anxiety, migraine & ocd.
......i remember an ss member from awhile back, put it better than i could when she said,,,"i have had enough of
other peoples company to know i'm not missing out on anything by being alone."

In social & work situations there always seems to be underlying conflict , either obviously or subtlely, kinda like
the pro-life anti-choice crowd, they seem to need to impose themselves & their beliefs on your life in disregard of your
personal space, especially if they interpret your solitary life as a weakness.........
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Dec 14, 2021
I liked to be alone from time to time because interacting too much with people is overwhelming for me. However, that is hardly a problem because I have no friends due to my shitty personality. I tend to push everybody away. I have only a loser wife that for some reason takes care of me, but that's it.
What makes your wife a 'loser'?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I was alone by choice. Now I am just alone.
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Lily (Osako)

Lily (Osako)

Everything all at once
Jul 30, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
1: yes
2: no
3: yes
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would always prefer to be alone no matter what. It's certainly a choice. People can be very tiring and I would rather stay away. I've never had that much interest in spending time with other people.
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SN Arrived!
Aug 24, 2022
yes, it was my choices that made me be alone
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"Petal by petal, I've witnessed a withered Spring"
Sep 14, 2022
I DO like to spend most time alone, but not always... I wish I could get to know what is like to be in a romantic relationship, for example, but my appearance is too undesirable for anyone to take that bullet 💧 As for friends, the depression turned me into such a downer that they naturally drifted away (although it upsets me deep down, I also get where they're coming from. It's too much negativity to deal with).
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Lost all, lost everything
Sep 15, 2022
I just want to be alone all the time now.
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Aug 25, 2022
When I'm alone, I wish for people to talk to.

When I'm thrusted into socializing, I sometimes wish I could get some alone time.

It's funny, isn't it?
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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

📜 Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
All 3 in a way, I fear rejection all the while feeling safe being alone. My mental illness is off putting so it's a given that people will not respond well.

Sometimes it's better to stop trying. I won't have to feel immense guilt afterwards for making such bold attempts. Every time I don't play it safe - I am reminded just how much I don't belong here.
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May 17, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? > I have gotten used to solitude and isolation over the decades, but there is still a part of me that yearns for someone that will stay even when I am feeling my worst.

2. Do you want to be more social, but people reject you? > If I knew how to be social, I would. As for rejection, I have been rejected not only by people but by my family. I can't force people to like me or want me around.

3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues? > does not apply.

In the end, I live with the fact that I am worthless; nobody wants or needs me, and I deserve to be rejected.
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End of all hope
Apr 20, 2020
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time?
Yes. I do prefer to be safe and untroubled even if a miss out on the positives of good socialization and friendships. The ups and downs, the games, the small talk, the necessity to stay engaged and other things that caracterize socialization are not for me. The only way that socialization is tolerable (even satisfying sometimes, I admit) is through the incorporation of fake personas.

2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
No. I am viewed as weird but I am accustomed to it. I can come as attention-seeking sometimes and get frustrated when my expectations are not fulfilled, but these moments are rare and sparse. Most of time I just don't care.

3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?
No. Other than physical unfitness and atrophied muscles due to a prolonged sedentary lifestyle, I don't have any health problems. I don't struggle with money, but I struggle with learned helplessness, defensive pessimism and self-handicapping, all of them interfere negatively with my work and take away my will towards it.
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Apr 5, 2020
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Bone collector
Jun 15, 2022
1. Not really but I am nocturnal so it comes with the territory more often than not.
2. I do want to be but it is I that tends to reject others. Most people are rather dull.
3. When I can socialize with others that I gravitate towards, it does indeed come down to "health reasons" as to why I will not but this is a loose statement as to the why of it.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
1. Yes, but I would say I'm an "ambivert". Week after week of being shut-in bothers me, and a job that required zero to no people interaction eventually drained me even if it was nice in the beginning. I lived alone at the time, which made it worse.

2. I don't click with most people and those who do seem to find me OK eventually turn out to be flakes. These repeated disappointments have taught me not to try that hard because I know I'll be disappointed.

3. Minimally. More money is always better. I don't go out as much as I probably could if I had more spending money.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
1. Until the age of 43 if, after that I don't want to be alone (the darkness I notice in front of me, in the middle of the road, chills in a frightening way), the loss in the next few years of my close family has made me see that I was a hypocrite in believing that I lived alone and by myself. It was never true and I found out too late.

2. I've rediscovered that I have no social skills and now I really care. At age 6-7, after trying since age 2, I decided I had enough of the others. And it's taking its toll on me now. I have a good problem.

3. No. Although in recent years health problems have made me isolate myself more from the account.

* I still don't like contact with people... I don't know how I allowed this attitude to take root in me for so many years. There is nothing I can do to solve it now. I'm supposed to do things because I want to, but now I wonder if I forgot that I didn't know how to do them any other way.


1. Fins els 43 anys si, a partir de llavors no vull estar sol (la foscor que noto davant meu, enmig del camí, esgarrifa de forma aterridora), la pérdua en els propers anys de la meva família propera m'ha fet veure que era un hipòcrita al creure que vivía sol i per mi mateix. No ha estat mai veritat i m'he assebentat massa tard.

2. He redescobert que no tinc habilitats socials i ara m'importa molt. Als 6-7 anys, després d'intentar-ho desde els 2 anys, vaig decidir que ja en tenia prou dels altres. I em passa factura ara. Tinc un bon problema.

3. No. Tot i que els últims anys els problemes de salut m'han fet aïllar-me més del compte.

* Continúa sense agradar-me el contacte amb la gent.. no se com he permés que arrelés durant tants anys aquesta actitut en mi. Ara no hi puc fer res per resoldre-ho. Se suposa que faig les coses perquè vull, però ara em pregunto si m'havia oblidat de que no las sabía fer d'una altre manera.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
I have a roommate but I consider myself to be alone and yes it has to do with money, mental health but not so much being rejected by others. I mean I'm older now so I don't get guys tryin to hit on me as much but right now I'm not going places regularly that might allow me to form friendships. My roommate thinks we are in a relationship even after I have been clear this is a temporary living situation. I plan to get out of this wen possible. I don't kno why some people refuse to accept reality lol! But this person is one of them. I've never been intimate with him and repeatedly tell him I never will be. Anyway. Sorry I went off on tangent.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I would say I'm a natural loner. I enjoy it nearly all of the time. That said, I think my life would be easier if I had less anxiety when I do have to mix with people. I do wonder how life would have turned out if I had been more 'normal.'
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New Member
Mar 1, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
I choose to be alone. I have been pushing people away for years now. I don't want to feel responsible for other people morning me when i am gone. I was waiting for my parents to die and my daughter to be on her own. My only child is now married and just had a baby. We were very close when she was young but not now. She is embarrassed of me. I have been going down hill since her my husband dumped me for a piece of trash 7 years ago. He was a abusive alcoholic but i fell apart when he left. I don't clean my house, take a shower and started smoking in the house. She said she would never bring her daughter to my house. I stoped reaching out to her. The only i am still here now is my dog. I love him more than any in the world. My last suicide attempt got be locked in the crazy house for a week. While i was gone, he would not eat or go outside, he just sat by the window waiting for me. I promised i would never leave him again. He is 13 now so i cut myself away from people more and more everyday.
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Lily (Osako)

Lily (Osako)

Everything all at once
Jul 30, 2022
When I'm alone, I wish for people to talk to.

When I'm thrusted into socializing, I sometimes wish I could get some alone time.

It's funny, isn't it?
I totally get you.
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Apr 19, 2022
Yes and No.

I had a great relationship back in 2014-2015, but broke up for a stupid reason. However, the relationship would eventually flatline once my dysphoria consumed me. It was for the best.
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crimson blue

My demons haunt me
Sep 29, 2022
a combination of all three
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