
Aug 18, 2020
Always when I watch the news and I see how the Ukrainians fight I am astonished. It is quite heroic what these people do. (Okay not everyone is fighting.) But if there was a war between Germany and Russia 95% of the German civilians would surrender without fighting. We live in post-heroic societies. In many western societies the individualism is widespread. We only know heroes when we watch Netflix. Barely anyone wants to sacrifice his/ her life for a higher good. Maybe you could say the people become smarter. Some would say in our secular countries there are less treacherous ideologies. But this indiviudualism is also part of capitalism which clearly is an ideology.

I am not sure whether the people become more softer concerning suffering and life quality. One could also argue the people become smarter. For example in dictatorships many people know thankfully to the internet that their government is spreading propaganda. I think even in North Korea many people learn that their government just spreads fake news. But obviously it is still very hard to escape this place.

I think poverty and life quality is often relative. I give you an example if you live in my country from welfare and you see every of your friend with a Mercedes and their wifes it is obvious you feel bad in comparison to them. But if you had the life quality of a German unemployed person in South Sudan you probably would feel way way better. For me welfare is a real reason why I need to ctb. It does not really comfort me that in Third World countries they have it worse.

Though I still try to think about my priviliges. My life is really hard and I struggle a lot. But I compare my current way of living with my horrible past and probably my even worse future. So I try to make the best of it with my remaining time.

Damn the life centuries ago must have been so extremely cruel. I think the smell in cities must have been horrible because proper toilet systems were not invented. And there was stuff like public torturing which was like a party for the whole village. If you read about the torture from centuries ago which was a common practice in many many places you feel disgusted. And so many innocent people were tortured for nothing for stuff like witchcraft. I know there are still horrible things happening till today. But the past must have been extremely brutal. No electricity, no internet, all my coping mechanisms would fail.

Maybe in future centuries they will judge our current societies for stigmatizing suicidal people that much. I could really imagine that.

What do you feel about that topic?


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
It's hard to use terms like hard or soft so broadly.

I grew up in a time where nobody had even heard of the internet, and we instead had friendly neighbours who we visited often, time immersed in the garden, storybooks, bike-rides, etc. I marvel at how hard today's youth have it, where it has become normal to be pathologically addicted to electronic devices, obsessed with one's social status and totally desensitised to the beauty of nature or the warmth of loving people. I almost wish I had no reference point outside of today so I could pretend that this loveless shitshow is 'normal', just like everyone else.

Everyone copes with their circumstances, though relativism is not a reason to be apathetic towards the plights of the desperate. I used to have an African friend. He said that the people were happy being poor and living simply, and the awful wars and famines of the past century can be attributed to interference by overseas powers.

There's no need to concern one's self with privileges. Many 3rd world people would live far better than you or I, simply because having a tribe means more than having high-speed internet. Guess which of the two we have evolved to need?
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The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
yeah Western societies have become softer. part of it is the destruction of established social mores. part of it is "individualism as the highest value" sort of thing. part of it is the villification of Western history. they interact with each other badly, and in ways you explained.

then, we get the wonderful propaganda from every media outlet which, of course, makes everything so much better. a relative of mine thought that Russia was going to blow up the ISS because the "news" said it.

a big part is that we inherited a world "gifted" to us by the Baby Boomers. they pretty much fucked things up.
Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
I can remember a time when you couldn't mention, to anyone, that you had depression or anxiety. Shit, you couldn't say the word "cancer" without people going quiet and walking away. If you were bullied, you took it and said nothing.

Do I think people are softer today? No, but it may just look that way. I think people are more ignorant and entitled, believing that things should be easy. You're right to point to Ukraine in terms of standing in terrible circumstances and not snivelling.


Feb 21, 2022
There is a saying:


People in the west seem generally mentally and morally weak, while hard-hearted and narcissistic.

Not a good combination.

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