
Aug 18, 2020
I wish I was. But I am terrible especially under pressure. This is why I had myriads of job interviews before getting a chance.

I told this story once here in forum. Some time ago I was at my bank with my mom. The advicer was a great liar. We were really desperate but she did not show any guilty conscience. The contract would have screwed our financials completely. Despite the fact my mom almost cried due to the illness of mine and our story she wanted us to sign an horrible contract. My mom wanted to sign it but I was completely against it. After the appointment I did a short research and found out the contract would have had no positive impact in my situation. I called the advicer shortly afterwards. She pretended to be surprised about the detrimental issues of the contract but agreed that they existed when I explicitly asked about them. What a fucking *****!

I am kind of proud I saw through her charade. I kind of envy her skill. I would have a very guilty conscience to exploit desperate people without hesitation. But in some cases being a good liar can help you in difficult situations.
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Empty and hollow
Aug 3, 2020
A pretty damn good liar and an actor. Being suicidal and sh-ing made it necessary to hide it from the world. I feel like I've made a "mask" which is a fake personality and I do seem like a completely normal and probably even pretty happy person to people who don't know me.
Regarding the post, I can't lie to scam/harm people, but it comes from moral ethics rather than inability to lie realistically
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
No, but I can usually smooth things over and tell a version of the truth for job interviews. It's their job to spot the deception. A lot of the time, if you're pleasant and respectful, they don't.


Sep 14, 2022
I think I've become worse at lying to people close to me as I get older. I'm good at lying in job interviews though.


Sep 16, 2022
Oh yes indeed, I believe I could give the father of lies,(the devil), I run for his money. I go to work so pleasant and smiling, and it's all a great big lie. I

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