

a reanimated corpse
Jan 24, 2024
Hi! I hope everybody is doing well!

I just have a quick question to ask.

I really want to achieve semi-deep cuts or cuts that can bleed. Bruises and aches or any other injury is fine. I'm not a big fan of punching myself or banging my head. I really prefer the brutality and blood that comes with cutting.

My issue is though I don't have access to knives anymore. It feels impossible to find anything else. I tried sharpener blades, but they got confiscated from me too. Are there any other objects or ways to SH to achieve a similar or semi-similar effect? Thanks!!!


This place is a jailcell
Jan 11, 2024

real quick i just wanted to say that i'm not encouraging your self harm, and you probably won't find anyone on the forum that does either.

If you're going for th sting and pain: use something like a mechanical pencil or corner of a table to leave something small like a scrape, then apply ice to the scratch. This is something I used when getting over my SH habits. Maybe look for an old toolbox or anything with bolts/screws that could leave a scratch.

if you're going for the blood: try asphalt. Maybe strike your arm against a sidewalk or your driveway until it bleeds. Hurts like hell. I really ask you go for the first, because it doesn't cause much harm and is a slightly healthier alternitave. I hope this helped either way! ^^ apologies for poor english.
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