

Jul 29, 2021
Not just my life, but it seems that people who are already depressed, or just overall unhappy have the worst luck. Like some people really do get "Dealt a bad hand". I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my life is so negative and seemingly anti-me that it has almost become a joke. Some days are so bad I seriously take a step back and laugh and think this must be some cosmic joke and all my suffering doesn't actually mean anything. This might sound stupid, but are some people just meant to have a shitty life? I don't get it. I know people that are pretty scummy, but always seem to have the best luck and opportunities come their way.

I feel like I'm being relentlessly punished for no reason, and the more I try to make these situations positive, the more negative they become. I feel despair constantly and mostly gave up on hope, because every other time I hoped for something, it never happened and it hurt more because I had hoped for a better outcome. I'm just kind of getting over all of it. I don't know how much longer I want to be here.
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Jul 23, 2022
Some people definitely are fated to have more difficult lives by virtue of what they are born into. Some people life just dumps on (as is the way of life) but having your formative years be messed up because of the circumstances you were born into does set the tone for the rest of your life.
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Nov 6, 2023
Life is a lottery, the idea of a happy life is really a contract of modern capitalism and Western idealism - this notion was really born in the American constitution of the pursuit of happiness - which are really just empty words that sounds nice. No where else in the world do people expect to be happy . Look 150+ years in the past, no one expected to be happy unless you were part of the aristocracy. The aristocracy these days has been replaced by wealth rather than title but that structure still exists - the rich get richer of the back of the poor. What has changed to an extent in the last 150 years is social mobility and again only to an extent.

Yes you can be a self made millionaire/billionaire easier that in the times of old or come from nothing and be successful - my dad did, it's easier in some ways but its also a lot easier for those that already have it handed to them on a plate, born with silver spoons in their mouth. I work in an industry dominated by private school wankers and got to a place I had to work harder than them to get there.

I grew up lucky - I had love, my wife she grew up rich, but she had a lot of things and a lot of people destroy her life in her horrible ways she couldn't get over, money doesn't buy happiness but it certainly makes life easier but there is no guarantee of a happy life, I would take love, true love over wealth any day of the week, it's priceless. There are a lot of good people in the world, but unfortunately it's the assholes of the world who have the biggest impact on it.

I consider myself to have been very lucky in life, I had everything I really ever wanted and I know that's a privilege but I've had it all ripped away in a real cruel twist of fate and I feel that life is mocking me everyday for once being happy.

Sorry for your struggles mate I hope you find peace someday
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Kundalini Guy

Kundalini Guy

Mar 27, 2023
Yes it could be karma for past lives troubles you did. Not to sound horrible but this is what I believe from a spiritual point of view.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
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Jul 10, 2023
Not only could being born in a place where the cultures, processes and laws don't suit you, making it difficult for you to live within, there are people who are ready to judge others on looks and insignificant viewpoints and treat them unfavorably. There will be areas and people that are just 'unlucky' to have a multitude of negatives around them that they must overcome, or get away from if they are to survive life. If they can't see a way, that is why they choose death.

Just anm example about being judged, there was an experiment done once where many people were asked what they thought of two people, one tall man and one short man. Everyone put the tall man in better jobs and more success than the shortb man, and they even believed him to be of better character.

People treat others according to how they perceive them, not necessarily how they really are (hence why narcissists can be so destructive because they percieve everyone not giving them the attention they want at any given time, as attacking them, so they think they are defending themselves when they mistreat others) and when people have a tendency to prejudge, that is when life can be the toughest for some of us.

I think some of the worst prejudgement I have witnessed is when someone says something like "They've got a face I'd like to punch", when they don't even know that person. If they are that upfront about wanting to treat someone like that just because of how they look, they are probably doing other things to otehrs for shallow and misguided reasons. Soem of us end up in the middle of all of it no matter what we do.
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Nov 14, 2023
Yeah part of it is genetics.
For exemple if your frontal part of the brain is smaller than average, you most likely to suffer from depression

Also people who are bad looking or incels because of the genetics tend to be more miserable
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Sep 30, 2023
Absolutely yes.
My mother was a narcissist and my stepfather a paedophile.
I was Sexually abused and beaten for no good reason.
I began suffering from clinical depression aged 7.
Bullied all through school .
First mental breakdown aged 14.
Diagnosed bipolar aged 20.
My girlfriend cheated on me with the guy next door and ran away with him and £ 7,000 of my money that I'd worked damn hard for.
Second mental breakdown aged 21 and Diagnosed with aspergers.
Arrested by some corrupt police in a case of mistaken identity and beaten badly.
Third mental breakdown and the beginning of my alcoholism age 32.
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Trying to escape from cruel reality
Nov 14, 2023
Because life being so unfair to us it just keep cornering us to the edge and making us to jump off from the cliff to meet our ends
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't believe there is any deeper meaning or purpose behind why some people suffer way more than others in this existence, it's ultimately all due to chance. But I just see existence as bad in general, existence is such a harmful imposition that just causes so much suffering, there is no safety from suffering in this hellish reality. In general I could just never understand why anyone would want to exist, there is nothing desirable about existence, it just causes harm.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I have some family members who have just had the worst luck. Worst of all- they are lovely people. You'd hope karma was a thing and that wouldn't happen.

Depends in what you believe. This kind of thing seems to go back to God again though. That there's intention behind giving some people worse lives than others. Or- reincarnation- where we are being punished for stuff we did in previous lives. I can't see any good reason for punishing people or teaching them through pain and suffering, so- if there is a God, they must surely be sadistic.
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Maybe a race to nowhere, still hope that I win
Aug 20, 2023
I don't have any connections to religion or spirituality, but I do genuinely believe people get dealt shit hands and there is no recovery. I feel that about myself, strongly. Family alienation, mental illnesses, being trans, etc. there was never hope for me. I do sometimes cope and imagine that had I had transitioned at 15 instead of being bullied back into the closet by my mom and my friends, I'd have a life I like or be a person I like. But nope, no one wanted to help me or care about me
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Oct 30, 2023
It all comes down to genetics unfortunately even though I like to fantasize about the existence of an evil god who enjoys making people suffer

Worst of all is a lot of time those people are expected to do everything others do and be up to their standards

It's like running a marathon while having your legs broken beforehand
I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my life is so negative and seemingly anti-me that it has almost become a joke. Some days are so bad I seriously take a step back and laugh and think this must be some cosmic joke and all my suffering doesn't actually mean anything.
Yeah I relate to these feeling, it's almost if all the suffering of the collective was just put into a few people at their expence
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Deleted member 65988

Life is a lottery
That's it. The end.
where we are being punished for stuff we did in previous lives. I can't see any good reason for punishing people or teaching them through pain and suffering, so- if there is a God, they must surely be sadistic.
I personally think it's incoherent to punish people for something they didn't knowingly do like in a past life and the penalty is by giving them pain and suffering in this one or the next or the next or the nect, what kind of atonement is that supposed to even be and whats the end goal of it. If there is some kind of God, it's far removed from the "loving father or creator" believers of different faiths love to claim. Like are all the people who've been enslaved, beaten and treated in humanely all people who did terrible things in thier previous life, things they don't even know they did but are deserving of it anyway.
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May 20, 2018
Life is a lottery, the idea of a happy life is really a contract of modern capitalism and Western idealism - this notion was really born in the American constitution of the pursuit of happiness - which are really just empty words that sounds nice.
That's funny, I never really thought of it, but that does kind of sound like a marketing phrase. Like if you were advertising a country, "the pursuit of happiness" would make it sound more enticing.
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drowning, always.
Feb 8, 2023
Feels like it. And i feel like I'm an example, I can't recall any point in my life where my happiness was long lasting or didn't have some negative effect right after. Everytime i think it couldn't get worse than this, somehow it does.
Which sucks, I'd like to say i really did try to be happy and lead a calming life, but something's always tugging at my sleeve and telling me that's not where i'm meant to go.

suicidal flapper

Jul 15, 2023
Yes. Both systematically and biologically

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