
May 9, 2024
I feel that some of us were never meant to have a decent life; to achieve even the bare minimum like good health, financial stability, social relations and so on. I've heard people say all they want is "happiness". A happy life. A good life free from hardships and misfortunes. And that's great I believe.

But some of us just wanted the essential really like Peace. Something achievable even in darkest times. A "balance" if that's the word to use and it sucks that all my life I've worked towards this goal but only to be imprisoned by a plathora of health issues with death being my only way out. A simpler life is all that was required but I guess even that is too much to ask for in this world, sadly.

Maybe some of us are born only to suffer and die. Born to have a chip on our shoulder. Born to be lonely and heartbroken. Born to be defeated. Even though we were never given the choice to want to live in the first place, we are here living and suffering anyway 💔
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yep, this is natural selection sadly. For there to be winners, there also have to be losers too. In the past, people like us would get weeded out by natural selection but that doesn't happen anymore due to technology. Some of us are born to be the losers that are the opposite to the winners. It's unfortunate but... life itself is unfortunate
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Yes, if you draw badly on life's roulette, your fate is practically sealed.

If you are not "lucky", it is difficult to live on this planet.
Some people are born into a better situation than others and have more options.

Your life is determined by a happy accident that you have no influence on.
Sometimes we can do everything right, but we will still fail.
The world is brutal and it doesn't care whether we like it or not.
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daydreaming the pain away ☆.。.:*・°
Sep 9, 2023
same, i set my standards low but they just keep getting lower
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
It is estimated that over 109 billion people have lived and died in the last 192,000 years. 109,000,000,000 people. And what, maybe 1 million of them every achieved any meaningful historical notoriety? That would make just 0.0009% of all humans that have ever lived. We are incredibly small and nearly all of us are incredible losers. I know fame or fortune aren't the only two qualifiers to consider but what else could bring peace to our minds? A lobotomy, perhaps.
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Look into my eyes and tell me who I really am
Jun 20, 2024
Maybe the next life will be different, maybe we could be happy then... I dont know, like to think about that sometimes... but maybe the best its just oblivion
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Apr 15, 2024
Everyone is born to suffer because this universe has suffering built into its fabric. Even if a person succesfully suppresses pain and sadness whole life, when they are 80 or so, they have to face death (which a study has shown is NOT peaceful in 80% of cases).
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Aug 18, 2022
Some of us are born to suffer and it's ok to admit that. We all suffer something in life, even happiness is a suffering of some kind.
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
I think the problem with using words like "meant" is the underlying question of who's mind this "meaning" came from. God? I highly doubt it. But yes, in the course of life, people, like water flowing down through uncertain pathways, fill every hole and niche possible in life. There's a space just for people who live the worst lives with little to no sense of what we call happiness and there's nothing they can do about it.

But are they meant to suffer and die? Only if something is actively choosing and determining the lives of every conscious being. I don't believe in something like that. I also don't believe in chance, because people like puzzle pieces are scalped by the circumstances they encounter in life. It's not a coincidence that I am who I am, but it is also not something that was meant to happen. It simply is, as they say, behind unapproachable light is abysmal darkness, further behind that is something unimaginable. In short we imagine a world without suffering.

It's not that life has no meaning, it's that there is no meaning to be had outside what we choose. So, people suffer and die, we think of it as tragic, years later we die and are forgotten along with everything we ever wondered. As if we never existed, along with us, meaning will die as well.
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Girls like me don't get to exist
Jun 26, 2024
It's just luck. Nothing happens for any real reason. Some of us just get to suffer because that's just the way it is.
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Nov 23, 2023
The flow of life is suffering, it comes freely, like waves of the sea. If you want pleasure, you'll have to swim against the tide.
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Feb 13, 2024
I think some people are able to adapt to this way of living, they have no issues with it and if they do, they're able to get past it. Resilience or whatever.

If I'm being honest, that all seems like way too much work to live in this world. I feel like chance plays a role as well, some people were born into good circumstances so they were able to develop the necessary skills to get through hardships.

The not so lucky ones suffer.

We unfortunately do not get to choose the life we are born into.
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