

Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
I'm female born but I never liked to be such. I never liked to be girly or do girly things. When I was a child I liked blue and hated pink. I never liked the idea of ''housewife'' and just be a baby machine and take care of children and of the house. I hate women fashion and clothes, how thin and transparent and unpractical they are. I don't like make up, doing nails, skin care etc. At one point I thought I was transgender but the idea was too extreme imo and a matter of too much effort and money for surgeries who could be painful plus me being scared and coward of course and too much bureaucracy plus living in a shithole that discriminates against anything LGBT+.

But then I thought more about how I'd be a man and that's when it hit me. I couldn't really visualize myself as a man, I felt like I didn't want to be a man either. That's how I found about non-binary. That's when I realized that you don't have to be in the gender binarity and that's okay if you don't feel like either woman or man. Gender binarity is just made up bullshit so that humans have a new category of people to shame and judge and bully and to further make life complicated and painful. We thrive on pain man.

You like being a woman? Good. You like being a man? Good. You like to be something else other than these two? Good again! We should accept everyone regardless of what they identify as, like people actually get hurt about the decisions someone else takes in life???? How low can someone descend to be so hurt about someone else's life???

The fact that everything in life is based around the genitals one has down there proves me that socially we're still in the dark ages, if not worse. Think about it: colors, fashion, careers, hobbies, house chores, food, games, music, movies, any bullshit imaginable.

I'm not a woman, I'm not a man, I'm MYSELF. I do whatever I want and I will punch you in the face if you disregard how I identify just because I have a vagina down there. Fuck, if I have enough money in the future to do a surgery to shutdown my vagina what will you say then?? (I'm addressing here to those bigots who think everything has to be based around genitals).

So yeah, it sucks that I live in a very conservative country and my non-binary identity is pretty much secret irl (except for the fashion statement). It also hurts that my native language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns (I use they/them and occasionally she/her but I won't go insane if you misgender me. Another misconception those bigots have.)

I'm sorry for the ramble. I'm really curious if there are other people like me.

Edit: Also think about it. Forcing 8 billion people to be assigned to one of the two genders is so fucking stupid. 8 billion people vs 2 genders like everyone else is different man I dont' wanna sound cliche but it's the truth. How do you know that everyone's gonna be okay with that decision? Let 'em be whatever they want man.
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Sep 3, 2021
I have a few non binary internet friends. I have had long introspective nights where I've wondered if I am actually nonbinary, but then I always come to the same conclusion that I am comfortable as a woman and I'm just overthinking some vague feeling. I agree strict gender roles are pretty harmful to people's freedoms and expression.
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Sep 10, 2018
Your post really resonates with me. I might be. I don't know how to classify myself. Or actually, imagine that there had only ever been once species, and that one species had only one type of people. That's how I feel. A species where there is only one sex and because there is only one sex, no one has ever come up with sexes or different sexes or genders or anything. I feel like I'm an alien when I say so. And also, to me, it's less "What gender/sex I am" and more "What the hell I am not". Like if someone had orange juice, apple juice and strawberry juice and asked me which one I'll drink. I don't like apple juice, so I'd say "Doesn't matter as long as it's not apple juice." And I always like to say, I'm not a body, I'm my soul. Non-binary, genderless, genderfluid something like that. But I am not cis. A body that I didn't choose, that I didn't buy, that I didn't make with my own hands, is not mine.

There are animals where females have penises that they put into male's pussies to suck their sperm into their womb. There are animals which change their gender based on who's the biggest in the group. A fish species where the biggest fish in the group turns into male, and another similar species where the biggest fish turns into female. I recall there is also a fish species where the fishes change their sex based on their age. Man, woman, male, female, masculine, feminine they truly are just human-made concepts. I'd rather not be bound by what life is like on this planet. Maybe somewhere but not on this waterball there is a species where there are four sexes and you need all four to reproduce.

Good post! I hate gendered languages. I'm glad my language doesn't have any genders, but it's hard for those who have to use less refined languages. In Swedish they originally didn't have a gender neutral "they" but a few years ago they started to use "hen". I've read that in English, man originally was a gender-neutral term meaning "human", "were" was a male human as in "werewolf", and ehh I don't know what female human was. But for some reason they changed it. So now words like mankind or "are you a beast or man" sound sexist, when originally man didn't even mean a male human, just a human. I wish they went back to the original meaning of "man".

I really hate how there are such conservative countries still in existence. I wish people were allowed to choose their bodies themselves and to modify their bodies based on what they like. Bodies should be at least as customizable as in video games like Dark Souls 3, Nioh 2, MMORPGs etc.

Yep. Very true.

Thank you for writing the post! I enjoyed reading it.
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Nov 4, 2020
I wish everyone could just live the life they want and not face discrimination or hatred, and more importantly, be accepted for who they are.
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