

everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
i've been sulking in my room for over two weeks now. the hot weather has got me stuck. i only go out for food orders (bulimia) or drug runs.

i got high last night and "realized" (i knew this for a while, but this time i really pondered) that my lifestyle will get me no where in life and that i am the definition of a loser. it really sunk in off a joint.

the problem is i have multiple issues that i dont know what to get help for first. drug addiction, bulimia (really destroying my health), major depression and suicidal ideation to mention the major ones. i am trying to get a psych and therapist again but i dont know how ill hold up even with those things. im worried, can someone give me some insight?
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
A lot of people here will tell you NEET is better than working, and they're probably right if you have support.

I think you've got to start with drug addiction and bulimia. Working on those could really help the other things. As far as how to. . . I'm sorry but that's a bit too tough for me.

I'd worry about your mental health before worrying about being a "loser." Most people are losers. You're either one of the very special ones or you aren't.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Yes, but I wasn't a NEET for long (just 1 year). I started studying on my own for my university entrance exam and got in.

Not sure what your situation is exactly, or what your options are, but be careful of trying to work on your issues and just being stuck working on them forever. If I were you I'd look for something you can achieve or pursue education/employment wise or something that gives you more freedom overall (driver's license for example). If your mental health impedes you from pursuing that, that's fine, you should look into solving those issues with therapy/meds if possible. But you need to have an objective in mind.
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Apr 16, 2024
i don't have any advice or anything, but i think i just made the same realization as you very recently, and am at the same point of trying to connect with a therapist and a psychiatrist.

i've been a neet since covid... i lost hope for a good while and now i'm finally trying to set up appointments with doctors after many years of not seeing any. i don't use any drugs, but i do have body dysmorphia and very disordered eating which ties into my extreme social anxiety, and are all why i don't really go outside to do anything. it probably won't be a quick and easy fix, but i'm definitely hopeful that finally addressing my anxieties with doctors will get me to at least be functional enough to work and socialize a bit more normally again. i tried to tackle my EDs and body image issues by myself for years, and i just kept getting deeper and deeper into them because no result would ever be good enough. they control my life and i definitely need help for it.

it's just been too many years now and i can't stay home doing nothing anymore. my self-esteem has been terrible my whole life but at this point i don't think it can get any lower.

and i think what i've seen in general from the people here thinking being a neet is better than working, is they also don't find a point in life either way? so why work or "wage slave" if one thinks there is nothing good or meaningful in life at all. that's a fair enough point. i think life, for me at least, does have the potential to be very fulfilling. but i know that it never will be if i am a neet. so i am trying to get myself out of this rather than just sulking in misery thinking everything is pointless.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I think you should focus on your health issues first. As long as you're not healthy you won't have real success in education or with a job of any kind rather you may end up even worse bc of the stress that often comes with jobs and education.

To be a NEET must not be a bad thing, it's imo nothing to be ashamed of. However, a job/work that you really like is always more fulfilling than being a NEET.
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The number zero is feeling lonely...
Nov 30, 2020
I've gone through multiple neet and borderline neet faces. I also have no friends. What's helped me has been getting a part-time and scholarships for studying. That way I keep myself productive. Idk where you are from so only the part-time might be useful.
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𝕭𝖎𝖌 𝕱𝖆𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝕵𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖈𝖐✨
Jun 19, 2023
You're obviously asking the wrong question. You know what your real problems are. Instead of "neet" in the title there has to be one of them. Imo, there's no way to stop being a neet in a long run without solving those main issues
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Nov 13, 2021
I was a NEET but not for long, maybe a year. I hated every second of it. I don't understand how a lot of people here enjoy it tbh. I was able to get out of it, I started college, even got a job this summer. I hate it but it's nice to have money. I imagine it's even better if you get a job that pays enough for you to live alone. That's my goal after college, to get a job paying enough to move out. I plan on taking my cat as well.

I have a feeling you're going to really struggle getting out of being a NEET before dealing with the other things like bulimia and addiction. I can say with certainty it's possible with depression and suicidal ideation, at least for me.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
Can you specify which drugs you use? Not all of them are that beneficial, but there are also drugs among them that can give you a lot of motivation and energy to manage everyday life and other things. Some people, for example, use amphetamine e.g. for fitness, studying, and doing work - but that can also be expensive or unclean.
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Jun 5, 2024
currently in a NEET period right now. hopefully i will begin studying this year so i can escape NEETdom.
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Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
I've happened to recover from periods of staying at home and go back to working in the family shop, but I don't think it's the same.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Why would you want to recover from being NEET? It's not something that you need to recover from. NEET life is the best life. It's ideal. Wageslaves work away their whole lives just for the possibility of retirement. NEETs are already retired and living that life. Why would you dream of labor? I certainly don't
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Nov 13, 2021
Why would you want to recover from being NEET? It's not something that you need to recover from. NEET life is the best life. It's ideal. Wageslaves work away their whole lives just for the possibility of retirement. NEETs are already retired and living that life. Why would you dream of labor? I certainly don't
I think it's something that's subjective. Personally, I found no fulfillment in being NEET. I don't find fulfillment in work either though, but work provides me with money and that allows to feel fulfilled. I suppose if you have some sort of financial support, it's not as bad though. Not that I judge NEETs, I just found it wasn't for me and maybe this person feels similarly.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Why would you want to recover from being NEET? It's not something that you need to recover from. NEET life is the best life. It's ideal. Wageslaves work away their whole lives just for the possibility of retirement. NEETs are already retired and living that life. Why would you dream of labor? I certainly don't

There's a reason we don't call retirees NEETs
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It is what it is
Mar 9, 2024
I'm *technically* not a NEET anymore, after being it for many years. Got an online job based on mostly self taught skills, acquired through on-and-off moments of enthusiasm and curiosity. I'm very afraid of losing that job, since the prospects of having to go back out there scare me.

This will sound silly to some, but I still consider myself a loser, since the only things I do is work and go to the gym. No friends, no plans. The depression and the SI are still there. Being NEET was enjoyable at times, but it worsens the "loser" feelings. Having some financial stability helps.

Going back to your question, of course it is possible to recover. You just got a very important step done: Realize your current lifestyle isn't the way, and you already are thinking about getting help, so, that goes beyond what many of us have done. Wish you the best.
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everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
Why would you want to recover from being NEET? It's not something that you need to recover from. NEET life is the best life. It's ideal. Wageslaves work away their whole lives just for the possibility of retirement. NEETs are already retired and living that life. Why would you dream of labor? I certainly don't
i live under an abusive household. i'd rather be independent, have friends, have a social life with a support network, than sit at home all day without recognizing the beauty of life and being called names by my parents every hour.
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