

Jun 5, 2020
Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, bullied, being born disabled etc.

Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, being born disabled etc. Disability is an injustice imposed by nature, bad parents, a bad country, etc. While prison, legal bans, etc., are made by well-founded judgment (except for judicial errors of course).

Can you stand seeing others succeed in their lives, be in a relationship, travel, earn a good living, be invited to friends' houses, etc., around you? While you are alone, feeling useless in life, others tell their life stories, interesting things, their skills, degrees, marriages, etc., and you stay in a corner, forgotten.

Can you stand spending Christmas, New Year, etc., alone?

Can you stand being treated as a burden? A burden on society? Etc... if you receive benefits without working, while still having to endure being poor, with no future. Otherwise, do you live on the street, without any income (in countries that fail the disabled, or where you are not eligible for benefits, because they exist, unfortunately), are forced to beg, etc.?

Do you want CTB because of all this?
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Mar 11, 2019
I don't mind being alone, but female interaction would be nice. But we are a social species, so I mean no.one really wants to be alone, if they can help it


Sep 22, 2024
Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, bullied, being born disabled etc.

Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, being born disabled etc. Disability is an injustice imposed by nature, bad parents, a bad country, etc. While prison, legal bans, etc., are made by well-founded judgment (except for judicial errors of course).

Can you stand seeing others succeed in their lives, be in a relationship, travel, earn a good living, be invited to friends' houses, etc., around you? While you are alone, feeling useless in life, others tell their life stories, interesting things, their skills, degrees, marriages, etc., and you stay in a corner, forgotten.

Can you stand spending Christmas, New Year, etc., alone?

Can you stand being treated as a burden? A burden on society? Etc... if you receive benefits without working, while still having to endure being poor, with no future. Otherwise, do you live on the street, without any income (in countries that fail the disabled, or where you are not eligible for benefits, because they exist, unfortunately), are forced to beg, etc.?

Do you want CTB because of all this?
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's more from choice that I'm alone and most of the time, it doesn't bother me. As for the reasons- social anxiety I guess. Bad experiences have put me off being around people. Sometimes I've done something to embarrass myself. Some people have actively made me feel shit about myself. But, even the more positive experiences have become bittersweet. People are so unreliable. It's so risky getting close to people and relying on them because it hurts when they let you down. It simply doesn't seem worth the risk or effort now to form new relationships/friendships.
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Apr 18, 2023
Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, bullied, being born disabled etc.

Are you alone because you are disabled? Accident in life, or worse, mistreatment, being born disabled etc. Disability is an injustice imposed by nature, bad parents, a bad country, etc. While prison, legal bans, etc., are made by well-founded judgment (except for judicial errors of course).

Can you stand seeing others succeed in their lives, be in a relationship, travel, earn a good living, be invited to friends' houses, etc., around you? While you are alone, feeling useless in life, others tell their life stories, interesting things, their skills, degrees, marriages, etc., and you stay in a corner, forgotten.

Can you stand spending Christmas, New Year, etc., alone?

Can you stand being treated as a burden? A burden on society? Etc... if you receive benefits without working, while still having to endure being poor, with no future. Otherwise, do you live on the street, without any income (in countries that fail the disabled, or where you are not eligible for benefits, because they exist, unfortunately), are forced to beg, etc.?

Do you want CTB because of all this?
I was a victim of crime(s) I guess in today's world that elicits condemnation. Having the misfortune of something out of your control destroy your life is a reason to treat someone like shit. That's why everyone left me. I was bullied and isolated at multiple points in my life but persevered through. Not that it got much better. I've also been in a freak, disfiguring accident but didn't let it slow me down.

I don't care about others successes it doesn't bother me. As long as I have the opportunities to do so the same. As long i can control my destiny and fate. I care about having the laws upheld to protect me. Crazy I know. And people fight so that happens like I'd do for them. I've spent multiple Christmases, my birthday, new years, whatever holiday alone in trying to be successful. It would be weird to be around people for it now.

I don't feel like a burden per se because I'm still fighting not to be. I'm still pursuing justice, fighting to get a job career, still trying if I have the opportunity to be a good friend not that those opportunities come along, etc... I don't fuck up my life someone fucked it up for me. That's the nature of the crimes. Im not going to be made to feel a burden when it could be fixed by society at the snap of finger and I'm just treated like the lowest form of life. So no i don't.

I do want to CTB because there's not a single good thing in my life period. No career opportunities, no opportunities for success, no way to make good friends, no way to have a wife or kids, no way for anything but just suffering and misery. I've tried over and over and over again for a long time and constantly been shoved into a worse position then when i started. It's not that my life sucks. It's it sucks and there's no way out and terrifyingly it's only going to get worse.
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My story is in my about me, if you'd like to know.
Feb 16, 2023
Yes, I'm extremely alone. I've been on my own since birth.
As a kid, my family was negligent and I was always afraid. School was my only escape from abuse but I had to deal with mean kids instead. I mean, I was practically kidnapped and my own mother didn't care.
Now, I'm suffering the consequences of probably the worst decision of my life. I'm doomed to be unloved and unrecognized. All I wanted was to be free and CTB but instead, I'm stuck in almost a limbo. I haven't had a friend since highschool. I'm more alone than ever, and it's my own fault. Holidays are depressing. I remember every Halloween my dad would take me trick-or-treating and let me carve a pumpkin. Though we couldn't afford costumes, I always had fun. I miss being a stupid kid and doing stupid things with my stupid friends. Egg-ing houses and speeding down roads. These are things I think about everyday. I have nobody anymore. Nobody to talk to. I don't even think anyone knows I'm still alive.
Sometimes I just wanna yell out to the world and get my life back, but I don't. It wouldn't make a difference anyways.
I don't really care that I'm alone. I don't blame anyone for leaving me. I used to push the blame on my mother for so long but now I see that this is really the grave I dug for myself. I don't deserve any pity or sympathy, this is the situation I put myself in, so here I am.

TLDR: yes.
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