
Sep 16, 2020
The only logical reason for me being here is that I'm subconsciously still holding out hope for society to collapse.

I do not think this will ever happen as nothing good ever happens in existence. But I must somewhere think it's possible in a tiny corner of my brain.

Complete chaos, no more injustice because theres no law and anything and everything goes.
Injustice has caused the suffering seeing evil actions always pay off with good things for wicked people.

I know secretly yhr average person loves the idea otherwise walking dead and all that other stuff wouldn't be so popular and people, grown adults will have conversations on how they'd fight off hoards of zombies and sadistic human cults whilst driving their newborn in the back baby carrier to nursery.
People are dumb.

I can't even enjoy these fantasies because they seem so hopeless. I do not think there will ever be such a fair thing as chaos to exist. I want to have hope but people have built their own prison too well. Cowards and scumbags.
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Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
I understand being fed up with the existing order and fantasizying about collapse, but in what world would that improve any of our lives? If anything, it will be the vulnerable people that suffer most.
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I think I'm going to be okay.
Dec 10, 2019
I understand being fed up with the existing order and fantasizying about collapse, but in what world would that improve any of our lives? If anything, it will be the vulnerable people that suffer most.
I lowkey second that. The moment society crumbles and anarchy takes over, I'd ctb. My mental health will crumble with society haha...

Like op said, people like to fantasize about what they'd do in a zombie apocalypse - my answer has always been: die.
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Sep 28, 2020
I agree with you, humanity won't last much longer. But in my opinion it won't be in our generation. But I see a dark future where people would be fighting for water and food. Forrest's destroyed, robots taking away human jobs, you already see that in airports and supermarkets. And fuel, that will be the biggest problem. The world keeps quiet but experts say we are running out of fuel. And even with electric cars and such, those cars are still built with petrol material. That's why no babies for me that's for sure.
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Nov 19, 2021
I understand being fed up with the existing order and fantasizying about collapse, but in what world would that improve any of our lives? If anything, it will be the vulnerable people that suffer most.
Op really thinks they would be the one stealing other people's supplies instead of getting cannibalized within a year lol


Feb 1, 2022
There is no abrupt collapse, as if by magic overnight. There is instead a loooooooong, slow process of decay. I think it looks like this.

One year from now: Much like today; increasing food shortages.

Five years from now: Regular food shortages throughout the developed world, though the system still works well enough that most people have not taken steps towards self-sufficiency. Homeownership in America and throughout the West is in rapid decline, as hedge funds have fully implemented their Great Reset rentier economy. Florida, the American South, coastal Latin America and the Carribean, tropical Southeast Asia and lowland Europe routinely experience intense rapid flooding on a seasonal basis.

Ten years: The American Southwest has started to become totally uninhabitable, and the Midwest routinely experiences drought conditions. London has flooded at least once. The Pacific Island has started to vanis, one by one, and the Sahara is visibly and rapdly expanding. Chinese economic growth has completely stalled out by this time. One bright light, at least by contemporary capitalist metrics, is sub-Saharan Africa, which has really started to modernize.

Twenty years: We have had at least one Blue Ocean Event. Louisiana is almost totally gone, as is southern Florida and parts of Central America. The Amazon Raifnforest is visibly depleted from space. The Central Asian desert now stretches almost all the way to the Pacific. Russian Siberia is thawing at a brisk clip. Most coral reefs have been bleached.

Thirty years: Megaprojects are now being attempted in the urbanized, developed West, but they are debt-laden, corrupt shitshows that grind to a halt every time there's an economic crisis, which occurs on a regular basis. Local self-sufficiencies in agriculture and meat cloning props up standards of living on a small scale, but these technological fixes only scratch the tip of the iceberg. Attempts are now made to more or less formally indentured wage laborers to their mega employers - BlackRock partnering with Amazon to build perpetual-rent company towns. Australia is mostly uninhabitable at this point. African modernization has already started to slow to a halt, the last cheap labor sources on the planet tapped out.

Forty years: The future now resembles Judge Dredd. The worker is indentured through debt bondage and extractive housing projects to his employers, living in primitive arcologies (singles unit megacities) on a mass scale throughout the world. This is true Late Stage Capitalism. Children are probably being raised from birth with explicit (rather than implicit) employment in mind, i.e. Amazon Schools etc.
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Sep 16, 2020
Op really thinks they would be the one stealing other people's supplies instead of getting cannibalized within a year lol
Anyone who has seen just a few of my posts will understand this is the opposite of how I would fair so it was waste of time even typing out about how I'd be one of the first to go because I'd have no medication I'm dependent on for a start.
But it's nice to see your personality thinking they are cool condescending derogatory attitude you state someone has for rep. Aren't you clever.
There is no abrupt collapse, as if by magic overnight. There is instead a loooooooong, slow process of decay. I think it looks like this.

One year from now: Much like today; increasing food shortages.

Five years from now: Regular food shortages throughout the developed world, though the system still works well enough that most people have not taken steps towards self-sufficiency. Homeownership in America and throughout the West is in rapid decline, as hedge funds have fully implemented their Great Reset rentier economy. Florida, the American South, coastal Latin America and the Carribean, tropical Southeast Asia and lowland Europe routinely experience intense rapid flooding on a seasonal basis.

Ten years: The American Southwest has started to become totally uninhabitable, and the Midwest routinely experiences drought conditions. London has flooded at least once. The Pacific Island has started to vanis, one by one, and the Sahara is visibly and rapdly expanding. Chinese economic growth has completely stalled out by this time. One bright light, at least by contemporary capitalist metrics, is sub-Saharan Africa, which has really started to modernize.

Twenty years: We have had at least one Blue Ocean Event. Louisiana is almost totally gone, as is southern Florida and parts of Central America. The Amazon Raifnforest is visibly depleted from space. The Central Asian desert now stretches almost all the way to the Pacific. Russian Siberia is thawing at a brisk clip. Most coral reefs have been bleached.

Thirty years: Megaprojects are now being attempted in the urbanized, developed West, but they are debt-laden, corrupt shitshows that grind to a halt every time there's an economic crisis, which occurs on a regular basis. Local self-sufficiencies in agriculture and meat cloning props up standards of living on a small scale, but these technological fixes only scratch the tip of the iceberg. Attempts are now made to more or less formally indentured wage laborers to their mega employers - BlackRock partnering with Amazon to build perpetual-rent company towns. Australia is mostly uninhabitable at this point. African modernization has already started to slow to a halt, the last cheap labor sources on the planet tapped out.

Forty years: The future now resembles Judge Dredd. The worker is indentured through debt bondage and extractive housing projects to his employers, living in primitive arcologies (singles unit megacities) on a mass scale throughout the world. This is true Late Stage Capitalism. Children are probably being raised from birth with explicit (rather than implicit) employment in mind, i.e. Amazon Schools etc.
I know I'm getting der when it's only twenty years before what you describe. Man... Sad, and what a horrid place to imagine, unfortunately that's how I've always felt even when covid hit it didn't give me any hope I knew it would go back to normal. But I do wish I wasn't so pessimistic as with hindsight I could have had 6 months to a year of peace while things were up in the air but I let my mind fuck me over.
I understand being fed up with the existing order and fantasizying about collapse, but in what world would that improve any of our lives? If anything, it will be the vulnerable people that suffer most.
Death for me would be a relief and since I'm struggling to achieve it by my own hand...
And I know alot of people feel the same. I know what you mean. If you have food and are vulnerable like myself then it's likely not gonna be fun.
But I am not striving to survive, I'm not sure if I would be targeted because I have nothing but. If anything did hit I would sit back and enjoy the feeling and it would be a huge relief that life wasn't after all a sadistic rigged corrupt game. Hope that makes sense.
I agree with you, humanity won't last much longer. But in my opinion it won't be in our generation. But I see a dark future where people would be fighting for water and food. Forrest's destroyed, robots taking away human jobs, you already see that in airports and supermarkets. And fuel, that will be the biggest problem. The world keeps quiet but experts say we are running out of fuel. And even with electric cars and such, those cars are still built with petrol material. That's why no babies for me that's for sure.
It makes me sad to think of the forests being destroyed, I have always felt a close connection with the ents from Lord of the rings especially when on mushrooms and the woods is the only place I feel welcome. It takes away my anxiety and everything. And gives me strength I know tree hugger soft arse shite sounds ridiculous but there's something in it.
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Feb 1, 2022
If you're looking for a CTB partner OP, hit me up.


Oct 16, 2019
i hope it doesn't. people who rely on social services or charities would be fucked. there are many problems in society, but a collapse would mean a mad-max world where even more people would suffer.
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Nov 19, 2021
Anyone who has seen just a few of my posts will understand this is the opposite of how I would fair so it was waste of time even typing out about how I'd be one of the first to go because I'd have no medication I'm dependent on for a start.
But it's nice to see your personality thinking they are cool condescending derogatory attitude
Incomprehensible, thank you


Dec 16, 2021
I'm torn, on the one hand I don't want society to collapse as it will cause untold suffering, on the other, capitalist society deserves to go bye-bye. I personally think societal break down is inevitable at this point, climate change has too much momentum, too much political divisiveness, people still believe imaginary borders mean anything. And we still exploit one another and billions of animals every year. I think it will be a slow process then all at once, we're in that slow process right now, but once countries can't supply their populations with bread and the circuses close up, nukes will start flying.
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Feb 1, 2022
On a related note, perhaps I spoke too soon about there not being an immediate collapse. Except if this is true, it's less "collapse" and more "mass extinction".

Research published in January by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) showed that atmospheric concentrations of methane—a greenhouse gas that's 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period—soared past 1,900 parts per billion in 2021, which ranked as the fourth-warmest year on record.

As Nature reported Tuesday, "The growth of methane emissions slowed around the turn of the millennium, but began a rapid and mysterious uptick around 2007."

"The spike has caused many researchers to worry that global warming is creating a feedback mechanism that will cause ever more methane to be released, making it even harder to rein in rising temperatures," the outlet noted. "Potential explanations [for the methane surge] range from the expanding exploitation of oil and natural gas and rising emissions from landfill to growing livestock herds and increasing activity by microbes in wetlands."

Euan Nisbet, an Earth scientist at Royal Holloway, University of London, told Nature that "methane levels are growing dangerously fast" as powerful countries around the world refuse to end the extraction of coal, natural gas, and other sources of the pollutant.

"Is warming feeding the warming? It's an incredibly important question," said Nisbet. "As yet, no answer, but it very much looks that way."
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Dec 10, 2021
it's probably going to happen but i don't care too much. the world sucks but a lot of people aren't truly evil, just ignorant so I don't necessarily want to see them suffer. if it happens while I'm alive I'm 100% going to ctb because I definitely won't go out there and try to fight for survival.
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Dec 15, 2021
The thought that we may be facing a societal collapse brings calmness to me, because then I wouldn't have anything keeping me here, so I would willingly end my life - not because i would be afraid and stressing out in trying to food prep, but because there would finally be an end to this society and existence, and I would choose to exit at will.

As for what could potentially create such a scenario is nuclear war, for example. Also, keep in mind that some countries - like Argentina - experience a type of societal collapse on a regular basis, due to their economy constantly crashing.
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Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
We're definitely reaching a point where something is going to give. There are people who have been prepping and collecting food, water etc and storing it in bunkers for years now. Inevitably there will come a day where they will be right to have been doing that.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I've already bought a bandana and a camo shirt in preparation. And I will sport just enough stubble to be all rugged and handsome. I do hope we get zombies.
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Sep 16, 2020
I've already bought a bandana and a camo shirt in preparation. And I will sport just enough stubble to be all rugged and handsome. I do hope we get zombies.
That sounds ace. Don't forget your ribbons too though lol.
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Sep 16, 2020
Goodbye all, I might drop back for a final goodbye but the idea is hopefully I will detach from this world so much that I dot even think about picking up a phone and my only aspiration is to exit.

. Few reasons. I have no will power I'm. An asshole and the smartphone usage is turning my brain to mush further.

2. I've been fairly productive scouring rhw fields walking miles several days a week to find the place to take the train and I'm at the point I'm physically ready to walk longer until I DO find the spot.
Spiritually I'm no closer to being ready but I've realized I never will be due to this shit world so am going to go ahead and pray for true none existence.

3. The smartphone is in my brain, it knows my thoughts and is really messing me up that I no longer feeling grounded as I was last year, as a targeted individual it's as if they've cranked up the dial of suffering and in allowing it by using their toys.
A simple life for a few weeks before leaving sounds great.
Technology is just laughing at me changing my settings and bombarding me with stupid notifications I didn't agree to and other petty stuff.

I've no excuses left I can walk which has been tough in the past so I should quit why I'm ahead.

And as I've said society won't break down in any good way, alls that will happen is the standard of living will continue to decline further and further until many people finally know some of our pains who have illness, homelessness, etc.

I am going to try to rewire my brain rapidly and I have to cold turkey from technology.

I'm sorry I've it been very acconadatibg to some who have reached out to me of late. I'm just incredibly depressed and am not myself at all because they are ripping me apart. But thank you, and good luck to you all.

Thanks so much to many of you are lovely people and have given such thoughtful responses that made my day.

Also I know some of you take all the likes and stuff seriously if I haven't liked your posts it's because I barely read any because of how busy I am. Only recently I thought to follow people in response to following me.
Thought that had to be said lol.

Anyway, best wishes and good luck all.
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Dec 15, 2021
Goodbye all, I might drop back for a final goodbye but the idea is hopefully I will detach from this world so much that I dot even think about picking up a phone and my only aspiration is to exit.

. Few reasons. I have no will power I'm. An asshole and the smartphone usage is turning my brain to mush further.

2. I've been fairly productive scouring rhw fields walking miles several days a week to find the place to take the train and I'm at the point I'm physically ready to walk longer until I DO find the spot.
Spiritually I'm no closer to being ready but I've realized I never will be due to this shit world so am going to go ahead and pray for true none existence.

3. The smartphone is in my brain, it knows my thoughts and is really messing me up that I no longer feeling grounded as I was last year, as a targeted individual it's as if they've cranked up the dial of suffering and in allowing it by using their toys.
A simple life for a few weeks before leaving sounds great.
Technology is just laughing at me changing my settings and bombarding me with stupid notifications I didn't agree to and other petty stuff.

I've no excuses left I can walk which has been tough in the past so I should quit why I'm ahead.

And as I've said society won't break down in any good way, alls that will happen is the standard of living will continue to decline further and further until many people finally know some of our pains who have illness, homelessness, etc.

I am going to try to rewire my brain rapidly and I have to cold turkey from technology.

I'm sorry I've it been very acconadatibg to some who have reached out to me of late. I'm just incredibly depressed and am not myself at all because they are ripping me apart. But thank you, and good luck to you all.

Thanks so much to many of you are lovely people and have given such thoughtful responses that made my day.

Also I know some of you take all the likes and stuff seriously if I haven't liked your posts it's because I barely read any because of how busy I am. Only recently I thought to follow people in response to following me.
Thought that had to be said lol.

Anyway, best wishes and good luck all.

May you find peace at last - somehow, somewhere. I agree in that technology and popup windows are making life miserable. It's like life itself has become a nagging popup window, which needs to be closed on our way to non-existence, or the after life -whatever comes next.
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