

Dec 15, 2020
While they tick the boxes: education, career, long-term r'ships, mortgages, kids...

Are they just distracting themselves from the inevitable conclusion of the human psyche that every one of us has already long since reached: that we're all gonna die?

And especially the good-looking people. I think if I was one of them I'd be in denial too.

I remember once saying in passing to a co-worker 'Well we're all gonna die anyway!' and thought nothing of it. She, a beautiful 20 year-old, looked at me in sheer terror: don't say that...

So what I mean is, maybe we're the lucky ones? Who are already preparing for the inevitable?
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Oct 13, 2020
YES!!! I've always thought this. We are the ones who admit the truth.. we are going to die. And in accepting that, we want to do it our own way. Normies will get to 80 and start shitting themselves.. literally and figuratively...
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Mar 22, 2020
I agree with you and @TessB
I made a controversial thread about normies some time ago explaining that I "hated" them but "admired" them because basically, I wish I could be such an ignorant like them and be happy just by having a job, a family, getting married, studying, and dying at my 80s as an old sick grey man lol.
My mind can't stop thinking about the true meaning of life and the universe, the afterlife, why the well we are here, etc.

Anyway, as for my thread, some people hated it and some others loved it lol. Here it is in case you wanna check it out:
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Feb 27, 2021
I seriously don't see the point in aging until you die. It's a very painful not to mention lonely process.

The only ppl who look at aging fondly are those who are either rich or have kids who care about them enough to let them move into their homes. Most likely never suffered from mental illness and if so overcame it to do all the fun shit in their younger days so they have no regrets.

Honestly think the elderly are more suicidal than people like to admit.

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Jul 2, 2020
No they are not mentally ill, suicidal ideation is not normal and shouldn't be treated as such
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Jun 17, 2019
From our point of view it can seem like it, but I don't think that they are actively trying to avoid it. Just from thinking about before I became suicidal, I remember acknowledging death as inevitable but just believing it as part of the cycle of life. I was also much more spiritual back then, so death also had this "it isn't truly death" feel to it.

Regarding your experience with that one person, I think that they responded the way they did because talking about death is still pretty taboo outside the realm of talking about it within a religious or spiritual context. Although you said it jokingly probably, it still does catch people off guard outside of that context.
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
No. Some people really are accomplished and comfortable in their skin.

I don't think we should project our relationship with life on other people.
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Feb 2, 2020
No I don't think so, I think they genuinely enjoy life. Whether that's ignorance is debateable but I don't look down on them for it. My mum's the best person i know and she's a normie. I envy it tbh, I don't enjoy being miserable all the time
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Aug 18, 2020
While they tick the boxes: education, career, long-term r'ships, mortgages, kids...

Are they just distracting themselves from the inevitable conclusion of the human psyche that every one of us has already long since reached: that we're all gonna die?

And especially the good-looking people. I think if I was one of them I'd be in denial too.

I remember once saying in passing to a co-worker 'Well we're all gonna die anyway!' and thought nothing of it. She, a beautiful 20 year-old, looked at me in sheer terror: don't say that...

So what I mean is, maybe we're the lucky ones? Who are already preparing for the inevitable?
That makes a little sense. Death comes wether we focus on it all day or too intensely or not. Life can be good. It really can be very very good. However we have a society that throws away people at a moments notice and those people feel lost because they actually are. We hurt our kids we hurt our coworkers we let wars go on. Blah blah. It just doesnt fucking end! So when you end up with an increasingly growing group of hurt and suicidal people that kinda takes "their" fun away. It makes them all have to look. If we here on SS could look at each other's lives I bet we would see the diversity of problems stewing in each of our lives. Im very attractive but I'm hurt and poor and tired and I'll and so on. My pain is from childhood like most people. So nobody wants to "deal" with me and I just feel like im better off leaving this world. Again like most people. I dont see ugly or unattractive I am lucky that I look deeper and I think other people dont like that either. I dont take sides is low level arguments because I see a world I trouble and everyone needs a hand and deserves not one chance but many. However I dont get that in return it seems. So yeah we are looking death in the face and you see a lot more to this false world once you start feeling like that. This fake world is because we want to hide from our shame while saying we deserve a trophy for doing these same shameful things that harm us all as a people. We are all fucked up here. We are monsters raising monsters and laughing about it. So yes society as a while HAS to hide because as soon as you stop hiding then you HAVE to change and that means you were doing bad things the entire time. Looking in the mirror is a bitch but it also good for you. However that same pain can cause us to CTB as well.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
No they are not mentally ill, suicidal ideation is not normal and shouldn't be treated as such
It is "normal" in that it is experienced by millions if not billions of people at least once in their lifetime.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
While they tick the boxes: education, career, long-term r'ships, mortgages, kids...

Are they just distracting themselves from the inevitable conclusion of the human psyche that every one of us has already long since reached: that we're all gonna die?

And especially the good-looking people. I think if I was one of them I'd be in denial too.

I remember once saying in passing to a co-worker 'Well we're all gonna die anyway!' and thought nothing of it. She, a beautiful 20 year-old, looked at me in sheer terror: don't say that...

So what I mean is, maybe we're the lucky ones? Who are already preparing for the inevitable?
Their privilege blinds them, and allows any with some sense, to feign ignorance. It also adds value to an otherwise meaningless existence, they get enjoyment out of something we cannot.
It is a luxury I wish I had the means to indulge. It's also why it's so difficult for those who pull the short straw to communicate and break the brick wall put up by those who pulled the longer ones.
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Dec 11, 2018
Yes. Normal people just don't think about death. I remember that before all my problems started I didn't think about it.
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Mar 21, 2021
I think so, most people are scared to die and dread it and I can only remember a few times where dying would've been a major inconvenience or fear.
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May 27, 2020
I believe that they are in denial. Suicide (and its relation to death) is a subject that can threaten to shatter the illusion, which many people are raised with, that life is perfect and wonderful all of the time, and that it could not possibly be filled with never-ending suffering - for some at least. Imagine driving a luxurious car down the road. You stop at the traffic lights. When you turn to look out of the drivers window you see a homeless man asleep on the sidewalk. Now you feel uncomfortable because one day you could be in the same position as that man, it is a reminder that misfortune is standing over your shoulder and can pull you out of your happy bubble at any time.

This is not to necessarily criticize "normies" for the way they think. Life can be harsh, and if ignoring the inevitable gives someone a level of comfort then maybe it is okay; plus everyone is allowed to pursue their own happiness as well. It only becomes bad when they then deny others the chance of escape (suicide) because they assume that everybody else is living as problem-free as they are.

No they are not mentally ill, suicidal ideation is not normal and shouldn't be treated as such
Given that certain suicidal indivduals end their life to escape abuse and mistreatment from others, it can be very much "normal". In that circumstance it is the environment which is unhealthy, and not the individual who wants to leave it permanently.
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